You can file this one under “Cry Me A River:”
An Evergreen State College student was injured slightly Monday while demonstrating with Palestinians in the West Bank, according to news reports and his mother. Sam Tsohonis, 26, is two weeks into a two-month stay as an activist, hoping to work with Palestinian artists to create a “peace mural.” He and four Palestinian protesters were injured while demonstrating against Israel’s construction of a security fence in the West Bank.
President Bush has encouraged the Israelis to remove the fence; thus far Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has refused.
Tsohonis and the demonstrators were specifically protesting the destruction of Palestinian olive groves near Anin that were torn down to make way for the fence, he said in an e-mail to his mother.
Earlier this year, 23-year-old Evergreen State College student Rachel Corrie was killed as she stood before an Israeli bulldozer while protesting in the Gaza Strip.
My question- won’t this new concrete fence give him plenty of room to make a gigantic peace mural? Who says the Israelis don’t care…
(via Dailypundit)
I don’t understand your point. The kid has the same viewpoint as Pres. Bush.
I think the fence is not concrete, but more like chain link. At least that is what I have see on the news. Poor miss guided people.
Andrew Lazarus
As I understand it, the fence is concrete in the areas it’s on the Green Line, but less permanent where it incurses into Palestinian territory (and often onto Palestinian private property).
There are a number of organizations (even some Palestinian ones) truly committed to democracy and peace, but the Evergreen students seem unable to find them.
Bush is wrong on this… Besides, it’s none of his business anyway.
no such thing as pali property in a land that was given to AM YISRAEL! and NOT ishmaelites