Poor Atrios- Josh Marshall, the NY Times, and even the Democrat candidates and senior Democrats are coming to the realization that Democrats have been blinded by their anger and seething rage that they are directing towards George Bush. Atrios, in all his glory, remarks:
I find the comparisons between “Clinton hating,” which started before the guy even took office and was associated with numerous bullshit conspiracy theories and fake scandals pushed by congressional committees and mainstream journalists/opinion writers and “Bush Hating,” which have everything to do with his actual policies, rather silly.
Ask a wingnut why they don’t like Clinton and they’ll claim he’s a rapist, a drug runner, a communist spy, etc… etc… It rarely has much to do with any consistent or sensible evaluation of his policies. And, to the extent that they ever did they’ve been rendered moot by their unwavering support for Dear Leader’s embrace of many of the things they claimed to hate Clinton for.
Welcome to the la-la-land that is the loony left. The left has been leveling the chimpy/shrub/dumbest man ever remarks since well before the election. Claiming otherwise is merely delusional.
Also note the strain of condescension- they hate Bush for his policies, Clinton haters hated the person. This is more of the “Democrats are nuaanced nonsense.” Most of us disliked Clinton for his policies and the fact that he is a scumbag.
When Dubya ran against Ann Richards (and won), even then, she was touting him as stupid and an idjit.
Can anyone point to any Republican efforts like that in Arkansas when Clinton was running?
As important, did any of those make the national media the way Richards’ stuff did (the fact that I’m far from TX yet remember hearing this stuff should say something….)
John Cole
Not to mention that most of the pre-election charges against stemmed from other Democrats doing opposition research.
M. Scott Eiland
Fifty years ago the Democrats were implying that Ike was an idiot (strange how he led the Allies in Europe so successfully, wasn’t it?). Twenty years ago, the Democrats were telling us that Ronald Reagan was an idiot. For the last four years, they’ve been telling us that GWB is an idiot.
It’s been fifty years–will the Democrats *ever* tire of having their asses kicked by men they think are idiots?
Don’t forget Dan Quayle. He was an idiot too. But Al Gore, for all of his verbal fumbles (many, many more than Quayle) has never been thought of as an idiot. At least not by the left.
Well said, John (last sentence especially).
Scott: What makes you think the Stevenson wing of the Democratic party would have seen any contradiction between Ike being a successful military man and Ike being a little dim?
As a Herman Wouk character put it (with angry sarcasm), “Course, we all figured in those days only fools go into armed service….Not for us sensitive intellectuals.”
“Twenty years ago, the Democrats were telling us that Ronald Reagan was an idiot.”
if he wasn’t one then…
*puts a new drool bucket under ronnie’s chin*
total, undignified, low-blow…thank you *bow*
Speaking of unmitigated hatred…
Moe Lane
Why give his attitude such a cachet as hatred, Ricky, when a phrase like ‘nyeh kulturny’ is available?
“Fifty years ago the Democrats were implying that Ike was an idiot (strange how he led the Allies in Europe so successfully, wasn’t it?). Twenty years ago, the Democrats were telling us that Ronald Reagan was an idiot. For the last four years, they’ve been telling us that GWB is an idiot.”
Don’t know about Ike, but the Dems were dead on about Reagan and GWB.
Maybe the reason GWB was thought of as an idiot by democrats back to Ann Richards is because in fact, he is an idiot?
And apparently, idiots like to vote for other idiots.
David Perron
Can I repeat my earlier comment to the effect that the Dems have cornered the mentally ill vote? It seems particularly appropriate, given the nature of the comments of wallster and Sean, above.
Sweet Lou
Well, Wallster seems to know what he is talking about.
Hell, I’m so dumb, I don’t even know what the meaning of “is” is…had to have the President of the US of A explain it to me.
I shore thot I at least understood what sex is, but I didn’t even have that rite!
Too bad Mondale or Gore couldn’t wipe the floor with either in a debate (as folks like yourself predicted), wallster.
For two idiots, they’ve sure kicked a helluva lot of donk ass.
John, you may need to update your post, at least as it relates to Josh Marshall. He must have got the memo from DNC HDQTRS after his initial post in the morning of August 4, because by the time of his early PM post on the same date, he had largely restructured his arguments to the point that the last post is very, very similar to that made by the knuckle-dragger, atrios.
Adrianne Truett
Ahh, idiocy. I love how the only possible reason Republicans aren’t on autopilot saying over and over “Deanisanidiotdeanisanidiot” or “Clinton had an IQ of 36” or whatever is because they Know The Truth and are In Awe Of Democrat Brilliance. Nope, couldn’t be any other reasons.
“Democrat Brilliance”… There’s the oxymoron of the century. So brilliant that Adrianne doesn’t know you are not supposed to capitalize a word in the middle of a sentence unless it is a name or, could it be, that this is the title of a new book full of Democrat brilliance? A waste of good paper but fortunately not a waste of good ink since there would be nothing to print.
Mike the Analyst
What wallster has done is simply proven people like Rush Limbaugh correct when they say “Democrats think the majority of America is stupid – too stupid to vote for them!”
Ronald Reagan, revoked the lousy $237 once given to families to help bury veterans. (Ironically, one of the vets
Billy Gram
Bush as president and the Caryle group is becoming rich beyond imagination?