One of the most obnoxious and tenacious memes the Democrats have been echoing for the last few months is the “Why is Bush not going to funerals of soldiers” nonsense that got its most widely seen airing in a NY Times piece by Andrew Rosenthal. Rosenthal asserts:
But someone of rank from the White House could and should be at each and every military funeral. Ideally, Mr. Bush would shake the hand of someone who loved every person who dies in uniform
If there was a way Shrub could raise campaign funds at these funerals, he’d be there.
The larger point–of course being covered up by Cole–is that Shrub and his handlers want to put a happy face on this quagmire. Having Shrub attend a funeral service or a public memorial service would serve as a stark reminder it’s not “Mission Accomplished” and that things aren’t going as well as we were promised.
And it goes beyond attending memorial services–it’s prohibiting any photos of flag-draped caskets returning home. Even John McCain sees this as crass politics.
I think JadeGold is the troll of the left during the Thanksgiving holidays. He’s leaving “Shrub”-laced posts on many sites. Amusing, yet it is so leftwing-cliched.
John Cole
A.) The ban has been in place for ten years.
B.) That means it was done during the Golden Era, aka the Clinton Presidency
C.) The ban is not to hide the bodies, but rather, in this day and age, with the pervasive, round the clock coverage on cable television, to keep family members from having to watch CNN broadcast the body of their killed loved one prior to either notification or delivery of the remains.
D.) Way to change the subject, JadeGold.
E.) Have you ever been able to honestly attack an argument, rather than denying the obvious, changing the subject, or injecting dubious nonsense as facts? When I wrote this:
“It goes on and on, and if you don’t believe me, frankly I don’t give a shit. I am tired of being polite to the left and proving arguments beyond any reasonable doubt only to have loony lefters deny what is obvious. ”
I was thinking of you.
A.) The ban has never been enforced
B) As noted by the HNN, Clinton pretty attended memorial services for those killed in the line of duty during his tenure.
Sorry about premature posting
John Cole
Clinton attended the funeral of forces killed in a surprise terrorist attack, as did Reagan (beirut), as did this Bush, when the terrorists attacked the Pentagon. Clinton never attended the funerals of those killed in sustained combat. That has only happened with rare exception, that being the FOUR funerals that LBJ and Nixon went to for casualties of the VietNam war. 4/50,000+ is a really small number, foolio.
Quit lying.
Dr. Weevil
Poor JadeGold can’t seem to comprehend the difference between a collective memorial service for a group of soldiers killed together, and an individual funeral for a single soldier. All presidents go to the former, and none (except maybe Nixon, once) go to the latter unless they already knew either the dead soldier or his close relatives (cf. the two LBJ examples). I can’t believe I have to explain something so basic and obvious.
Perhaps JadeGold should change his name to DirtyDog. He certainly spends way too much time and pixels calling the president ‘Shrub’ and then metaphorically peeing on him.
If the media were to periodically show the events and effects of 9/11 — falling bodies, firefighters running into harm’s way, stretcher bearers, collapsing and collapsed towers — they’d have some sort of leg upon which to stand with such complaints.
Showing flag-draped caskets with no context would be reprehensible — it would be as if there were no actual reason our soldiers are risking and sacrificing themselves.
Which is, of course, exactly the “talking point” the moonbats want.
John Cole
Russ- Brief, to the point, and right, as usual.
I would say that JadeGold’s first comment is the most despicable, disgusting thing I’ve read all day, but the “Maybe he’s paying a preemptive visit to our soldiers’ funerals…” line that I’ve now seen on three different sites (the other two being leftie sites that thinks it’s hysterical) beats it by a country mile.
As for the ban ‘not being enforced’, that statement is misleading to the point of being a lie:
So, JadeGold is technically correct, but the implication she wishes to transmit is false. It would have been enforced, else there’s no reason to have instituted the policy at all, but for the suit – a detail JafeGold conveniently leaves out, even as she accuses Mr. Cole of angaging in a ‘cover up’ because he did not spout *her* opinion (and yes, I am sorry Jade, but “Shrub and his handlers want to put a happy face on this quagmire” is an *opinion*, and an especially stupid one at that, not objective fact).
As I may have said before, Mr. Cole, I don’t envy you your trolls.
Sean Spoonts
It seems to me that if the President did attend individual funerals he would be flayed for exploiting the losses of these families for political gain. He gets flayed anyway for not attending. What’s the difference between one form of bad faith over another? Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t. The left today reminds me of that guy in your group of friends that you like but have to tolerate all kinds of weird theories and bizzare ideas about the workings of everyday life. They are fun to be around but you would never seriously consider giving them any heavy responsibility. They just can’t handle anything real weighty in a mature way.
John Cole
Sean- Another reason is that because wherever the President goes, it is all about the president. it would be inappropriate for all the attention of these servicemen’s funerals to go to president Bush.
However, that is what the left wants- they want to blame every death on on the evil Bush. They are a twisted lot.
Raoul Ortega
And if ~Shrub~ did go to every funeral as the Vast Leftwing Conspiracy claims he should, they’d be whining about how he should be better using his time to prevent such deaths, or tossing about quotes about how the presidential security interfered with the families grieving, or claiming that it’s only done to make the president look good, or something, anything, so long they think it makes the man look bad.
Shrub = Clinton? If so, then yer so right.
You miss the point entirly. The point was to boost the morale of the people fighting for your right to your banter. But the whole idea of the troops annoys you anyways, so it’s no suprise you don’t even factor them into the whole thing.
Regarding the “Mission Accomplished” banner, have you even read Bush’s speech? If not, take a look at it. Here is what he says:
“Our mission continues. Al Qaeda is wounded, not destroyed. The scattered cells of the terrorist network still operate in many nations, and we know from daily intelligence that they continue to plot against free people. The proliferation of deadly weapons remains a serious danger. The enemies of freedom are not idle, and neither are we. Our government has taken unprecedented measures to defend the homeland. And we will continue to hunt down the enemy before he can strike.”
Does that sound like “Mission Accomplished” to you, you twit? “Mission Accomplished” was to symbolize the end of major combat opperations. But, I doubt you even know what the hell that is anyways, so why waste my time.
John McCain is a RINO. The reason they don’t show those pictures is so that the left-wing media can’t exploit the deaths of soilders to Bash the bush administration and the effort they died fighting in.
