Where is the outrage? Why aren’t leftwing bloggers and know-nothing Senators screetching at the top of their lungs? Why has no one punished the vile outlaws who would examnine and speculate about such a thing? What am I talking about? Just this:
The UK has been ranked 10th in the world for its vulnerability to a terrorist attack.
Britain’s close relationship with the US, its role in the Iraq war and a “sophisticated militant Islamic network”, were key reasons cited by the study.It also highlights the UK’s high number of symbolic targets such as the Houses of Parliament.
In the study, by risk assessment group the World Markets Research Centre, the UK was ahead of Russia, Liberia, Yemen and Lebanon as a country most likely to be targeted.
Colombia, Israel and Pakistan head the Global Terrorism Index for 2003-04, with the USA in fourth place.
Risk assessments for terrorism were carried out in 186 sovereign states and against countries’ overseas interests for the next 12 months.
Countries were given points out of 10 for five risk criteria – the motivation, capabilities and presence of terrorist groups, the potential scale of the damage and the effectiveness of counter-terrorism forces.
Why- someone could make money off this information!!!
I hope Poindexter is at home giving all of the critics of the Terrorism Futures Market the finger. They deserve it.
The problem with buying and selling terrorism futures like they were pork bellies wasn’t so much the amorality (you get used to that after watching government and corporate policy-making for awhile). It was also a dumb idea. The terrorists would watch the markets themselves, game the system and strike where they were least expected. They could even invest through intermediaries, making a killing financially as well as for real. Ask yourself, how many pork bellies would get sold if the swine could fight back?