Remember, and these people want us to follow their foreign policy:
Do devastating hurricanes need help from affirmative action?
A member of Congress apparently thinks so, and is demanding the storms be given names that sound “black.”
The congressional newspaper the Hill reported this week that Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, feels that the current names are too “lily white,” and is seeking to have better representation for names reflecting African-Americans and other ethnic groups.
“All racial groups should be represented,” Lee said, according to the Hill. She hoped federal weather officials “would try to be inclusive of African-American names.”
A sampling of popular names that could be used include Keisha, Jamal and Deshawn, according to the paper.
Every time this woman speaks my opinion of her drops.
Ah, my favorite local politician. NOT! This woman is one arrogant, belligerent, ….
She has gone through more staff members in Washington than any other person, several times more… they all hate her.
She has been thrown off several flight for air-rage and general cussing out of personnel. In fact, one of the managers of Continental (home base Houston) seen her a flight schedule for Delta!
She has a government car and driver at her Washington home arrive at 0830 everyday. The driver waits until she is ready to go to her office and then drivers her there. All of 1.5 blocks. And repeats it in the afternoon.
She typically flies to Houston every Thursday (for the weekend) and schedules three flights. She picks the one that is most convenient to her and never cancels the others. The airline eats the ticket price.
If there is a local TV station out watching grass grow she will be there to get the publicity.
I could go on, but I think that should give most people an idea of just what this woman is all about :-(
I just went to the Weather Channel’s website and they said that Hurricane P-Diddy is bearing down on the Gulf Coast.
Perhaps the next hurricane could be named Sheila.
M. Scott Eiland
Yes, Representative Jackson should definitely be the first to benefit from a new naming policy:
“Well, it’s been a busy day for Hurricane Dimwitted-Loudmouthed-Race Pimp. . .”
your friends at the Lonewacko Blog
This is a few months old, but I don’t think the hurricans thing tops it:
“At the meeting, the senate also voted to approve a mural to be placed in the Commons. There was some concern voiced by the senate about the contents of the mural.
“I see some pilgrim invaders here,” said Elisa Haro, academic affairs director. “It kind of reminds me of my colonization, and I don’t like that.”
The artist of the mural said that the pilgrim invaders were meant to be Shakespearean actors and that he would try to make that more clear.
Other concerns with the mural included the depiction of white cranes, which the senate demanded be changed to color cranes…”
On re-reading this article, I think the author intentionally created a great work of satire.
Really now, can’t we just “get rid of them” all?
When someone starts bitching about the name of a storm….
Does not compute
Does not compute
Crap! I think my mind is going to explode! I cannot wrap it around the sheer stupidity!
Since she has a “white” name, isn’t she a race traitor?