Letf-wingers often like to attack Republicans for things the right-wing fringe says and does- most recently, Republicans united to condemn the idiotic remarks of Pat Robertson, who was supporting the Liberian strong-man Taylor. It is time for Democrats to come forward and disavow the remarks of Julian Bond, who was speaking to the NAACP. And spare me the crap that the NAACP is non-partisan:
Republicans appeal “to the dark underside of American culture, to that minority of Americans who reject democracy and equality,” NAACP Chairman Julian Bond said yesterday at the civil rights group’s 94th annual convention.
“They preach racial neutrality and practice racial division … their idea of reparations is to give war criminal Jefferson Davis a pardon,” Mr. Bond said during his welcoming remarks. “Their idea of equal rights is the American flag and Confederate swastika flying side by side.”
Mr. Bond, who in a 2001 speech compared conservatives to the Taliban, never specifically used the term Republicans but made the comments about those who control the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court.
“We are and always have been nonpartisan … but being nonpartisan doesn’t mean being noncritical. And it doesn’t even mean criticizing all parties equally. If the Democrats were doing anything, we’d criticize them, too,” Mr. Bond said.
I will be waiting for the left to denounce these remarks.
I give up. What did Bond say that was wrong or inaccurate?
the talking dog
I’m kind of with Tom on this.
What exactly did Bond say that is even inaccurate, let alone worthy of condemnation or even in the same planet as Pat Robertson’s bizarre support for the mass murdering tyrant Charles Taylor?
Gary Farber
Interesting. I opened your comments to ask to be specify which remarks, exactly, should be denounced. I often disagree (and often agree) with the talking dog and tbogg, but in this case we are all, apparently, entirely unclear as to what you are referring to. So: please specify?
Eric Sivula
Name a Confederate death camp for blacks, please? Please list the times that the Confederates rounded up black civilians and shot them? And what racially divisive actions have the Republicans taken? I remember Jim Crow laws, but those were Democrats.
The reason the Republicans had to pardon Jeff Davis is most Democrats had left to be Confederates.
And why doesn’t the NAACP condemn Jesse Jackson for his anti-Semitic statements, or Louis Farrakhan for his anti-Caucasaisn and anti-Semitic statements?
M. Scott Eiland
“And why doesn’t the NAACP condemn Jesse Jackson for his anti-Semitic statements, or Louis Farrakhan for his anti-Caucasaisn and anti-Semitic statements?”
For the same reason the DNC refused to condemn the NAACP’s ad that implicitly connected GWB with the James Byrd dragging murder:
The race hucksters stick together.
Bond is simply throwing out red meat for the lunatic partisans of the NAACP. They may have black faces, but they aren’t the face of black American.
nix that “n” in American, d’oh
Seems to be a complete failure to read or at the very least sense unbelievably provocative, divisive rhetoric here.
John Cole
to the dark underside of American culture, to that minority of Americans who reject democracy and equality
That would be a nice start…
I’m surprised that so many people here can’t see what’s wrong with this, but let’s examine, shall we?
Republicans preach racial division?
Affirmative action, quotas, bloc voting, class/race envy… Those aren’t preached by Republicans. Those are Democratic tools.
Their idea of equal rights is the American flag and Confederate swastika flying side by side?
Who created that Confederate swastika? The same party that refused to disavow the practice of slavery which in turn formed the Republican Party. Jim Crow. Segregation. Slavery. Mr. Bond might do well to look into history rather than jumping to support a party because black people are supposed to.
Finally, non-partisan?
If anyone thinks the NAACP is non-partisan, well, they’re probably beyond hope anyway.
“I give up. What did Bond say that was wrong or inaccurate?”
“What exactly did Bond say that is even inaccurate, let alone worthy of condemnation or even in the same planet as Pat Robertson’s bizarre support for the mass murdering tyrant Charles Taylor?”
“Interesting. I opened your comments to ask to be specify which remarks, exactly, should be denounced. ”
Just amazing. Republicans / conservatives are called racist en masse by a leader in a formerly respected national civil rights organization (who immediately after claims to be “non-partisan”), and lefties can’t figure out the problem.
Earth to lefties. This is why you lost the country. Everyone knows the conservative = racist gig is over. You have to come up with a new smear.
Which party believes some pigs are more equal than others? Which party supports special interest pressure tactics?
I’m starting to think there are no liberal blog readers. Just rabid lefties.
Greg Heilers
How ironic. Mr. Bond’s historical accuracy is just as poor as the majority of those on the Left. He fails to mention that on 17 October, 1978; it was none other than DEMOCRAT President Jimmy Carter who signed into law, the bill pardonning Davis, and restoring his US citizenship. Oh wait, it is not ironic at all…such warping of historical fact is part of the NAACP mantra….
What is Mr. Bond’s email address? He really needs to be taken to task for this.
That would be the Democrats.
And the Republicans.
The GOP has Bob Jones U the Democrats have the NAACP. The GOP has Falwell, Robertson, Duke, et al. The Democrats have Jackson, Mfume, Sharpton, et al.
Take your choice. I chose neither.
“Name a Confederate death camp for blacks, please? Please list the times that the Confederates rounded up black civilians and shot them?”
Jeez, you don’t know much about the Civil War, do you? Blacks in arms against the South were massacred on numerous occasions–go read about Fort Pillow, or the end of the Battle of the Crater. Of course, given that the Confederates thought of clacks as PROPERTY, they didn’t do anything so asinine as set up death camps for blacks NOT in arms against the South, any more than they burned down their own farms–instead, they put them to work (and raped the women).
John Cole
There is no doubt the atrocities Rea is talking about occurred- not sure how that excuses Bond for popping off at the mouth all the time.
Baley-Bonnie Tulphrey
Could you please post pictures for future references.
I’m really tired, too, of how the blacks (and black Leaders) get away for saying some of the most bigoted comments about whites and jews. They’re allowed to come to college campuses spewing this anti-white crap and black professors are allowed to promote their black supremacist/anti-white agenda on our tax dollar. In my opinion, the black leaders are more dangerous than klansmen or neo-nazis
Jeffrey ansell
it is a bad dumb not good site i no likey it, it is not good at all there is no games
Julian Bond & his ilk are the 2004
definition of racism
in America.
I am not sure how anyone can read Mr. Bond’s speech and not see him for what he truly is. Someone stuck to the tired rhetoric of the far left fringe. The speech is visibly left leaning and supportive of the Democratic Party. Yet I thought the NAACP was a non-partisan organization.
Not only is the speech littered with anti-Republican messages it also praises those on the left. At one point in the speech Mr. Bond refers to Michael Moore