Every year, during the SOTU address, the cameras zoom in on some member of the opposition party who looks like they are about to explode with rage. Last year, it was Hillary. This year, it was Teddy Kennedy. In years past, Republicans have done the same damn thing when Clinton was speaking, so don’t think this is some sort of partisan pot-shot. Don’t these people realize how awful this looks on camera?
BTW- Vodkapundit is SOTU-blogging live.
I call your one second after the SOTU and point this out (I know, I know–no one needed it pointed out) and can’t even get a blurb on the site? What’s up with that?
John Cole
Umm. Check what time I wrote this, what time the SOTU address was, when you called, and get back to me, hero.
I am humbled. I should’ve kept my politically handicapped, feeble minded thoughts to myself.