I like Coulter’s writing style, bombastic and in your face, but I realize EVERYTHING she says should be taken with a grain of salt. If you dislike Ann Coulter, however, you are going to love Radley Balko’s story of a luncheon with her. A teaser:
I already have one great Ann Coulter story:
Steve Malynn
And the point is Balko can be as snarky as Coulter. so what.
Good gawd. What a double standard.
First she’s a heartless bitch because she hurts liberals’ feelings– now she shows even the slightest shred of female stress and vulnerability in a private moment, and so she’s now “not worthy of respect?”
Anne Coulter cries *offstage* after what one can assume had been one hell of a day, and so now she’s a hypocrite?
God forbid a woman go off in a corner and cry after, not a day, but *years* of being viciously assaulted and slandered by the press, dealing with mongoloid leftist idiots, and having to fight an uphill battle *every day* just to be heard over people who praise fucking CHER like she was the next Christ Child.
Hell, there was no evidence that was even the reason she was crying. She could have had a rough day or week at home. Crap, she could’ve been going thru PMS. For that manner, this guy writing evidently has a pissy attitude about rightwingers in general. Wanna place money he flat out made the whole thing up?
And if she did– The woman puts up on a daily basis with nastiness, pettiness, viciousness and outright libel and slander that would send any leftwing dingleballs into **public** wailing and blubbering for sympathy.
Whatever made her break down and cry, Anne Coulter did so *offstage.* Then she wiped her face off and went on with the day like every other…. kicking liberal ass like it so richly deserves.
But she’s a pussy because she cried.
Dean Esmay
I left the following comment to Balko, I’ll reprint it here just because you might like it too and I’m too lazy to rephrase it:
Uh, your history on the “Southern Strategy” and the supposed ideological heirs of today’s conservatives is off-kilter, since it repeats myths that have been debunked already. The “Southern Strategy” is mostly an ideological foil used by Democrats to attack Republicans. It also costs them votes, since most southerners rightly recognize it as a slander against themselves.
Also, Laura Schlesinger has said many a time that the sins of her youth were what led her to her strong moral beliefs of today. That ain’t hypocricy, that’s learning from experience.
Other than that, I liked your piece. It was funny. Just FYI. ;-)
Ah, Ann Coulter. The Michael Moore of the far Right.
all i can do is laugh – and rh jr., you’re just making it funnier. john’s right – it’s a taste of her own medicine.
i’m sure she did have a tough day. Good – she’s given out quite a few headaches herself. But she wasn’t worthy of respect in the first place. Crying doesn’t change anything – it just makes her more of a joke.
“God forbid a woman go off in a corner and cry after… being viciously assaulted and slandered by the press, dealing with mongoloid leftist idiots, and having to fight an uphill battle *every day…*”
ha ha ha ha ha! She’s done pleny of assaulting herslef and it’s entirely her choice to deal with leftists. This is the business she’s chosen. Nice of you to play the gender card though – as if we should afford her more understanding for being ruled by her emotions because she’s female.
Francis W. Porretto
What, Coulter’s not allowed to have a bad day? She’s supposed to be some sort of Iron Maiden who’s never allowed to get upset at the way she’s treated?
Coulter is an ornament to the Right, damn it all. She’s got more courage than all the rest of our opinion mongers put together. So she’s human and vulnerable! So she’s a woman, the gender that occasionally sheds tears to relieve stress or tension. Big deal.
Name me one other figure on the Right who’d have dared to undertake the rescue of Joseph McCarthy from half a century of calumnious vilification.
She’s supposed to be some sort of Iron Maiden who’s never allowed to get upset at the way she’s treated?
You write a book which calls everyone to the left of Mussolini a traitor, you don’t get to be upset at they way you’re treated. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out. I don’t particularly care whether Ann Coulter gets her little feelings hurt or not; the woman had the unbelievable gall to call me and millions of other people who love America and what it stands for “traitorous” because we don’t share her political views.
Fuck Ann Coulter and the horse she rode in on. She had a lousy day taking the kind of crap she dishes out? Good. Maybe now that she knows how it feels, she’ll start acting like a more decent human being.
“Ah, Ann Coulter. The Michael Moore of the far Right.” My feelings *exactly*. Glad I’m not the only one that thinks so.
David Paglia
Geez, do y’all have any idea what a pack of 3rd-grade schoolkids this makes you sound like? “Look! Ann’s crying, everyone! Cry, Ann, cry!” Grow the hell up.