Anyways, consider yourself fisked’. You may go back and stick some needles in your Coulter doll.
Another reason is that if Bush goes to some funerals, then why not all of them? Imagine if your a mother and your son just died, and Bush went to some other funeral of some other guys but not your sons. How would that make you feel? I think that’s the main reason why Presidents don’t go to funerals.
Bush went to collective funerals of cities and towns where they had a severe loss of life. Such as the visit in the UK and the one in Ft. Carson.
One need only compare the amount of time Shrubby spends fundraising to that time where he is doing aything in support of the troops to see he and his handlers view Iraq and 9/11 as one big campaign backdrop.
The war will continue–and casualties will mount–so long as Shrubby can use it as an issue to his advantage. My guess is by April of next year, it will have ceased being on the plus side of the campaign ledger. At that point, Shrubby will declare victory, deem Iraq to be the model of democracy and perform the same triumphal retreat we saw in Saigon in ’75. This time, we’ll see Bremer dangling from the skid of an H-53 as he departs.
WRT the funerals issue: the commander of the funeral detail can be considered, in ceremonial terms, the President’s representative and is, of course, always present.
[I recall that as a buck Sergeant, I was only 6 steps away from the President, by the chain of command.]
But really, it is the country as a whole that buries the honored dead. FM 22-5 (any of you vets remember that one?) describes the customary words spoken to the next of kin of the deceased:
“This flag is presented on behalf of a grateful nation, as a token of our appreciation for the honorable and faithful service rendered by your loved one.”
It would behoove the Left to be a bit more grateful.
The only thing you’d consider as “support of the troops” would be the removal of them from Iraq anyways, so why even debate this with you?
yes yes, Bush used 9/11 as campaign fodder. Bush is hitler. Bush Lied, People Died.
I’m going to start to compile an e-mail newsletter list so I can mass e-mail everyone once Bush is re-elected in 2004.
Until then, you can humm to this.
It would behoove the Right not to use the lives of our servicemen as campaign fodder.
J.P. Carter
Can anyone provide me a link to a story about one of the Democratic Presidential candidates attending a military funeral?
I assume that they are attending every one since they seem to believe it is so important.
It would behoove the Left not to use the deaths of our servicemen as campaign fodder.
Okay, hang on — we need to make decisions as to what course of action to pursue in Iraq and other places, and it seems to me that the fact that our servicemen and women have died and will die in the future would be an important part of this decisionmaking.
In the most abstract sense, the case could be made that we are suffering from an excessive number of deaths in this area and that a change in Administrations would lead to a greater amount of good done per life lost.
It’s not the casualties, per se, that matter. What matters is that the lives lost are not wasted — which they inevitably would be if, as some would suggest, we abandon operations in Iraq and elsewhere.
Thus far, our military casualties in WW4 have been mercifully few, well under 1,000 KIA.
Compare and contrast with, say, a single engagement 140 years ago: at Gettysburg, in three days, there were 3,155 men killed on the Federal side alone.
Worth it? You be the judge. But remember: to walk away with the job unfinished would be a waste of the lives of those lost so far, and any supposed calculus of “value per life” would be for naught.
No, Kimmitt. With the options we’ve been given for a change in Administrations, the result is more likely to be greater loss of life, to less purpose. Only a couple of them (Gingrich and Lieberman) act as if they are even moderately aware that we are engaged in a war. Turning this task over to Dean would be tantamount to surrender.
People who say that “we are suffering from an excessive number of deaths in this area” have no clue as to what military life in general, and war-making specifically, are actually like.
The fact is we invaded Iraq–it’s a sunk cost. What remains is whether we try to stabilize the country or we cut our losses.
Frankly, I’m starting to lean toward cut our losses and go.
Given the fact this administration didn’t have a post-war plan beyond the fond hope we’d be embraced by adoring throngs–I’m not very confident they have any idea as to what to do now. Couple this with the fact their MO is to always look toward political benefit as opposed to doing the right thing first.
OTOH, cutting and running seems immoral. We invaded Iraq on false premises but–initially–I was of the ‘we broke it, we buy it’ school. Some would say that to cut and run would only encourage our enemies; I’m beginning to think this isn’t true–our enemies will always be there regardless. And it seems if we were so very willing to ignore and sneer at the opinions of our allies, surely we don’t really give a shit about what our enemies might think.
Just a little perspective when your president declares victory just as he’s revving up the campaign.
“People who say that “we are suffering from an excessive number of deaths in this area” have no clue as to what military life in general, and war-making specifically, are actually like.”
Speaking from experience?
As for Russ trying to compare modern warfare with Gettysburg–that’s absurd.
In WWII, Ike planned D-Day with the idea allied casualties would run between 30-40%.
I guarantee that if any flag officer proposed a campaign or operation–today–with such casualty rates, he would be forcibly ejected–minus stars–from the 5-sided building.
“No, Kimmitt. With the options we’ve been given for a change in Administrations, the result is more likely to be greater loss of life, to less purpose.”
You’re begging the question. You’re saying, “We cannot discuss whether or not to change course, because any currently proposed change of course would be massively worse than our current situation.” Two different things — I merely wished to point out that it is entirely appropriate in a democratic system for a candidate to make the case that lives are being wasted.
“Thus far, our military casualties in WW4 have been mercifully few, well under 1,000 KIA.”
WW4? Oh, get over your bad self. This isn’t a World War, it’s a long-term security issue. Osama isn’t even Santa Ana, much less Kruschev. You trivialize the deaths of 60 million people with this tripe.
I can’t imagine what life must be like for someone to turn on the TV and genuinely hope to see reports of deaths of US soldiers. Jade? Care to give us some insight?
So, the administration didn’t have a war/post-war plan? Really?! How do you know this? Are you part of the administration? Do you know Bush personally? Because unless your within the administration, you really would’t know. (Unless your psychic, I guess). It’s kind of silly how people say there “is no plan”. How would you know? Do you really expect the administration to just lay out a point-by-point plan to the world? As much as I know you’d like to give the Baathists a head up on each foreboding development, I’m sure the administration doesn’t.
Besides, anybody who follows the knews knows what the “War Plan” is. For example:
– Form a Governing council (done, seems like it’s going to be reformed though)
– Train and form an Iraqi police force (Going to be 200K before the end of the year)
– Constitutional convention
– Get the International community in on contributing money and perhaps troops (The U.N. chickened out, as predicted)
– Reform Iraqi bank system, create new currency (already done)
And so on.
