This just amuses me:
Kenyans in colorful robes and headgear, South Koreans with blue peace signs painted on their faces and Britons carrying posters of Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Bush crossed out in black joined thousands of others marching through the congested streets of Bombay on Wednesday to denounce the Iraq war. It was a demonstration that marked the close of the fourth annual World Social Forum.
Delegates carrying placards that read “Iraq is not for sale” and “End occupation of Iraq” elbowed others who raised slogans of “Down with war, down with Bush” and caused chaos in downtown Bombay. Police officers brandishing riot sticks could barely keep the crowds under control.
If there were just one protestor dressed up as Castro with a ‘Free Cuba Now!’ sign, or one guy with a ‘Free North Korea Now!’ sign, I would pay attention to these people.
By the way, try to spot the irony in this sentence:
The freewheeling nature of the forum, however, did not find unanimous support even within India. A splinter group of far left elements called for a violent movement against globalization and war.
For their sake, I hope to God the French don’t see this:
We all know that nothing gives the French an itchy trigger finger like a rainbow-festooned peace boat full of smelly protestors.
Who the hell wants peace? That’s an old, outdated Christian belief.
Pulverizing another nation, flexing our US might (because we can) is what the world needs and respects!
Turn the other cheeck? Bullshit! War makes people wealthy and it makes great 24/7 news!!!
Ralph Gizzip
“Lesbians Against Bush!”
Huh? WTF!