While the left will have a collective hissy fit over Bush declaring six prisoners fit for trial by military tribunal, they will completely miss this:
The top suspect wanted in the Riyadh suicide bombing was killed along with three other militants in a gunbattle Thursday when police raided their hideout in northern Saudi Arabia, officials said. al-Qaeda member Turki Nasser al-Dandani had been the kingdom’s most wanted man after the suspected mastermind of the Riyadh attacks turned himself in over the weekend.
Mighty convenient how these terrorists keep getting killed in raids or shot up in a crossfire before they get a chance to talk. This is not a coincidence or accident that this is happening in Saudi Arabia. The bastards are burying the evidence- literally.
the talking dog
Good catch, though the Saudis don’t limit themselves knocking off “suspected terrorists”. The Royals seem to have a knack for having fatal “car accidents”.
Fortunately, as an infidel Zionist, the Kingdom won’t be lettin’ ME in!!!
Barney Gumble
Yeah, the Nat Guard Barracks bombing they beheaded them even though the FBI wanted to interview them.
I can explain the entire 9-11 investigation for you in three sentences.
9-12-01: “The trail can lead anywhere as long as it doesn’t lead to Saudi Arabia.”
9-12-02: “The trail can lead anywhere as long as it leads to Iraq.”
9-12-03: “The trail can lead anywhere as long as it leads to Iran.”
Andrew Lazarus
Well, it’s a big step forward from indefinite detention without charge, incommunicado.
Tony Foresta
We all, left and right applaud the execution of mass murderers, – now if the Saudi’s will only quit lavishly funding the jihadist islamic murder gangs, and teaching four-year-olds to kill jews and infidels, – we’ll believe they are actually concerned about more than petro dollars.
Wow. Barney Gumble AND Tony Foresta! John, you’re heading for your own Trifecta!
Francis W. Porretto
You have to expect this sort of thing from a face-oriented culture. Remember, the Saudis get their hearts started in the morning by screaming insults at one another. Though the conceal-the-evidence angle on it is also attractive, and deserves to be explored further.