This fresh off the wires:
A moderate earthquake was reported in Virginia Tuesday.
Early estimates were for a quake with a magnitude of 4.5 located west of Richmond, the U.S. Geological Survey (news – web sites) said.
There were reports the temblor was felt in Maryland as well, and police in the District of Columbia said they received a number of calls from people who noticed it.
Former Vice President Al Gore, author of Earth in Balance and newest member of the Dean campaign, immediately blamed the Bush administration for their abyssmal environmental policies. “If Bush had not spent so much time fighting forest fires out West and shoveling snow in the north, he would have known the real threat to our nation were Atlantic coast earthquakes,” the impassioned Gore stated. “Governor Dean and I are going to show George Bush a thing or two about natural disasters.”
I actually clicked the link to see. Damn, I’m gullible.
First: I’m not, nor ever was, a Gore fan.
Second: I believe he would say such a thing, convinced that it is a serious problem.
Lastly: thanks for the chuckle, ;)
Really? I would have thought that Gore would blame it on Global Warming. You know, the earth gets hotter, the tectonic plates heat up, expand and viola! Earthquake!
What? Why are you all looking at me….
It is my considered* opinion that the recent spate of natural disasters demonstrates that the Bush Dynasty has lost the Mandate of Heaven and must be replaced.
*This is not my opinion.
mike the analyst
I CONFESS! I clicked the link too…