Eric Sivula
Well, Kimmitt, since your comments about Ms. Coulter are so virulent, apparently you DO care about her feelings. As long as she is feeling bad.
I see a lot of shitflinging and name calling…. “Micheal Moore of the Far Right,” uh huh…. Funny, I don’t see one damned FACT being aired.
See, in order to be the Micheal Moore of the “far right,” she’d have to spend every waking moment lying her ass off. She’d also have to eat her weight in lard twice a day, but that’s another issue entirely.
You can do what the left usually does when confronted— call the accuser mean, ugly, stupid, a wimp, a “hypocrite,” and so forth.
But you can’t call her a liar.
And that’s what’s really chapping your pink powdered asses, isn’t it?
Ann Coulter is a liar, a damn liar, and a fucking liar.
Have a nice day.
David Perron
There’s that considered opinion we’ve come to depend on from Kimmitt. You know, Kimmitt, most universities offer emotional counseling services at really reasonable cost. Perhaps you ought to consider availing yourself of those services.
So RH, you don’t think she’s full of shit?
And how do you know she doesn’t eat lard daily? She could just be bulemic.
Please don’t make me prove Coulter is a liar. It’s time consuming and useless.
*** Post edited by site owner- Try to keep it somewhat clean, folks… ***
Mr. Perron, how would you possibly know what a considered opinion looks like?
At any rate, for those of you who read this board and are even vaguely interested in objective reality, I present the following link:
David Perron
“Mr. Perron, how would you possibly know what a considered opinion looks like?”
I’ve got a pretty good idea what to look for. And this:
“Ann Coulter is a liar, a damn liar, and a fucking liar.”
isn’t it. It’s even worse than the ridiculous generalizations you’ve been indulging in. You started out smarter than this. What happened?
*raising my hand*
Excuse me–I’d like to refute Ann’s stupid–I mean “enlightened position” if I could.
First I’d like to say, yes, a person who laments being called names, and then proceeds to NAME CALL is a hypocrite–look the word up sometimes.
The truth hurts.
Also, this woman advocates the killing of people who don’t think like her. This seems to be a proud conservative tradition–refer to the segregation era if you would, where peaceful protestors were villified, lynched and shot at to protect GOOD CHRISTIAN values–gimmee a break.
Even at the liberals worst we haven’t advocated killing you close minded morons.
And I could look really smart and scholarly too if I took snippets of info, twisted it to my own purpose, and hoped no one would get the actually books and read on to find out what the original true context was.
Saying that she is picked on because she is pretty and smart is like saying Hitler was picked on cause he was a man with a mustache.
Ann proports that Blacks, Jews, Hispanics and others have no claim to this country–she’d be surprised to find that many of these same races fought in the civil and present day wars lending to the validity of their claim to the USA (my Dad is a Vietnam vet, who still had to sit in the back of the bus even after risking his life for this country when he returned.)
And I am sure she’d be surprised to learn that many handy dandy inventions and devices were created by these no accounts, and if she truly felt that way, well she should just stop using many a modern day appliance–including the traffic light and the light bulb–and heaven forbid she ever need open heart surgery!
Besides, blacks weren’t asked to be here, we were slaves, and our blood, sweat and tears helped to build this country through forced labor–we have as much right as any white to the American Dream.
Also, conservatives were completely anti-desegregation during the civil rights movement using the word NIGGER very openly and without shame and denouncing those who would aid blacks as nigger-lovers. Yes–she’s right, conservatives are loving warm and open…uh huh.
I suppose she thinks that a world where I had to drink from a seperate water fountains or risk arrest was just fab and so long as the blode and blue eyed people’s needs are met, screw everyone else.
People like her are the ones that assert that blacks had a chance after slavery to catch up and the fact that they haven’t proves their inferiority.
Wrong. Slaves, though freed, had to return to their slave masters for lack of employment–and Jim Crow segregation didn’t end until the late sixties, meaning we’ve only had a few decades to catch up on hundreds of years of a headstart gain by whites.
I mean, how are you going to judge someone elses position from a point of privilege?
Does she mention THIS in her diatribes about how put upon and oppressed rich whites are?
Does she ever talk about the fact that a black or minority is nine times more apt to go to jail for a first time offense than a white person, rich or poor?
It’s a fact–conservatives deal in facts right…look it up.
