The Prescription Drug Vote Buying Scheme must be stopped:
We had hopes that a GOP Medicare reform might do so, but this bill’s fine print reveals that short-term politics has overwhelmed the policy. Republicans are offering the certainty of trillions in new entitlements in return for the mere promise of future reform, and that’s too expensive a gamble for principled conservatives to support.
Bunch of idiots, these Republicans. If they had any brains or balls, they would write the right kind of bill, one that all Democrats would vote against, and then we would not have to worry about this enormous ill-advised giveaway or the Democrats running their mouths about it all election cycle, as they would be the ones who killed the bill.
Precisely what is wrong with means testing, again?
It changes the bill from a social insurance program to an entitlement, thus making it politically less viable.
Tongue Boy
Damn! Beat me to it!
Andrew Lazarus
Well, I’ll be faxing my leaning-the-wrong-way Senator Feinstein against it. What I don’t understand, beyond the (de)merits of the bill, is why the Democrats are so damn slow learning about party discipline.
Hesiod says one of the House Republicans was brought back in tears to change her vote to the leaders’ preference.
I think Bush is trying to stop the usual Dem screaming about the GOP stealing Medicare every election. Now Bush can point to his huge new giveaway that the AARP backed.
Not that I’m for it either, if AARP likes it I’m probably against it.
C’mon, it’s pure genius! Getting the dems to filibuster a med-bill is priceless!
Yeah, the Dems should first vote for it, then start a bill in the House reducing the Federal Income tax to zero (full deficit financing). Then, when the Republicans vote against it, they can trumpet the pro-tax Republicans to the heavens.
Alternately, the Republicans could pass it, at which point we’d have the record of absolute idiocy to run on.
Let’s show these fools and panderers for the irresponsible idiots they are.