I am heading off to a massive costume party, so there probably will be no more posting until late tomorrow (after the football game). Hope every one has a good and safe Halloween.
Oh, yeah- I am going with a few friends as Da Bears fans from Saturday Night Live.
The Mighty Reason Man
You and I have some quite severe differences, but you are officially my favorite person in the world tonight because of that costume.
Happy Halloween.
I went as Steve Bartman and got beer poured on my by the adults and pelted with M&M’s by the kids.
Were you Farley, Meyers, Goodman, or the other one?
John Cole
I went as George Wendt’s character, Bob Swirsky, brother of Bill Swirsky.
I had on a bunch of Bears paraphenalia, a Bears jersey, a Bears hat, a curly brown wig and mustache, and big mirrored aviator glasses. Plus, I downloaded every SNL skit and knew them backwards and forwards.
David Perron
I was Shrek, my 7-year-old was the Dragon, my 2-year-old was Donkey, and my redheaded wife was daytime Fiona.