From the mouth of known murderer Teddy Chappaquiddick:
The Bush administration has acknowledged its error in using the Niger allegations in Bush’s speech, despite serious doubts expressed by the intelligence community.
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., appearing on NBC’s “Today” show Tuesday, said “there is a broader issue, and that is the failed policy toward Iraq.”
So, several months is time enough to declare Iraq a failure. I guess they really did think it would be a cakewalk.
Would that he’d repeat his trick of missing that bridge, again…doubt he’d swim as far this time!
I saw top GOP Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX) on television today, and it seemed to me that she is also having doubts about whether the Iraq war was the right thing to do – when asked whether the war was necessary, she did not at first say yes; she said that we needed more time to be able to tell that. Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE), the respected war veteran who was blasting the chickenhawks who were constantly pushing for this war, also has raised concerns about the war, and he has specifically been talking about the flawed intelligence information that was used to convince the public that the war was necessary for our national security and self-defense. Many conservatives and Republicans are also raising this issue and asking pertinent questions, and we are right to do so.
As Radley Balko said, we need an investigation into this mess. No one – Republican, Democrat, or anything else – should downplay the significance of the what has happened, especially with respect to the issue of CBW, WMD, and intelligence data. A multi-partisan investigation should be set up to try to get to the bottom of this… Ascertaining the truth can only be beneficial to us all in the long run.
Cooperation and honesty, rather than partisanship and politics, is what will answer the many legitimate questions that have been raised in recent weeks and months. Hopefully, the Democrats and Republcans will make attempts to stop their partisan bickering, or at least take a break from it, to put our country and our citizenry first for a change.
John Cole
Any use of the word chickenhawk immediately invalidates any argument. At least to me. And Aakash, you have been railing against this war for a year now, so anything you see you will contort to fit your viewpoint…
John Cole
And Aakash- I am all in favor of an investigation- but we won;t have one. What we have here is a drumbeat for scandal-mongering, and nothing will be accomplished.
Where were you six years ago….when our then President Clinton and our then congressional leaders, as well as the the United Nations, were making the argument that Saddam had WMD’s in Iraq?
Your comment is hysterically a little to late!
You and numerous members of our Congress seem to have forgotten that the former President Clinton BOMBED Iraq based on the intelligence information he had received. The only thing that change in the past six years was the presidency..Saddam, during that time, was waiting for the UN sanctions to be lifted so he could continue playing with his HOBBY of developing, experimenting with, and using WMD’s.
The difference between you and I is that, I do not need my government to tell me that Saddam was a threat to people around the world, I look at the actions of Saddam himself which has convinced me he was a threat. You, on the other hand, overlook the actions of Saddam entirely.
So, why don’t YOU take a break and “put our country and citizenry first for a change”
“Any use of the word chickenhawk immediately invalidates any argument. At least to me.”
I was actually re-stating the sentiments of U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE). I don’t know if he specifically used that word, but he definitely expressed those thoughts in his earlier opposition to the war.
“And Aakash, you have been railing against this war for a year now, so anything you see you will contort to fit your viewpoint…”
Of course. The same is true for just about everyone else…
“And Aakash- I am all in favor of an investigation- but we won;t have one. What we have here is a drumbeat for scandal-mongering, and nothing will be accomplished.”
I have long opposed the Democrats… And I agree with you that what they are doing is partisan, and that they are trying to use this for political gain. That is one of the reasons that, in my above comment, I cited Republican officials. When President Clinton used false information to justify government expansion and state action – both domestically and abroad – those of us who are conservatives and Republicans (as well as some others) blasted him for doing so. And we were quite right.
Where were you six years ago….when our then President Clinton and our then congressional leaders, as well as the the United Nations, were making the argument that Saddam had WMD’s in Iraq?”
Well, when I was in tenth grade I wasn’t nearly as aware of international situations and foreign policy issues as I am now… Though I was aware of domestic issues. I have always opposed Bill Clinton – ever since I was in sixth grade, and he was running for President against George H. W. Bush. (I just published a blog entry to that effect.) If you think I’m critical of the Bush administration, you should have been around when I was talking about Clinton.
Check out:
The Clinton Calendar
“The difference between you and I is that, I do not need my government to tell me that Saddam was a threat to people around the world, I look at the actions of Saddam himself which has convinced me he was a threat. You, on the other hand, overlook the actions of Saddam entirely.”
Saddam would always have been a threat, but his was not that significant when compared to the numerous much greater threats that we have been facing for years, and continue to face today. I have been making that point for some time (as John indicated), and right now, I have to leave for class in a few minutes, and am not going to go over this again.
“So, why don’t YOU take a break and ‘put our country and citizenry first for a change’ “
Gladly. That’s what has been my aim all along.
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Cotidie damnatur qui semper timet – The man who is constantly in fear is every day condemned. (Syrus)