Make sure you go vote for the Weblog Awards.
Predictably, I am getting my ass handed to me.
For some reason, I am not even on the Playful Primates ballot. Weird.
by John Cole| 4 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Make sure you go vote for the Weblog Awards.
Predictably, I am getting my ass handed to me.
For some reason, I am not even on the Playful Primates ballot. Weird.
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Kathy K
So am I. Then again, OTTH isn’t really a conservative blog.
At least you are getting your ass back.
Obviously, we are dealing with people who do not know true quality when they see it.
The Commissar
Yeah, I’m getting mine handed to me too.
Kevin tried to spread around the nominations. My blog was .. suggested(?) in three categories, but was only Nominated in one.
Rate My Body
Weblog Awards?