Howard Dean was on Larry King Live, and it was the typical lovefest that Larry King showers on everyone:
“Would you like a chocolate, Howard? How about I rub your shoulders? Tell me why you are the best candidate.”
Seriously, it was the same sort of fluff that King dishes up to everyone, regardless of political persuasion. Has this guy asked a worthwhile question in 40 years? At any rate, I was just curious with what is wrong with Dean’s jaw- he seems to have some sort of click. I had a friend who had something like that- he was always moving his jaw back and forth. Weird- might explain why Dean always looks pissed off- the weird jaw and the pursed lips.
There was one really funny moment when Dean compared himself to John F. Kennedy. A caller was asking Dean about his stance on the war (ever the bumbling fool, King accidentally disconnected her in mid question and stated that “Well, you get the gist of the question, Governor.”). Dean went on to state, and I must paraphrase:
“I don’t think a Democrat can win having been for the war. This goes to my judgement, blah blah blah, and shows that I can stand on principle even when the American people think differently, just like John F. Kennedy did during the Cuban Missile Crisis.”
I snorted Cherry Garcia on my shirt at this point. At any rate, as Matt at a Fearful Symmetry quipped to me on AOL IM, Dean and Kennedy do share one similarity- a bad back:
“Jack Kennedy hurt his back during a heroic turn in the Pacific during WWII. Howard Dean got a draft deferrment for a hurt back, then made an athletic turn on the slopes of Aspen during Vietnam.”
yeah, I was commenting to my friend while we were watching, that old larry sure does throw up a lot of softballs, to which he replied “that’s why everyone goes on his show”…understandable enough – if someone’s offering free lunches, well you take one. of course as a moderate deaniac, it was fine by me, although he did let dean ramble a bit much, such as that kennedy comment (also enjoyed the stream of pro-dean easy phone calls, encouraged on their blog – hey, looked and sounded nice).
and i noticed the jaw/lips thing…it is odd. He looks all tense, but i have a feeling it’s just his natural pose, like some people chew on their lip or bite their fingernails or grind their teeth or whatever…it’s just what he does when hes really focused, without meaning to. the PR guys will work on it, i’m sure.
anyway back to the point, its too bad there isnt someone between selective attack-dog, establishment-whore Russert and total wimp, whore-to-all larry king…chris matthews might be somewhat in between them, but he does his bit of playing favorites too, and who really watches him…ah well
How in the world did JFK stand “on principle” apart from the American people during the Cuban Missile Crisis? Is Dean suggesting that most Americans would have caved on Cuba? Or is Dean referring to the long-held secret trade of Jupiter missiles in Turkey for the Cuban missiles (which JFK refused to talk about b/c he insisted there was no quid pro quo)?