The “No war/post-war plan!!1” mantra is really getting old, really.
We didn’t break anything. All we broke was the ties of a brutal dictator from the throats of an otherwise genuine society. We aren’t rebuilding stuff we “bombed” like people claim. Were BUILDING stuff they’ve never had before because of the administration they lived in. Yea, I guess were “re-filling” the water we drained from the marsh arabs, RIGHT? Twirp.
Regarding “false pretenses”, everyone and their mom knows Saddam had WMD. The case for war was that: Brutal dictator + Had WMD + Used WMD + Evaded U.N. weapons inspectors + Ignored 17 U.N. Resolutions + Attempted to kill a U.S. President + Paid Palastinian suicide bombers = Threat to world. Of course, I guess you’d have to wait to see the evidence for yourself. (i.e. 100k people dying in the U.S. because WMD were sold or leaked to terrorists).
Where did I hear this before? Oh, perhaps it was during the Cold War. “Arms race?! Reagan, your a fool! The Soviet Union will always be here!” Do us all a favor, don’t ever enter public service.
Perhaps you’d like the U.S. to bend over to France or Germany (who are only really interested in their own intrests, not that of the security of the world or that of the Iraqi people), but not me (and clearly not this administration, thank God). What kind of “allies” are they anyways? You know, we have Governments and countries which support us from every continent on the globe, from every nationality and every world language. I think that’s quite an accomplishment.
No, Kimmitt, I am begging no questions. We are in a war. Winning a war – and therefore neither wasting lives nor rendering the sacrifice of those who have already died futile – requires acknowledging that we are in it. But the Left in this country simply will not do so (I am not, BTW, refering just to Iraq. I am refering to the broader war that we did not choose).
Reasonable people can disagree as to whether or not Iraq was a vital or even wise step in that war. When such objections are reasonably made, I do nothing more than respectfully disagree. But the likes of JadeGold – who appears to believe she can see the future and know that Bush will “declare victory” in a few months for electoral purposes (as if anyone in the Adminstration is stupid enough to try and pull something like that if the situation on the ground doesn’t back it up) do not reasonably disagree. They are still fixated on scoring short-term political points, acting as if it’s still 9/10 and constant, unremitting partisan carping is in the country’s best interests.
I never said we couldn’t discuss changing course. You’re putting words in my mouth. Of course we can discuss that – though it’s pointless to try to do so with anyone for whom combat deaths are nothing more than excuses to bash the President. I said that only two of the Democrats vying for the job are even remotely worthy of being entrusted with it. That’s very different from what you accuse me of saying.
Thanks for tasking the slimes at the NY Times and their parrots in the media to task for their criticism of Bush not attending funerals. Great work
John, thanks for drawing together those numbers.
One side-effect of the Baghdad visit may be an increasing awareness of how played-out the media and the bog-standard leftists are… credibility is key.
“OTOH, cutting and running seems immoral”
It doesn’t “seem[s] immoral” it IS immoral.
As disgusting as their fascist government was, it was the only one they had. If you have an ounce of compassion for these Iraqis you would know that we have a moral obligation to help them construct a representative and fair government based on rule of law. It’s easy for you to sit behind your monitor and ignore how well we have it in comparison. Yes, even under our BusHitler Fascist Regime, you have it made in comparison.
I know honor isn’t something many Democrats like to worry about, but it is a matter of honor and human decency toward the Iraqis to follow through.
And if you had even one iota of a clue as to the potential repurcussions to your fellow Americans of NOT fulfilling this obligation you would have no problem with finishing the job we’ve begun.
Fulfilling this mission is in OUR (yes yours too) best interests. It is in the Iraqi’s best interests. Our interests converge on this issue and it IS THE MORAL thing to do.
SHAME on you and all those who think like you. It’s not just ignorance, it is willful ignorance based on the most depraved partisanism.
Jennie Taliaferro
John, bless you for this post! This meme was just another tiresome, invalid Bush-bashing talking point from the Left…Snore.
And Bravo to the rest of you commenters for making short work of Jade!
“It doesn’t “seem[s] immoral” it IS immoral.”
I’d ask that you remember your post come April of next year when your president realizes Iraq is hurting his poll numbers and he unilaterally declares victory and yanks the troops out.
Why do I have the suspicion you’ll defend his decision with passion?
Hey, does anyone know about Presidents before Johnson, and whether they went to funerals? I am curious about FDR and Truman, in particular.
I mean, if FDR didn’t go, how can any self respecting Democrat complain about a GOP President not going.
The President cannot reasonably be expected to attend individual military funerals, unless he has a close personal connection to the deceased.
The reasons for this are obvious to any thinking person, and are largely covered above.
The President’s honor to our military dead is typically given on Memorial Day at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier – as a veteran, that’s good enough for me.
“I’d ask that you remember your post come April of next year when your president realizes Iraq is hurting his poll numbers and he unilaterally declares victory and yanks the troops out.
Why do I have the suspicion you’ll defend his decision with passion?”
You’d be wrong JadeGold. I would vehemently opposed such a move on his or any other president.
THAT is part of what has gotten us in this whole terrorist mess to begin with. THAT is part of why Afghanistan fell to the Taliban. Turning our backs and ignoring problems. Pretending stability is more important in the long run than creating a habitable political environment.
Considering the fact that both al Qaeda and the Taliban are making comebacks in Afghanistan, it appears that you’re not as vehemently opposed as you let on.
One of the major opposing arguments against the Iraqi invasion (aside from the fact your president lied about virtually everything)was that it would divert resources away from the War on Terrorism. That has happened.
Are our forces packing up and leaving Afghanistan?
What am I to oppose, that terrorists can be relentless?
I oppose that too.
Jade: When a few more momths pass and he *doesn’t* “unilaterally declare[] victory and yank[] the troops out”, will you come in here and admit your fortune-telling was flat-out wrong and that you misjudged him? I seriously doubt it. You’ll be off trolling some other right-of-center site with a whole new set of cookie-cutter ad hominem attacks in lieu of substantive debate. Why any of us wastes our time responding to you (i.e., giving you the attention you so obviously crave) is quite beyond me.
Dodd: The fact is you’re willing to swallow any lie issuing forth from your president’s lips.
