More idiocy from O’Reilly:
FOXNEWS’s top-rated host Bill O’Reilly recently claimed that he is “running against Hillary for most copies of nonfiction books sold this year!”
But numbers obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT show a dramatically different sales scene for 2003 than O’Reilly’s TODAY show comments.
NIELSEN’s BOOKSCAN placed O’Reilly at #6 for the year on the nonfiction charts, trailing rival Al Franken by nearly 30%!
What do you expect, really? Bet that Franken part really pisses him offf, though. Goodness, I dislike that man.
I think O’Reilly picked Hillery’s book because he knew he already lost the battle to Al.
Oh, and the last time Bill’s name was associated with Al’s book, well, we all know how that worked out for Al.
O’Reilly isn’t all bad. He is pretty good most of the time. But his ego is hard to take sometimes. Especially with his constant “Book Wars” with Hillary. His constant crusade on trying to beat Hillary is unwarrented as much as it is annoying.
His ignorance of the Internet is even more appalling. Today he called Matt Drudge a “right-wing propagandist”. Um, what? Matt Drudge doesn’t make news, he links to news articles. O’Reilly likened Drudge as the right-wing equilivant of Michael Moore. WTF. O’Reilly often tries too hard to become “Fair & Balanced” in his analysis, and whenever he attacks the left he seems to have to attack the right as well, and his “right-wing attacks” are always unwarrented or either false.
There are probably plenty of right-wing propagandist websites out there, but the Drudge Report is not one of them.
o’reilly is a no-nothing blowhard. why do people still pay attention to him?
According to Drudge, O’R went completely nonlinear over this story on-aire last night.
Missing that is the only reason I’m sorry I don’t watch O’R any longer.
Oh, hell, I didn’t even see the Jettison post.
BTW, Sean, that’s “know-nothing”, he said pedantically.
jeez. i can’t believe i did that. thanks Charlie.
Drudge has a hard-on for impugning O’Reilly & O’Reilly has a hard-on for impugning Drudge. Been that way for a while.
Didn’t news break a while back about Hillary’s book sales being falsely inflated because of the DNC scooping them up?