If there was ever any idea that General Wesley Clark was one of the cadre of officers that David Hackworth calls the “Perfumed Princes,” check out his comments regarding John Kerry:
Clark, who didn’t compete in Iowa, told campaign workers in Manchester, N.H., that Kerry, a decorated former Navy officer, had a military background “but nobody in this race has got the kind of background I’ve got.”
“It’s one thing to be a hero as a junior officer. He’s done that, I respect that,” Clark said. “But I’ve got the military experience at the top as well as at the bottom.”
What an asshole. John Kerry, despite his politics, is a bona fide military hero. Period. End of story. Here is a brief recounting of his valor in VietNam:
In Vietnam, Lt. Kerry served as captain of a “patrol craft fast,” or “PCF.” These fast river crafts were the inland equivalent to the famous “PT.” vessels of World War II–another parallel to the biography of John F. Kennedy. During his time in Vietnam, Kerry would demonstrate genuine heroism and courage under fire, once driving his ship directly into an ambush gunnery. His bravery earned him a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts. In 1969, Kerry reversed the course of his ship under fire and retrieved a wounded sailor from the water, receiving the Bronze Star for his actions, as well as his third Purple Heart. In addition, he earned a ticket home.
This last incident would generate considerable attention for Kerry when the man he retrieved from the river, retired Los Angeles police officer Jim Rassmann, made a surprise appearance at a Des Moines rally just two days before the caucuses.
I may not like a lot of Kerry’s politics, but I find Clark’s comments deeply offensive.
(via Drudge)
Only Clark’s comments? I find Clark himself offensive: a political chameleon.
I’m not really a Clark supporter, but I don’t see how offensive this is.
Clark gives Kerry his due, but says essentially, “I was a general and no other former generals are running.”
I especially find it odd that you’re defending Kerry on these grounds since you used to always write so dismissively when discussing him. Something like “Kerry (BTW, did you know I was in Vietnam?) said…”
John Cole
BG- I never dismissed his service. What I found amusing was that his veteran status was worked into EVERY statement he made. In other words, it was a joke.
John Kerry (who, btw, is a Vietnam Veteran)…..
The point being EVERYONE knows he is a vet.
OK, fair enough, could you then expound on the offensive part?
John Cole
Because it is dismissive- “Yeah sure- he has done that- but look at what I have done.” The military needs a lot more bona fide combat heroes like Kerry and a lot fewer armchair generals like Clark.
Jon H
Wasn’t Clark wounded in Vietnam?
Are you saying that generals should be the frontline troops?
Because if you’re not satisfied with a soldier, who was wounded in combat, as a general, then who the heck do you think is qualified to be a general?
And yet, Kerry didn’t stick around and apply his combat experience as an officer. No, he applied his combat experience to politics, where it clearly didn’t do much to help the front line troops stay out of trouble.
You’re not making any sense.
Combat veteran who becomes an impotent politican – good.
Combat veteran who stays in the service and rises in the ranks – bad.
A fine scotch
For those readers too stupid to understand basic reading comprehension:
I believe that Mr. Cole is offended at Mr. Clark’s dismissive and condescending remarks with regard to Mr. Kerry’s service record.
“It’s one thing to be a hero as A JUNIOR OFFICER.”
While Mr. Clark does say that he respects that (being a hero at a lower level), he immediately juxtaposes his military experience with Mr. Kerry’s heroism (and apparently, compares himself favorably), as though being a beauracratic kiss-ass who almost started WWIII is more impressive than 3(!!!!) Purple Hearts.
I don’t agree with Mr. Kerry’s politics but, damn, if he doesn’t have big brass ones…
My reading comprehension is just fine, jerk.
To everyone else:
OK, I see what John’s saying now. As I see it though, anyone in politics comparing himself to the other guy is going to think that their own record is better. And in politics, being dismissive hardly a cardinal sin. (Maybe it isn’t the high road either.) But since both Kerry and Clark are jockying for position, I don’t think it’s that big a deal.
It’s called having a “tin ear,” bg and no offense intended, but you and former Gen. Clark seem to share one.
The odd thing is, Kerry himself has one too. I respect Kerry’s military service, but does he? The moment that defined his character was when he threw his campaign ribbons (but not his corresponding campaign medals) over a Capitol fence toward a trash can, along with medals given to him by other vets, and allowed the press representatives present to think he was throwing away his own medals. Now, his own medals hang in a glass display case in his Senate office. Although I’d have disagreed with him then and do now, I’d at least have respected him if he’d had the consistent principle to throw away his medals. But he wanted to have it both ways on Vietnam, just like he wants to have it both ways now on Iraq.
Both of these men, ultimately, are charlatans — politicians who lack grounded principles, who will say whatever they think is needed to get themselves elected.
His words were “Ive got experience at the top as well as the bottom”
He was a General and Kerry wasnt. Why do you guys wanna spin a war hero. He ws shot four times in VietNam also. This guy is for real .
Re: offensive — what Clark has done is demonstrate that he’s a “REMF” — a Rear Eschelon Mother (you can figure out the rest, I don’t remember John’s rules), a group known in WWII as “feather merchants”. That is’ the people who think they ought to be just as honored for their time flying a desk as Morale Officer as someone who is actually getting shot at.
Clark has his own Silver Star and Purple Heart from Viet Nam, and that commands respect; but his later military career was characterized largely by an ability to get good check marks in inspection boxes and an ability at political machinations that ended up with him going over the line while in Yugoslavia and getting relieved.
So, beyond the REMF factor, if I were he, I wouldn’t want to draw attention to the difference between his acareer and John Kerry’s.
Jon H
“So, beyond the REMF factor, if I were he, I wouldn’t want to draw attention to the difference between his acareer and John Kerry’s.”
Yeah, Kerry quit while he was ahead, before he could become a REMF, and opted for a more cushy, higher-paying career as a RRRRREMF, way the heck in the rear – about as far as he could get.
“as though being a beauracratic kiss-ass who almost started WWIII is more impressive than 3(!!!!) Purple Hearts.”
TNR had something on this Clark almost started WWIII meme a while back. Shorter TNR: This meme is a bunch of bunk.
Despite his ‘I respect that’, the tone of his words (if not his voice, heck if I know on that) imply that he does NOT respect that from ‘mere’ (that’s the implication) Junior Officers. An insult to every Junior Officer.
And now Clark has taken to calling Pickering “anti-American”…
Here we see this is a regular talking point for Clark: