Gail Collins, like most Democrats, doesn’t like how you are spending your money. Apparently, if soft money was evil, ‘hard’ money from individuals is worse. And get this- Gail points out that some of the people donating money to Bush’s campaign may have benefitted from the tax cuts passed in the past few years. Imagine.
Note to Democrats- most conservatives think tax cuts benefit EVERYONE.
the talking dog
Well, which is it John? You KNOW your friendly neighborhood GOP controlled Congress is not– under any circumstances– going to turn off the corporate gravy train even for a nano-second to have anything like “spending cuts”. So that means that if you LIKE– and I mean even a little, in any degree- the current (or the last) round of Bush tax cuts, than you must LIKE the idea of deficit spending and saddling future generations with dependency on foreign creditors and/or ever higher taxes.
So I repeat– which is it?
As to Collins– she is being surprisedly even-handed for an admitted partisan: she even noted that Clinton did the same thing as Bush (fundraising for an imaginary primary to have a big war chest for the general election). I don’t think its an ironic point to note that it is people who can AFFORD to write $2000 checks to camapaigns who actually do so.
As if the donks never took a cent of money from anyone who ever benefitted from any tax cut…pardon moi whilst I barf!!!
John Cole
Talking Dog- MY point is that it angersher what people do with their own damn money. If she had her way, the government would fund campaigns, and it would be illegal for me to give money to candidates I choose. IN other words, she wants to tell me how to spend my money- which pisses me off.
This has nothing to do with the utterly irresponsible spending that is currently going on. This has to do with her arrogance.
Andrew Lazarus
I think the implication is that Bush is catering to a class that invests a few thousand dollars in donations and receives much more in tax cuts. Just as some corporations lobby and make disguised contributions (PACs, executives making donations, even sometimes executives illegally coercing donations from employees) and then turn a profit on the deal by favorable legislation.
We’re not all better off with the tax cut, and you know it.
Labor unions?