This might be the most useless sentence in NY Times history. IN a two page online article about the Senate atempts to pass the Prescription Drug Bill (or whatever it is called), we see this gem:
Eight of the nine Democrats running for president criticized the measure, calling it a threat to Medicare and a boon for special interests. “This is a continuation of this administration and this Republican Party selling out government to special interests,” Representative Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri said at a debate in Des Moines.
Nowhere in the article does it state which candidate was in favor of the bill. Bad writing.
Moe Lane
Well, this article notes that Kerry, Edwards, Lieberman, Kuchinich, Gephardt, Dean and Clark all oppose it, so it’s got to be either Sharpton and/or Braun.
Yes, I think that it’s interesting, too.
I think the sentence in question was referring to 8 of 9 criticized the plan during the debate, where Joe Lieberman was not present. None of the democratic candidates support the medicare bill…
But I agree, bad writing (or sloppy editing).
Moe Lane
“I think the sentence in question was referring to 8 of 9 criticized the plan during the debate, where Joe Lieberman was not present.”
Ah. Yeah, I can see how that could be it.
Kinda like that “9 out of 10 dentists recommend” commercial, where the 10th dentist has a squirrel attack his naughty bits?
Parkway Rest Stop - Jim
They’ll probably take turns being in favor of it, depending on what the polls say.