Mark Steyn discussing the Morons on Parade Nine Dwarves, and in particular, Dean. This bit about Kerry is priceless:
ohn Kerry is the tall, aloof Vietnam veteran who enjoys saying that George W. Bush went into Iraq
by John Cole| 9 Comments
This post is in: Politics
Mark Steyn discussing the Morons on Parade Nine Dwarves, and in particular, Dean. This bit about Kerry is priceless:
ohn Kerry is the tall, aloof Vietnam veteran who enjoys saying that George W. Bush went into Iraq
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Just Another Of The Shut-Up Republicans
Howard Dean had an encounter with one of the new class of Republicans, who don’t like talking about the issues and feel we should constantly genuflect towards this miserable presidency. “Please tone down the garbage, the mean mouthing, the tearing…
S.W. Anderson
Angry Democrats, you say? Just about hating Bush, you say?
Strikes me this rant is about hating Democrats — or anyone not to the right of Dick Cheney’s well-hidden butt.
Stretch a little and try to understand that some of us have a problem with a horrendously expensive distraction from the war against al Qaeda and other terrorists that’s expended nearly 500 Americans’ lives and several thousands more serioulsy injured, made us the nation-building wet nurse for a land of heavily armed hostiles who hate our presence there and who stand only a slightly better chance of accepting and persevering with a grafted-on democracy than George Bush stands of spending the rest of 2004 telling the God’s honest truth.
Give it up — this blog used to be an interesting place to see a sane right-wing perspective, but it has degenerated into useless partisan frothing, devoid of sense or support. I’ve moved on to, and I sincerely recommend that you do the same.
Kimmitt speaks on partisan frothing. Heh. Bwahaha!
John Cole
I have not changed- and I have been writing the same thing about Kerry and Dean since Day One.
The archives are below- show me what has changed….
SWA, not a distraction, rather action that is already having a salutary effect in the region. Besides, we are just implementing the regime change policy for Iraq Clinton initiated in 98:
S.W. Anderson
Alex, perhaps you’ll find a look at this worth your while:
War College Study Calls Iraq a ‘Detour’
A report published by the Army War College criticizes the Bush administration’s global war on terrorism as “unfocused” and contends that the war in Iraq is “unnecessary” and a “detour” that has diverted attention and resources from the threat posed by Al Qaeda.
There’s more at
All of the War Colleges are known for healthy and lively discussion of what the best course for the counrty’s defense is. In fact, there is no defined position; only papers that are promulgated and left to the executive branch and generals/admirals to heed or not. Heck, we still debate whether or not a blckade would have sufficed with Japan instead of the Atom Bombs. Don’t even get me started on the fights between the Army/Air Force and Navy/Marine Corps philosophies. Just ’cause it comes from the War College, doesn’t make it true. Worth considering and debating for sure, because it will be well researched and supported. But not fact, just an opinion.
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Nullum est iam dictum quod non dictum sit prius – Nothing is said that hasn’t been said before. (Terence)