Will you admit you were wrong when Shrubby pulls the plug on Iraq next year? No, you won’t. You’ll probably have yet another excuse about how Shrub is trying to unite America by meeting the liberals halfway. Or you’ll try to justify it by claiming Iraq is now the most democratic utopia outside CONUS.
Why don’t you try answering this question–seriously, not with a GOP talking point: how much are you–personally–willing to sacrifice to see an independent and democratic Iraq? At what point are there too many casualties, too much cost, too much time expended?
We haven’t taken all our troops out of Afghanistan but we’ve diverted enough of them to Iraq that the Taliban and al Qaeda have made significant comebacks.
In reality, once you’re out of Kabul, you’re in Indian Country controlled by either various warlords or the Taliban.
Since Bush won’t pull the plug next year – something that anyone not a lunatic would realize this trip underscored rather forcefully – I won’t have to. But if he does, I will criticize him accordingly. It will also almost assuredly will cost him my vote. I’ve criticized him repeatedly when he deserved it and given him credit when, as now, he deserved it. The ability to do both is the essence of the difference between us (well, that and the fact that I am not a deranged troll).
As for myself, well I already served my country and am now too old to go back in. I did apply for a JAG slot two years ago (after 9/11) but didn’t make the final cut (there were two slots available when I applied – I was in the final five from whom those two were selected). The one thing I can do now is the thing you so steadfastly refuse to do: Support the effort and the troops carrying it out. I would be willing to bet that even the small amount of time, money and effort I expended sending them books and Christmas cards exceeds *your* efforts on their behalf.
And don’t even try to come back at me with some variation on the “I support the troops, I want to bring them home” twaddle. Every word you type makes it clear that our troops are nothing more than a check mark on a scoresheet for you.
And with that, JG, I am done with you. I will waste no further time ‘bandying words with a witless worm. At least, not until April, when I will surely look for you to eat some crow.
John Cole
Not that you have ever been deterred by facts, JadeGold, I would recommend checking troop strength figures for Afghanistan.
Moe Lane
“At least, not until April, when I will surely look for you to eat some crow.”
You assume that he/she will still be posting under his/her name by that point.
“As for myself, well I already served my country and am now too old to go back in. I did apply for a JAG slot two years ago (after 9/11) but didn’t make the final cut”
Wasn’t the question, pinhead, although I’m always amused how you ‘warriors’ always want to enter the service on your terms. I can’t tell you how many of you say you tried to get back in but they wouldn’t return you to flight status or give you a CO billet or let you join your own unit or whatnot. IOW, you always seem willing to serve so long as it’s in the job you want and on your terms. You’ve been in the military–you know it doesn’t work that way; you’re just posturing for the crowd.
Besides, there are no shortage of jobs outside the military which benefit the cause you profess such ardor for. For example, you could work at a VA hospital and the like. Navy and Army Relief are always looking for help.
Instead, my question remains: what are you–personally–willing to sacrifice to see the goals in Iraq met? Are you willing to see higher taxes, for instance? Are you willing to see 4 or 5 or 6 thousand American dead or more? Troop commitments of a decade or more? Some combination of the above?
Answer up or quit whining.
Moe: I look forward to the excuses you’ll offer next year.
I bet you have this one reserved: “Well, Bush didn’t pull out *all* the troops–there’s still some advising the military of Iraq.”
You’re very predictable.
Moe Lane
“Moe: I look forward to the excuses you’ll offer next year.”
You’ll note that JG doesn’t actually deny the allegation.
And here I go again, giving the troll the attention she wants. But I have to ask: Have you ever served under *any* terms, JG? No? Then How dare you call me a pinhead and accuse me of whining and posturing when your only “contribution” to the war effort is to get on strangers’ websites and hurl insults (from behind the safe, secure walls of a pseudonym, no less)? When you’ve even matched my effort of sending books to Iraq, then maybe you’ll have a moral leg to stand on casting aspersions at my contributions. Until then, do us all a favour and shut your moronic yap.
4-6k troops dying is not a sacrifice on my part, so I decline to ‘endorse’ any such number. It will take the number it will take, and I will accept it. As will they, because that’s the goddamned job. As you said, I’ve been in the military, so I know. Your whinging that it’s a “quagmire” (gee, and you accuse me of employing Talking Points?) because we haven’t pacified the whole country in 6 months merely demonstrates your ignorance and lack of independent thought.
I would be willing to pay higher taxes if I believed it would go toward the war. But they’d go toward this monstrous boondoggle of a prescription drug plan and all manner of other waste instead, I fear. I am, however, willing to scrap that nonsense (in a hearbeat) and use that money to win this thing. It’d be much better spent that way than buying Warren Buffett’s Viagra.
And, yes, if doing this right means troops in Iraq for ten years, then I will support that, too. They’ll do a helluva lot more good than the ones that have been piddling around in the Balkans covering the UN’s ass for almost that long.
I spent 3 years and over 120k on my legal education. I wanted to use it in the service (more, yet again, than *you* can say); to go in and *not* use it would be a waste. Like the time I spend replying to you. At least I volunteered myself. What have *you* done? Squat, diddly and bupkus, I’d say, or you’d have said otherwise by now.
And now I am definitely done with you. And thanks, Moe, for pointing out the erroneous assumption in my previous comment. Of course JG won’t be eating crow come April – because “JadeGold” won’t even exist any more.
Leaving Iraq would facilitate another Islamofascist state in the area….a good analogy would be Vietnam, and what happened after we pulled out. Or, consider what would have happened if we would have pulled out of Japan in 1946.
To leave now would make the whole War on Terror a farce, and the President has done everything to prevent that from happening. He said himself that there would be parts of this war that we, as citizens, would not see, or hear about. Afghanistan is not forgotten, not by a long-shot. And, the Taliban aren’t in any shape to make a comeback….that is wishful thinking, and it concerns me if you would want that to happen, JadeGold.
Did you protest the bombings in Istanbul? How about the attacks in Saudi Arabia?
There is no moral equivalence here….the Taliban, Al Qaeda and The Husseins held most human life in contempt, yet I saw NO protests that opposed them. The anti-war protests are, by and large, anti-capitalist, anti-Bush, anti-American, and pro-socialist. Holding that line, or agreeing with those protestors, isn’t patriotic. It is a right, but not patriotic.
