Granted, if there is anything for the media to get hysterical about, a certain measure of hysteria is warranted if a Class 5 Hurricane is hurtling towards the eastern seaboard. However, I thought a lot of the coverage was a touch premature, and now, several days later, the storm is much weaker than predicted.
No real point to this post, other than it reminded me of the old Calvin Coolidge quote:
Never go out to meet trouble. If you will just sit still, nine cases out of ten someone will intercept it before it reaches you.
Mos of us know the bastardized version- “If you see ten problems coming down the road, do nothing and 9 of them will roll of into the ditch on their own.”- or some variation or another.
Clearly it’s Bush’s fault.
Two or three days ago, Isabel was a Category 5 hurricane. Even a Cat 3 is nothing to sneeze at.
If a bit of overwrought coverage gets a few more folks to make adequate storm preparations in advance, ’tis a small price to pay, IMHO.
{And no, it ain’t Shrub’s fault. :)}
Kathy K
Of course it’s his fault JKC. He didn’t sign the Kyoto treaty (nevermind that the Senate wouldn’t approve it either).
If he’d signed the Kyoto treaty, yanno, magic would have happened and no one anywhere would have had any bad weather since!