Last week, Mark Kleiman posted a pretty nast below-the-belt slap at the President which I addressed here. He reused to apologize, stating:
Update This seems to have struck a nerve, judging from the angry emails. But none of my correspondents specified which word in the phrase “noted Jew-baiter Mahathir Mohammed” needed to be more carefully explained. The Prime Minister’s career has relied from its beginning on whipping up hatred of Jews (despite the fact that Malaysia has no Jews). Nor did anyone explain why it was wrong to blame George W. Bush for giving such a warm greeting to such a thoroughgoing scoundrel.
Second update And no, I’m not silly enough to think that the picture constitutes an argument. It’s merely a symbol. If anyone can find a word of criticism by Mr. Bush of Mahathir Mohammed’s general record of anti-Semitism or his latest statement, I’ll be happy to link to it.
Foolish and partisan, because Conrad employed the exact same technique that Dr. Kleiman used to show how Kleiman was wrong, which he simply dismissed as Conrad simply having “a bad hangover.” At any rate, what was so annoying about the childish slur from Kleiman was that it is rather clear that Bush would not endorse Mahathir’s remarks, just as it is rather clear that Bush has never endorsed or acted upon any such similar sentiments. Kleiman, though, in an act of rather overwhelming petulance, took it upon himself to try to create such an impression. In fact, I don’t know whether the picture Mark used for his slur was even taken before or after Mahathir’s remarks.
At any rate, Bush has renounced Mahathir’s Jewish remarks, stating what we all knew (including Mark):
President Bush told Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad his remarks about Jews controlling the West by proxy were “wrong and divisive,” the White House said Monday.
“It stands squarely against what I believe,” Bush told Mahathir during an Asia-Pacific summit in Bangkok, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.
Poor President Bush- he thinks the truth counts with these party hacks. It doesn’t matter what you believe, it matters what Dr. Kleiman and others can get people to think you believe. At any rate, I will be waiting for Dr. Kleiman to link to these stories and to issue his apology. Also, Dr. Kleiman, if you would spend an afternoon and go through a list of the world leaders, writing down who we should engage in discussions with and who we should avoid, I am sure the White House would appreciate your useful input.
John, Kleiman opined that racism had no small part in the vote against the income tax increase in Alabama (racism?), so there is no end to what he’ll twist in order to parlay political points.
Logic has nothing to do with the situation – it’s based on pure hatred.
Director Mitch
What I find really amusing about this is that if ANYONE is anti-Semetic or anti-Israeli it is the left-wing democrats. Al Sharpton, moveon, most of the speakers at the anti-war rallies, the list is long.
Andrew | BYTE BACK
What I find amusing is that Window Manager Mitch believes what he types. Republicans are pretty recent converts to the Israeli cause and in the past were known to hate “Jewish control of the media.” It’s the root of hatred toward Hollywood “morals” .. um except when it comes to “I’ll tear the heart out of this man” Schwarzenegger.
Ps No I don’t believe Democrats are sainsts but Cole, you have mmuch more interesting things to write about? Don’t you?
David Perron
I guess that all depends on your definition of “pretty recent”, Andrew. All too recently, Democrats were wearing the Klan hood with a great deal more frequency than their counterparts across the aisle. See how that works?
David Perron
Actually, I find this interesting. I find it extremely interesting that self-professed pacifists are engaging in tactics of intimidation.
“Are you nervous? Are you nervous? You look nervous.”
John Cole
Andrew- I think it is very interesting that a prominent Democrat blogger attempts to smear the president as sympathetic towards or condoning anti-semitic remarks, and people such as yourself rush to defend those lies.
Robin Roberts
What is it about commentator’s with the letter “K” in their names rushing to discredit themselves with juvenile rhetoric and outright lies?