Either way, this isn’t something we can just run from. Not anymore. Pagmatism about the condition of Iraq, and the consequences of establishing prosperity and self-governance, must be viewed through a historical perspective. I would use Japan, Germany, and South Korea as examples of where we got it right. Though we are not perfect as a nation, our successes far outweigh our mistakes. Showing weakness (Vietnam, Somalia) will just bring more violence onto us, and allow the operational sphere of Islamofascists and terrorists to expand to our shores again.
we can’t allow that to happen. We’ll be there for 10 years….that’s fine. We can afford it, it is an approach that has worked before, and being patient with the process is key. Emotionalism, and short-sightedness, will hurt us in the long run.
And it goes beyond attending memorial services–it’s prohibiting any photos of flag-draped caskets returning home. Even John McCain sees this as crass politics.
Bad person to cite since during the 2000 campaign he did a photo-op at Arlington Nat’l Cemetery. Of course, that was at least somewhat dignified.
Nothing can compare to the Democrat turning a memorial for Wellstone into a total circus. The Dems have 0 respect for the dead, military or otherwise. Story.
Well put, JC.
But you know JadeGold is deaf to such reason.
Like Bush, said, “As long as it takes.” I expect he’ll keep his word while he has the power to. And though I’ve never voted Republican in my life, I will next year, if for no other reasons than those you stated, my trust in Dubya’s determination and the knowledge that none of those nine dwarves have the balls or displays the understanding that George does.
In fact, I’ve never been partisan at all, but with what is at stake, and the clear line the harping on the left has drawn for me, I could easily be sticking a Bush sticker on my car in the very near future.
They (and I don’t mean every Dem here, just the idiots) either don’t or can’t see the big picture. And they let their politics deviate them from the long range ramifications of not prosecuting this war effectively, even to ours and their own detriment. Sickening, really.
Thanks for your research on this silly funeral crap. It’s just another failed attempt to cast dispersions on Bush. All it really does is make that line they draw even clearer. Every one of these ridiculous attempts is like them etching deeper and deeper into the sand, marking themselves on the side of insanity. Unhinged from reality seems to be their (again, not all dems) only common characteristic.
Yes, Dodd, you are posturing. Who gives a flying %&*# how much you invested in your legal career? You’re former military, you know it doesn’t work that way–with the possible exception of MDs. Again, it’s a case where your commitment to service is total–so long as it doesn’t put a crimp in your career plans or is the least bit inconvenient.
If you really want to serve in uniform, Dodd, let me know. I’ll walk you through the steps to achieve your goal; hell, I’ll make a few calls on your behalf. I’m sure I have a classmate or a POC in manpower shops. Only caveat is you’ll be going where the military wants, which likely won’t coincide with your desires.
But as I noted previously, you don’t need to put on a uniform to serve. Like I said, Army and Navy Relief is always begging for help. As are the VA hospitals. Check out the various Veteran’s groups–you’ll find no shortage of groups looking for help. Tell your Fortune 500 Co. you’re taking a leave of absence to serve and join one of these organizations.
Dr. Weevil
Hey, JadeGold: YOU don’t need to put on a uniform to serve, either. So why don’t you quit your job (assuming you have one) and join the Peace Corps, or the International Red Cross, or Doctors Without Borders, or any one of a hundred other non-military organizations that send people to dangerous parts of the world to try to make a difference there? You don’t even need to join a group. You could be a human shield in Israeli pizza parlors or Turkish synagogues, you could be a construction worker helping rebuild Iraq, you could work on ethnic reconciliation in Rwanda, you could be a journalist reporting on Russian atrocities in Chechnya. There’s a Baptist hospital in Yemen that’s short three employers as of a year or so ago, because terrorists murdered them. As I recall, one of them ran the supply room: I assume you could handle that. If you haven’t already volunteered to move to Yemen and take that job, are you a coward and hypocrite, or just a goddamned fool?
In short, you could put your fat lazy ass on the line for what you believe in — assuming, of course, that you believed in anything except your right to bitch and moan and lie about anyone who is trying to improve the world in ways you so haughtily disapprove. So what you are waiting for? You could even take a laptop to any of these jobs, and keep on posting your crap.
Dr. Weevil:
First, I’m not the one demanding that we pay any price or make any sacrifice to contribute to Shrubby’s quagmire. My position is (and has been) that your president has no plan or vision for Iraq beyond some unspecified and very fuzzy goals. Therefore, I remain unconvinced that we should continue to pour more US lives and dollars into an undertaking which has no plan or endgame. Thus, I’m under no obligation to serve.
Second, Mike, I’d be pleased to compare my DD-214 with yours but I don’t believe you possess one. BTW, I used to date a girl from St. John’s when I was at the Academy.
Dr. Weevil
The point is very simple, moron:
1. If you just kind of think that maybe Bush and his supporters are possibly wrong on the war, you have no right to make categorical and vicious accusations about them.
2. On the other hand, if you are firmly convinced of the truth of your own anti-Bush position, are you not under some obligation to support it by putting your own ass on the line? I have given some examples of how you could actually show your own guts by making the world a better place in a non-Bush or even anti-Bush way. You can hardly expect others to do what you are too lazy or cowardly to do yourself.
By the way, if you’re talking to me in the last paragraph, the name is ‘Michael’, not ‘Mike’. Which reminds me, what is your real name, ‘JadeGold’? And what do you do for a living? No need to give the exact address or anything: I’m just wondering how you pay your bills, what kind of company or government agency you work for, that kind of thing. Someone once accused you of being a Chinese agent: any truth to that? I would have assumed not, but you don’t seem to be in any hurry to deny it or offer an alternative explanation for your peculiar behavior.
Finally, I do not believe for a minute that you are a Naval Academy alumnus or alumna (as the case may be). For one thing, such a person would not refer to Bush as “your president” instead of “our president”. So how about either proving your boast or admitting that you’re a lying moron? You can start by attaching a scanned copy of your DD-214 to an e-mail. Of course, you would also have to provide some proof that it is yours and not someone else’s. That’s a bit difficult for a common troll who doesn’t even have a website to call home.
Mike: Yeah, I’m a Chinese agent. My masters in the PRC believe that if we can destabilize the comments section and demoralize rightwing commenters at BalloonJuice.Com, we’ll have everyone playing mah jongg by the Chinese New Year.
Hey! That’s a better plan than what your president has for his Iraqi quagmire.