So much for compassionate conservatism and an unbiased view.
She says that Liberals haven’t always rushed in blindly in support of all out war. Oh darn–we’re sorry–but unlike warmongers like Ann we don’t feel the need to take massacres of hundreds of people lightly, and would rather seek a peaceful resolution before the LAST resort of war–but I suppose when America has been slighted the thought of decapitated babies laying in the street is of little concern.
And she really thinks that the NASCAR watching welfare recieving elite are all Liberal Democrats–wrong again. I live in Marietta GA–the demographic here is conservative–and I can take you to many a trailer park where Bush is God and the confederate flag flies high.
It would seem that if Ann was so pure and right, that she could get even these most basic facts straight.
So unless she decides never to turn on another light, to ignore all traffics lights or indulge an any of the hundreds of inventions from other races that has made America a better place, then she is a hypocrit on more levels than one…
Hummm and another thought–jesus Christ called the hard, self righteous and over zealous religious leaders of his day “snakes and hypocrits”…does she really think she is fighting for God’s honor?
I’d say nay–as a matter of fact, I think he would denounce her and say:
“Depart from me hence, vile and vicious creature–in my name you were bitter heartless cruel and vicious, and made many a man turn from my sight…go from me and recieve your judgement.”
So I have to say that I won’t worry over her words and existence from here on out–no matter what she will recieve her karmic retribution–in this life or the next.
I just hope that if any of the liberals she told others to kill are harmed or murdered that she can be sued and or jailed as an instrument unto that end…
If Coulter were a liberal and said all the vile things she says in reference to conservatives, some conservative whack-job would have shot her long ago.
For some reason, however, liberals don’t seem to have any violent nutcases who brutalize the people on the other side.
Anti-abortion freaks are known for harassing clinic staff and patients, and even killing them or blowing up the clinics.
On the flip side, I’ve not heard of any liberals who go to the anti-abortionists’ churches and blow those up, or harass people trying to enter the church by showing them pictures of children murdered in holy wars.
The KKK is undoubtedly conservative. They’re known for harassing blacks & jews, killing them, and generally spreading the seeds of hatred under the banner of “racial pride” (I guess in order to be proud of something, you are required to hate everything else. So if I’m proud of my homemade chocolate chip cookies, I have a duty to my cookies to go out and destroy all other cookies? Seems kind of stupid to me? Why not enjoy ALL cookies instead?)
The only black group I can think of with an anti-white, violent slant were the Black Panthers, and they didn’t do a fraction of the damage that the KKK has done. They were also a reaction to the KKK… One could argue that had there been no KKK, there would be no Black Panthers.
Gay-bashers. People who kill homosexuals for being homosexual are inevitably conservative. I have yet to hear of a liberal homosexual killing a straight person because they were straight.
It seems to me that all the truly intolerant, violent, and irrational people are on the conservative side of the fence. Most of the people who believe that the solution to their not liking somebody else is to kill them come from the conservative viewpoint. Ann Coulter herself has suggested that Liberals should be driven to extinction… Rush Limbaugh has suggested that the conservatives kill almost all of the liberals.
And the liberals? We are all too well-adjusted to murder in the name of a difference in ideology… Until it comes down to a do-or-die choice.
All these people calling for the deaths of various liberals (i.e. jews, blacks, homosexuals, feminists, etc.) would do well to remember that when liberals are pushed up against the wall and finally start fighting back, we’re not the passive lambs they like to pretend we are. We have a history of combining brains and love of freedom into a desperate and effective defence against the intolerant and hateful members of our species.
The difference is that we hold back until it’s almost too late, while the conservatives are always violent, greedy and willing to harm others to get what they want. Do we have a killer instinct? No- Instead, Liberals have a last-ditch survival instinct.
Given the type of person who has the former, I’d rather have the latter.
“Those who are willing to trade a little liberty for a temporary security deserve neither security nor liberty.” – Benjamin Franklin
“Eye for an eye makes the world blind” – Gandhi
right on sepiasiren!
there’s nothing i can really add to that. you’ve said it all. and it doesn’t seem anyone has tried to refute you either.
The point is not whether to criticize Ann for acting stoically on camera and then hit her again for acting like a human off camera. The point is she’s a rightful object of detestation and her dark days are relished. I doubt Ann believes half of what she spouts, it’s mostly exaggerations and outright lies.