You remember Al Gore, right? The human sleeping aid? He is back and gave a speech to a bunch of malcontents at NYU. Here is a short version:
“Hi, my name is Al Gore. Look at big, stupid me.”
I don’t have the time or energy to go through and point out all the lies and nonsense, so here is the text of the speech, here is Brian Carnell dissecting Gore’s Lies.
Al Gore, Moderate Democrat. Snicker.
Sweet Lou
OK, I predicted he would say something different.
I was wrong. Terribly, horribly wrong. I admit it. I stink at this pundit stuff.
Nathan Zachary
some of you more talented Bloggers should keep track of all these lies the democrats are spewing, and cross reference them back to what they were saying during the Clinton era. Then drop a mega blog bomb on them, or even get some press to pick up on it.
Like the dean post with russert, except more.
Run something like, which Liar would you choose?
good stuff, keep it up John cole