Guess what is missing from the D-Day memorial at Normandy?
*** Update ***
I have no idea what the hell to make of this.
*** Update #2 ***
The Frogmen clears everything up– we were blaspheming the French wrongly here. Not that I like the French, now, or anything.
David Perron
A Clue?
Did someone say a clue? Where?
Sean Hackbarth
My French wine bans continues.
Barney Gumble
Moe Lane
He claims otherwise. Got any proof (history of similar behavior by the writer in question might do, for a start), or is your trick knee just acting up again?
PS You did read the article, right? I ask only because one-word replies, while pithy, are notoriously free of nuance. :)
David Perron
And nuance, to some on the Left who shall remain unnamed, is so much more vital than substance.
Andrew Lazarus
Alternative explanation
Moe Lane
“Alternative explanation”
Now -this- is something that I could believe, and it doesn’t even require active malice on -somebody’s- part…
M. Scott Eiland
The alternative explanation seems to track–from what I’ve been able to piece together, DF didn’t get useful answers from the people he talked to and jumped to conclusions. The responses from certain anti-American dimwits who also assumed that the museum authorities had removed the American flags and who used the occasion to deliver yet another lecture on the horrors of “freedom fries” and whatnot were quite enlightening, and they are owed no apology for the abuse they received in response–though the museum operators certainly are.
Any new ideas?