>>On the other hand, if you are firmly convinced of the truth of your own anti-Bush position, are you not under some obligation to support it by putting your own ass on the line?
Again, Mike, you’re assuming I’m not currently doing so. As in most of your assumptions, you’re wrong.
>>You can start by attaching a scanned copy of your DD-214 to an e-mail.
What do I get in return? Make it worth my while; remember, it’s not as if I care what a fatass HS Latin teacher–without a nanosecond of military experience– thinks. So, you want to see proof–make me an offer I can’t refuse.
Dr. Weevil
Here’s an offer any decent person would not be able to refuse:
If you explain why anyone should believe you have any military experience at all, how you can claim to be an USNA alumnus when you keep calling Bush “your president”, how you can sneer at me for my supposed lack of qualifications to discuss international affairs while providing less than nothing* that would entitle you to any opinion on the same matters, then — and only then — you may have some chance of convincing readers of this site and the many others on which you appear that you are not a complete and utter 100% cretinous asshole.
Of course, I don’t expect any honest reply: you’ll just continue hiding behind your anonymity and your pretense of military expertise (never, somehow, ever displayed in any of your hundreds of comments) while accusing others of cowardice.
– – – – – – – – – – – –
*”Less than nothing” because your lies, misrepresentations, and insults show that you do not have even the basic honesty expected of participants in a dialogue, and your frequent assertions of ‘fact’ show that you do not even have the basic knowledge of world affairs available to any interested amateur such as myself.
Mike: Make me an offer–after all, I’m *lying*–remember? I’m a Chinese mainland agent–remember? You can’t lose, so what’s the harm in offering something there’s no chance you’ll have to pay?
Unless–of course–your mouth is writing checks your ass can’t cash.
Make a good offer, Mike.
Dr. Weevil
I have already said that I consider it extremely unlikely that you are a Chinese agent, remember? That was someone else’s claim. I do find it odd that you think it fair to abuse others for what they do for a living while carefully concealing your own profession. Well, not so much odd as blatantly and stupidly hypocritical.
Since you insist on calling me by a name that is not mine (not all Michaels are ‘Mikes’), I’m going to have to call you ‘JadedWhore’ from now on. It’s as good a guess as any as to what profession you are so carefully concealing.
And I still don’t believe you have any military experience at all.
One more thing: my ass is in fact not particularly fat. I’d invite you to come over and kiss it, but that would be unsanitary — I prefer to keep my ass a little cleaner than that.
Mike: An offer to engage me in some weird sexual fetish of yours is rather underwhelming.
Do you intend to make an offer in exchange for my bona fides–or are we going to be continually treated to musings about your ass?
Dr. Weevil
More lies from the JadedWhore: I specifically ruled out any ass-kissing on your part on the grounds that I’m afraid I’d catch some foul disease from your filthy lips. And of course the first person to mention my ass on this thread was you, not me.
And I’m still waiting for an explanation of how you are putting yours on the line for what you believe in, evidence of your military experience, some shred of honest dialogue . . . .
Mike: Here’s how I see it; I provide you with proof–you’ll merely move on. .
Instead, I’ve offered you proof–at a price. After questioning my honesty, you don’t get off easily or cheaply. I’m allowing you to offer the terms; I’m fairly confident you’ll decline to do so because you want something for nothing.
Here you have a golden opportunity to prove that I’m a liar–yet, you seem to decline it. Why?
Random Numbers
Lord Byron once said, ” He who will not reason, is a bigot. He who can not reason, is a fool. He who dares not reason, is a slave.”
Which one are you, Jade?
Did Clinton go to any of the funerals for the guys killed in Somalia? Does someone have access to Lexis/Nexis to check?
I don’t remember that happening and the HNN article didn’t mention it.
OK, there is a foolproof way to find out if this clown ‘JadeGold’ is a USNA graduate. How is the cow, Jade? If you were ever a resident of Bancroft Hall you will tell me.
I’m getting really tired of how liberals are misconstruing the meaning of the “Mission Accomplished” banner. As a former sailor who served during two 6 month deployments in the 80’s, here’s how I see it:
The banner was hung by the sailors of the USS Abraham Lincoln, as they were returning from an extended deployment to the Middle East. The Mission they were referring to was their own: to provide air power for the war until such time as they were relieved by another carrier group. No one can seriously argue that this Mission was indeed Accomplished. The sailors aboard the Lincoln had every right to hang such a banner for their loved ones to see as they pulled back in to their home port.
Oops. That should have read:
“No one can seriously argue against the fact that this Mission was indeed Accomplished.”
Oh, yea, Jade- besides telling us how the cow is, what is the significance of Chief Tecumseh?
Dear Jade and any lefties on this meme – don’t you find it interesting that Clinton didn’t bother to visit the WTC in 1993 the first time it was bombed, never mind a funeral for any victims? He never visited the buildings never mind attend a funeral.
Then he shows up after 9/11, lips pursed, all concerned, talking about what should be done…bastard.
Bird Dog
The fact is you’re willing to swallow any lie issuing forth from your president’s lips
OK, so prove the lie. Prove that Bush knowingly said something that he knew to be false. Until then, you will be judged by me as a moron.
So what you’ve managed to demonstrate is that 1) Bush does not go to funerals, thus attesting to the truth of the meme you set out to debunk 2) Most Republicans do not go to funerals (except Reagan), and 3) Most Democrats do go to funerals.
Gee, I think I’ll start wearing an elephant pin and fearing poor people. Really nailed this one, huh?
John Cole
Joe- Congrats on bringing stupid to a whole new level. The meme is not hat Bush does not go to funerals, it is that Bush does not go to funerals because he is afraid of the negative press and because soldiers are only good to him alive and thus he does not ca re, while Democrats all go to funerals.
The debunking is that no one, barring special circumstances (Beirut, the Carter debacle in the desert, the 9/11 Pentagon ceremony), it is not official practice for Presidents to go to funerals. The fact that you inferred something different from the post and the comments is a testament to your silliness.
And be careful pinning that elephant pin to your shirt- you probably should not be arouund sharp objects.
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER has an excellent take on this issue. Check it out–
Sorry — link to Krauthammer’s piece –,9171,1101031208-552146,00.html
It’s obvious that JadeGold is just another frustrated leftist troll.
Sadly most of you are giving him what he/she seeks… recognition.
