Perhaps I am just being dimwitted (surprise), but I can not think of a reason for Saddam loyalists to blow up the UN.
Why the UN?
by John Cole| 6 Comments
This post is in: Foreign Affairs
by John Cole| 6 Comments
This post is in: Foreign Affairs
Perhaps I am just being dimwitted (surprise), but I can not think of a reason for Saddam loyalists to blow up the UN.
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Probably because to a lot of Iraqis, the UN and the US are just two fingers of the same hand. Whatever your opinion of the UN, there is no doubt that they were our partners in the sanctions that right or wrong, directly or indirectly caused a shitload of suffering in Iraq (and the UN was no doubt demonized roundly for it by Iraqi state tv – certainly Saddam wasn’t going to acknowledge his own larcenous malfeasance); to say nothing of the UN arms inspectors, whom I imagine were similarly played up as foreign interlopers. Remember, Gulf War I was done entirely under the auspices of the UN.
It may be tough for someone like yourself (who clearly has, ahem, strong feelings about the UN, France, and the rest of the European antiwar crowd) to accept, but to a lot of people in Iraq who weren’t watching CNN, it’s “The UN? The US? Samey-same, G.I.”
poop ruiz
of course there’s also the possibility that the people who bombed the UN Baghdad HQ were not Saddam Loyalists.
Mark S.
John, it’s simple (IMHO).. they can’t hit targets that are protected, so the cowards hit the first targets they can find, regardless of who it is.
The NY City Parking Enforcement Bureau may have been behind it. I understand the UN is several million dollars behind in payments on diplomats’ parking tickets over the last decade.
Tony Soprano would kill for less…
The US and coallition forces have been hardening the nonmilitary targets with barriers and (presumably) locked ‘n loaded troops.
The UN decided they wanted a more ‘welcoming’ image so they refused the barriers.
So they welcomed a splodeydope. The Baby Jesus weeps at such stupidity. The UN could screw up an iron ball with a rubber mallet.
Emperor Misha I
Actually, ST, you got it almost right, except that it’s the UN and Saddam that are two chips off the same block.
Remember who it was that were doing their level best to keep ol’ Soddy in power?
Yep… Two letters, begins with a “U” and ends with an “N”.