Evan Coyne Maloney has a new video up titled “When Protestors Attack.”
My personal favorite is the man at the end of the vdieo screaming into a megaphone “Long Live the Intifada” to a boisterous crowd. For the record, this is the kind of ‘dissent’ that I think needs to be stifled.
I wonder what all the Palestinian supporters would do if Evan were to rip open his button-down shirt exposing a fake suicide belt bomb on underneath. Think all the giddy Palestinian enablers would still be screaming for the everlasting Intifada?
Stifled with genocide?
John Cole
No, I am not in favor of carpet bomobing, but Misha has a point when he notes that if 75% of the Palestinians support, help, or are in favor of suicide bombings, it is pretty damn difficult for me to view them as ‘victims.’
Andrew | BYTE BACK
you do what you accuse others of doing of course. If we think Palestinians have a point we are automatically support of all their murderous tactics.
Cole, your comments at other sites are more incisive than your posts. That’s not meant as a slam necessarily, just my own personal observation.
John Cole
Andrew- I am not so sure what is so difficult to understand. IN the video, someone was chanting “Long Live the Intifada,” which is nothing more than a call to violence. Misha notes that 75% of Palestinians in a poll think strapping explosives to yourself, and blowing up a pizza shop is an acceptable option. I don;t agree with his tongue in cheek declaration that we should carpet bomb, but I think that when people actively encouraging this sort of violence, it is difficult to be sympathetic towards thewir cause.
I hope that was incisive enough for you.
Everybody needs to keep in mind the large number of children living in the West Bank and Gaza. Such carpet bombing would no doubt cost their lives. Those 12 and under cannot be held responsible for their actions or views. A carpet bombing would create a HUGE number of child victems. I detected not tough-in cheek from Misha
btw, the Palestians are only “victemized” by their own self-distructive behavior.
I wouldn’t consider my self to be “sympathetic” of the Palestiaian cause, for the most part their current situation is their own fault.
I knew International ANSWER was a dangerous Stalinist Organization but I didn’t think they were that bad!
Wait, wait, wait — are we actually claiming here that actions, however justified, have consequences, and that those taking them can be blamed?
Because I’d like to take a moment to discuss both parties’ actions in this conflict.
David Perron
I think my second favorite part was the “Zionism is racism” chant. The crowd seemed to have a really hard time putting full enthusiasm into that one.