Moe Lane
Actually, the answers to both are (apparently) pretty easy to find, Armigerous.
‘Course, JG impresses me not with his/her research skills, which might explain the silence.
Moe Lane
Point, CJ. Definite point. :|
There is the possibility that JadeGold was at the USNA and washed out. I was USN (1987-95), and have NO idea about the cow in Bancroft Hall….but I can tell you how to get from Mina Sulman pier to the Intercontinental Hotel in Manama, Bahrain.
JadeGold couldn’t have gotten a commission, because it is obvious he didn’t take the oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. It actually sounds like he is refusing to acknowledge the President, whose office is defined in the Constitution.
That isn’t patriotic dissent…that is contempt for the institution of the Presidency. I think Mr. Clinton was an ass, but he was the President, and mine at that, even though I didn’t vote for him.
If he doesn’t accept the President as his, it sounds as if he is revoking his rights to citizenship. More than anyone else who disagrees with Bush, he needs to pick a new country to make his own. Disagreeing with the President is a right given to us by the Constitution. That Constitution is defended by the President. Disavowing the President is a disavowing of the rights under the BOR and the rest of the Constitution.
However, in a practical vein, JadeGold says what s/he wants to, and allows the POTUS to protect that right.
“Mom….Dad…I hate you. You’re not my parents…I didn’t choose you…….but, can I move in and stay with you?”
Sounds like JadeGold is 16 or so…huh? Political debate is a realm where the immature should be avoided, yet where they lurk in great numbers.
John Cole
JC- Do you know Ben Atkins? He was the honor grad in 1992.
John….no, no…I don’t, but I was enlisted. If I mislead you, it wasn’t on purpose. I did my duty the old fashioned way…starting at E-1 and finishing at E-5.
If the administration is trying to “put a happy face” on this situation it is because the looney leftist ink-meisters are only too willing to put a sad face on it.
I’ve got a friend who worked their way up from E-1 to E-5 or -6 (can’t recall where he wound up), then got pulled up into O-1 and is now O-4 (IIRC, and it appears to be the case from his lapel). Probably didn’t go through USNA in the same way others did; it was an accelerated program.
He’s currently CSO on one of the most modern warships in existence, the USS Mason. I got a little tour of the ship right before it was put into service (last April or May; can’t remember offhand), and I gained a whole lot of respect for the guys who go out in Naval surface ships. And I started out with a lot.
As for Doug, he turned out to be a man worthy of anyone’s respect.
Arleigh-Burke’s are beautiful ships, though I have a distinct love for the Iowa-Class BB’s. It’s just the way they look from the front. Most newer ships are tall, narrow things, packed vertically with ASW and counter-measure electronics. The old battlewagons, the ships-of-the-line, sit squat and powerful. No ship within 20 miles of one of those beauts would stand a chance.
Sometimes, it’s a shame that progress makes beautiful things obsolete.
The Vincennes is a AEGIS Cruiser…beautiful ship, fast, and powerful.
Steve H.
Wonderful post, John, correct both factually and in spirit. The Democrats are criticizing Bush for not doing something, and their boy didn’t do it, either. That hurts, so your pal Jade attempts to change the subject.
Why have you not banned this nut? It’s one thing to disagree in good faith. It’s another to lie and deliberately resort to logical fallacies in order to obscure the truth. Jade is not worthy of your bandwidth.
Bush has visited wounded soldiers: link.
John Cole
Why have you not banned this nut?
Because I think it is vital that evryone remain aware what the fringe really thinks. Just like I am in favor of allowing the KKK to march so wecan keep an eye on those nuts, I think we should all encourage the far left to have a loud platform from which to speak, so everyone gets a real clear idea of their agenda.
Mick McMick
Every last one of these World Socialist idiots that claims to want to pull troops out of Iraq for the sake of “saving lives” is a disgusting, disingenuous traitor. Down the road, they know, millions would die as a result. Millions.
These are the same people who praise North Korea and Cuba, and who laughed at the WTC attack, claiming “the bully got a bloody nose.” They want this country to be destroyed, and pulling out of Iraq (and stopping the war on terrorism in general) would be nothing short of a total disaster for the civilized world.
And they know it, the scumbags. But all they really care about is how Bush unraveled their nearly accomplished feat of signing over US sovereignty through the “International Criminal Court” and the Kyoto treaty. They came s-o-o-o-o-o close! That 2000 election must have really hurt.
Too bad a once reasonable political party has descended to pandering to the worst examples of trash humanity has to offer.
Even a total asswipe like Benedict Arnold never fell back on the bumper sticker “Dissent is Patriotic.” He had the decency to get out when his treason was revealed.
Alan P
your response is typical right wind baloney from people who don’t want to have real debate. Are some people on the left America-lasters who need to spend some time in N Korea or Cuba to understand what freedom really is ? Absolutely. But some people can love their country and be dissenters. I didn’t see anyone rip Tom DeLay when he criticized Clinton for the bombing of Bosnia. I guess it’s only unpatriotic to criticize the President if hes republican.
Mick McMick
Criticizing the President is one thing. Expressing a strangely prevalent, obsessive, personal hatred of him, calling him “shrub,” accusing him of snorting coke, making fun of his past alleged alcohol abuse, etc, and then warping all this into an indefensible call to withdraw from Iraq is another.
And that is what we have these days in lieu of a real opposition party. Even the old-timers have degraded into kooky, Baghdad-Bob bumper-sticker soundbytes. It’s pathetic.
The more shrill you guys get, the more people you chase into the GOPs camp. And the smaller your asylum population gets, the more shrill you become.
Be ready to buy a new TV, everybody. All that red on the map next year will burn out your screen!
Dean Douthat
In answer to the comment that a commander today planning a campaign with 30-40% expected casualty rate would be fired, this is not correct. I expect there are already plans “in the can” with these and higher projected casualty rates. One example is the plan for invading North Korea, another would be the defensive plans for repelling a North Korean invasion and/or shelling of South Korea.
Believe it, such plans exist. The Pentagon has contingency plans for everything! I’m sure there is a plan for invading Canada and capturing Ottowa.
**”I didn’t see anyone rip Tom DeLay when he criticized Clinton for the bombing of Bosnia. I guess it’s only unpatriotic to criticize the President if hes republican.”***
Of course, if you didn’t see it – it never happened.
Steve H.
