I am horribly behind on my link maintenance, so if there is anyone out there who has linked to me and I have failed to reciprocate, please let me know. My policy is to link to anyone who links to me and to link to those who I read (even if they don’t link to me). In short, I willlink to anyone as long as they are not David Duke. As that is a rather liberal policy, I often fall behind with the reciprocal links, so please let me know in the comments.
by John Cole| 27 Comments
This post is in: Previous Site Maintenance
Moe Lane
Yo. Not that I’ll stop reading here if you don’t link to me, or anything. Plus, since it’s a group blog that I only set up, not rule with an iron hand (although my other two bloggers are sane Lefty types who are nice enough to humor me on a bunch of things), I dunno how you’d categorize it anyway. :)
http://obsidianwings.blogs.com/obsidian_wings/ is the one with Ecosystem: http://obsidianwings.blogs.com/ works, too, but I dunno when Bear will add it.
Jon Henke
John…I’ve linked you recently to check out your blog. You’re pretty much doing exactly what I wish I had the time to do. Uh..and on a better looking site.
At any rate, in addition to telling you that, I wanted to add how much I enjoy your stuff. Good work.
Mois. Not that I’m really hell-bent on a reciprocal link. I don’t do many entries, nor do I get many visitors. But the day is still young.
Chris Arndt
I, on the other hand, AM hell-bent on a reciprocal link because I need the attention.
check out Apologies Demanded (http://apologiesdemanded.blogspot.com)
Conservative cultural commentary from me…
I shall make my plea here too…
FYI – I am probably a “Jet Stream” heh
Chris Arndt
Seriously… I need the attention…. if I could get at least half as many hits on these weeny girly “feelings” blogs typed all in soft-font lower-case sites I’d begin using my topicblog to start hawking stuff and maybe, just maybe, make a chink in my credit card debt.
If you’re thinking you might make some money blogging, you might want to consider getting a second job instead. Or in addition to. At least there’s a guaranteed income that way.
In the Crosswinds section, obviously.
Miller's Time
I try to have the same policy regarding links, and I would appreciate a link from Balloon Juice.
Matthew Stinson
John, if you get a chance you should probably move the lefties who joined Crooked Timber into one link. A few other people, like HawkGirl, have left blogger for real hosts. And if your sidebar is too long, you might want to consider dropping a few dormant bloggers or moving them to a new category.
John, I’ve had you linked for many months. I don’t expect a reciprocal link, but if you’d like to, it’s:
Reciprocity, while not assumed, would be appreciated. Thanks.
Yo, enjoy your blog, although I haven’t commented yet.
Thanks for the invite John.
You are there, and I would be honored to be here.
Well since you asked us to tell you – I, too, wouldn’t mind a link. Thanks.
As I’ve had you on my blogroll FOREVER [ed. a couple of months] and MUST [ed. might] have sent you TENS OF THOUSANDS [ed. a couple dozen] of hits by now, I’m AMAZED [ed. not at all surprised] that you haven’t reciprocated already. GET TO IT [ed. if you have the time, I’d appreciate it]!!!!
I’ve been enjoying your blog for sometime now and have linked to you from mine. I was never expecting a reciprocal link, but since you’re offering, I’d be honored to have a place on your blogroll.
Really like the vast majority of your posts! The others, I’m still okay with. ;)
physics geek
Since you asked, I won’t beg, but a link to
would be greatly appreciated.
Parkway Rest Stop - Jim
I’ve linked to you for just about a year. I didn’t do it to get a reciprocal link, but rather because it made it easier for me to come here every day.
However, I don’t believe I’ve ever turned my nose up at a link. :-)
John Cole
Woah- I have some work to do- Give me some time.
Chris Arndt
not “blogging for the money”.
In five years, writing for the money….
I just want to first
1) find out if I’m smart enough to successfully do that Amazon referral doo-whacky.
2) find out if I can find someone gullible enough or trusting enough to buy a book that I recommend….
Frankly… I’d use the money to buy useless crap. Making a living off of the internet is a fantastically stupid idea… seriously.
I still need the attention.
Who was I commenting to? Slartibarfast? something.
Ahhh…I was just trying to stifle your adventurous spirit. So to speak.
Now, since all of my posts have fallen off into the archive bin, I’m going to have to get blogging.
Darn. It turns out I’m David Duke. Ah well — I don’t do the reciprocal link thing myself, so I don’t expect it from anybody else, though I do appreciate any links I get.
That would be EMUSE
Well, seeing as how you have a policy of reciprocal links, I stopped procrastinating and linked you…
Of course, it may take a few days for me to get around to correcting the mis-spelling… :)
Christopher J. Arndt
I take it that the reciprocal link idea fell through quickly?
Or am I David Duke?