Remember all those poor, unfunded Democrats who just can’t seem to raise enough money to get their message out that we exposed as sheer nonsense? They have launched a new website and PAC to ‘recall Bush’:
Republicans in California have initiated a recall against the governor, giving three reasons for their effort:
1. The state’s budget has gone from a sizeable surplus to a substantial deficit in a few short years.
2. Gov. Davis did not tell the truth to voters about the state’s budget and economic situation.
3. The state’s economy remains in dismal shape, and the chief executive of the state is ultimately responsible for it’s welfare.
If we apply these standards to a governor, then they must also be applicable to a president. The next recall effort is long overdue: a Bush recall campaign.
Yawn. Yet another high profile fundraising scheme to add to the list of the others we have already discussed– the Recall Bush PAC was formed by the leaders of the Bushwhacker Pack and the Progressive Majority.
I guess the site was not persuading independents enough, so they come up with this strategy.
Lux is involved, he’s the guy who manufactured Harken as a “news story” last year… the press of course, which remember is “not liberal,” picked it up and went full throttle.
David Perron
Sadly, the lack of a recall provision in the Constitution is going to bring them up rather short. On the bright side, they’ll probably collect substantial contributions from the reading-impaired before that becomes too glaringly obvious to ignore.
With the exception of Fox, the press is neither liberal nor conservative — just sensationalist.
I have heard ‘ol Joe Lockhart is involved in this effort, also. What a “putz head.”
Kimmit sez,
“With the exception of Fox, the press is neither liberal nor conservative — just sensationalist.”
Bwwaahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Man, Kimmitt you just kill me. Whew! Shit I need a drink, a doulble!
M. Scott Eiland
If they haven’t done so already, the Democrats ought to obtain–it‘s a suitable environment for them and will draw all of the whiners about the 2000 and 2002 elections, as well as those generally annoyed at having their asses kicked repeatedly by someone they think is an idiot.
Peter Litvack
george should be impeached. He ,cheney and his warmongers are criminal and liars. george is responsible for over 500 deaths and thousands of injuries.
Of the people, by the people, for the people we hereby stand up and shout out our right to call for the impeachment of this repubican liar, fake and his deceiptful administration shall by ousted by the people for the death of over 500 servicemen and for the lies conjured up to start this private crusade of Bush to capture Sadam. IMPEACH BUSH AND OUST HIS ADMINISTRATION! WE THE PEOPLE SHALL PREVAIL.
Of the people, by the people, for the people we hereby stand up and shout out our right to call for the impeachment of this repubican liar, fake and his deceiptful administration. We hereby charge George Bush with lying to the American People about the WMDs and has caused the of over 500 of our brothers and sisters which joined to protect and serve. We hereby excercise our right to Impeach any and all elected officials for failure to serve and protect this country and the people. Let any Republican deny the lies and deceipt for the proof of the charges are in the graves of our follow brothers and sisters which died because our President did not obey the oath he took to serve and protect at all cost We continue to charge GWB and his Admin. for the current failure to protect us by securing our boarders and shores which are today, unprotected as we speak!