RE banning Jade: I think you’re a little more dedicated than I am. I’m willing to debate with people who argue in good faith, but I’m not willing to spend my valuable time running down rabbit trails chosen by dishonest opponents.
I feel this way: on my blog, I choose the topic. Stick to it, or start your own blog.
I do applaud your industry.
Ronald Emmis
Just another leftwing nutter.
Remember that these are the MODERATES in the Democrat Party spouting off this garbage. You should see the real fruitcakes and what they have to say.
You want nuts? Check out Dennis Kucinich’s website. He’s got fictional characters and the Creatures of the Forest endorsing him now.
I find it extremely interesting that JadeGold, who didn’t let a comment go more than a few hours of dailylight without a reply has mysteriously disappeared all day after being given an easy way to unimpeachably prove her contention that she went to the USNA. Very interesting indeed. Couldn’t find anyone to tell her the answer, I guess.
Dr. Weevil
Not so mysterious: though her posts were not entirely clear, she was apparently demanding that I pay her a substantial sum of money to prove she’s not a fraud. Guess she’ll keep waiting.
Easier than that, Dr Weevil- All she had to do is tell us “How is the cow?” and what the significance of Chief Tecumseh is to the USNA. any respectable former Midshipman could do that in a mater of one minute and and 100 words or so. Wouldn’t cost her a cent.Now it’s costing the little phony her honor.
Random Numbers
Perhaps s/he is trying to come up with a reasoned response.
This might take a while……..
Alan P
yes it did happen – Delay went after Clinton
in a way that would have Repubs up in arms today if
A dem said it. Here is a piece from
Slate Magazine from February about it:
“on Wednesday, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, called
Democratic opponents of war in Iraq “reckless.” DeLay assailed last
weekend’s “outrageous” speech by former Gov. Howard Dean, D-Vt., to the
Democratic National Committee. The applause that greeted Dean’s speech
“proves who the Democrat Party is,” DeLay told reporters. “They are fast
becoming the appeasement party.”
It’s easy to see why DeLay is angry. In his speech, Dean called the war a
“quagmire” and compared it to Vietnam. He said it would “drag on,” costing
billions of dollars. He accused the president of failing to specify how long our
troops would have to stay, and he urged the administration to withdraw them
“before the body bags start coming home.”
Maybe if Dean had stopped there, his remarks could have been shrugged off.
But he went further. He accused the president of double standards and
twisted priorities, implying ulterior motives. “North Korea continues to flaunt
international law by speeding ahead with their nuclear program with no
consequences whatsoever,” Dean charged. And despite the bombing of
Afghanistan, he observed, “Osama Bin Laden still represents a threat to
thousands of American lives.”
That was bad enough, but Dean wasn’t finished. He suggested that the
United States should curb its warlike impulses to avoid offending other
countries. “The White House has bombed its way around the globe,” he
sneered. “International respect and trust for America has diminished every
time we casually let the bombs fly.” As for the current war plan, Dean
complained that “no one wants us to be there” and that the president’s
crusade “has made the Russians jittery and has harmed [our] standing in the
Continue Article
Then there was the creepy way Dean kept referring to the president. He
called the showdown “Bush’s undeclared war” and “Bush’s bombing
campaign.” He described it as something “the president has put us into” and
warned his audience, “We should think very, very seriously whether we are
going to take ownership of the bombing”
Jadegold, do you live in the US? If you do, should you be there? You sound so unhappy. But look, you would be right at home here in France with your lefty/antiBush rhetoric amongst all those muslims burning synogogues and Jewish schools. Tell you what – can we swop? I get to live in the US and you come and live here?
“Perhaps s/he is trying to come up with a reasoned response.
This might take a while……..”
Depends on how many monkeys she can acquire, and how many typewriters.
Steve H.
“How is the cow?”
Well, she just got back from Iraq.
Well, for the edification of those who wonder about USNA traditions, I will provide the answers to “How is the cow” and what Chief Tecumseh means there at the end of the day- just so ‘JadeGold’ won’t think this is a ‘trick question’, and to demonstrate once and for all what a bogus little bimbo she really is.Stay tuned….
Methinks Jadegold is in seclusion, pondering how to revive the patina his/her screen name represents and further, how to revitalize his/her obviously oxidized political positions.
Congrats, Sully has not just linked you but used this post for a article.
Delay was roundly criticized… doesn’t suddenly make Dean, et al., right. Also didn’t make Maxine Waters right when she repeatedly attacked the patriotism of Republicans over Iraq, etc. in 1998. We could go on like this for a long time you know…
Maybe someone should explain to Jade, using very small words, spoken very slowly that his or her comments are pretty much automatically given a strike against them by his/her insistence on sophomoric namecalling when discussing the President.
“Shrubby”? Cute. Let me ask you – when the “far right” called President Clinton “Slick Willy”, did that make you take them seriously?
Think about that, an this: If you can’t move beyond “Shrubby”, your opinions are telegraphed as those of an ideologue at best, and at worst a party-line-repeating robot.
Private Dunbar
I almost want to feel sympathetic to the Democrats, it’s one political suicide move after another. Come the 2004 election, the left will be reminded exactly how much out of the “mainstream” they really are. It’s really going to be a victory like Reagan took in 1984, and Howard Dean will be forgotten by history.
It’s gotta be terrible being a Democrat these days and watching the far left hijack the party.
Ok, boys and girls, it’s time to enlighten you about USNA traditions and expose’JadeGold’ for the bullshit little pussy she really is.First year Midshipmen or’gobs’ have to learn a lot of required knowledge and be prepared to recite it on command to any upperclassman who demands it.One of these bits is ‘How is the cow’- to which a gob is expected to respond- “Sir, she walks, she talks, she’s full of chalk. The lacteous fluid extracted from the female of the bovine species is highly prolific to the nth degree”. As to Chief Tecumseh,there is a statue of him near Bancroft Hall and he is known as ‘the god of 2.5″- the GPA necessary to remain a Midshipman- and during exams, every Midshipman is expected to salute him left handed when walking past. Now if “JadeGold’ had actually been a USNA grad, she would have answered these inquiries in a heartbeat and saved her credibility. Now everyone on this site knows what a donkeybrained little whuss she really is
Mick McMick
People who falsely claim to have served to buy themselves some kind of sympathy or credibility are the lowest form of invertebrate.