When I say that the left has become unhinged, this is what I mean:
They steal the 2000 presidential election, a number of 2002 congressional races, and they prepare to steal the White House in the next.
They reduce public access to government information and they slash civil liberties.
They declare corporate pre-emptive war on a country that offers us no resistance, and ignore the pleadings of unemployed Americans in order so they can instead advance the selfish aims of the investor class.
They run the government without considered input from the loyal opposition and ram through legislation with the most revulsive hardball tactics.
Welcome to the GOP police state.
Had enough yet?
Yeah, I have had enough of your tired rhetoric. Fortunately, so has the public. And, btw- I have a modest income, but I invest as much as possible (I have a 20 year old car and a very modest apartment) o I can take care of myself later in life- I am your evil investor class. I love the bill the Dems are trying to block.
well, creating some liberal or democrat straw man to kill over this one person’s post isn’t a lot better than him/her makign a straw man argument about the big bad evil GOP, is it?
Perhaps you didn’t read the article, in which House Dems engage in similar rhetoric themselves, one screaming the slur “fruitcake” at a Republican.
I’m curious about the fruitcake thing.
I thought the slur against a homosexual was “fruit,” while calling someone a “fruitcake” was meant to be an insult to his/her intelligence.
The American Heritage Dictionary (via dictionary.com) supports my understanding.
However, many other people appear to be assuming that “fruitcake” was intended as a homophobic insult.
I don’t suppose we can get Stark himself to clarify…
While namecalling of this sort is clearly a blow to the dignity of Congress, it strikes me as far less problematic than an attempt to have Democrats bodily removed from deliberative chambers.
Sorry to destroy the fantasy of an all-Republican Congress, but the Democrats also are elected representatives of the American people, and they belong in those chambers.
RuminateThis certainly is going overboard. But the WPost ed board pointed out the really troubling aspect of all this: regardless of whether you support the particular legislation, it is destructive of the democratic process to have important and complex legislation rammed through without giving all members the opportunity to read and understand it. (coughPATRIOTcough).
“[I]t’s hard to justify asking any lawmaker — Democrat or Republican — to vote on an issue as complicated as pension reform without having any time in which lawmakers could possibly understand what they’re doing — other than reflexively following (or resisting) the dictates of the few in command. Yet that is happening time after time — not just in understandable end-of-session scrambles on behemoth spending bills but on some of the most consequential issues before Congress, from Medicare to tax cuts.”
Fortney Stark has always has been a world class dick. Anybody who’s watched C-Span over the last ten years can tell you that. The problem with this story is that it’s very much an “us vs. them” story with little real evidence to support either side. Were the Democrats being unruly enough to justify being kicked out? I can’t say. It just wouldn’t surprise me with someone like Stark egging them on.
I think we’ve entered a time in our country were the stupidity level on both sides have reached sickening highs. But to comment on this one issue: there is no GOP police state. Do people really realize what a police state is? I don’t think some do. And to lump the investor class into one group is idiotic. There are classes within the investor class.
Barney Gumble
I can’t believe that was in the WaPost.
The worm is definitely turning.
Say John, didn’t you have a post a coupla weeks ago about how prosperity was just around the corner because the DJIA was up to 9150?
M. Scott Eiland
Looks like Democratic strategy is being formulated by Eric Alterman these days: after losing, storm off to a corner, whine loudly, and accuse the other side of being Nazis.
Actually, that’s been the strategy for House Democrats since January of 1995–it just *sounds* like Alterman formulated it.
Alterman, eh? Good one. If Republicans are “stormtroopers,” then Alterman Dems must be “wormtroopers.”