Sullivan mentioned how much he enjoyed watching Sharpton squirm during the debate last night, so I have decided to post the transcript of it here. If you have never seen a fat, hypocritical, race-baiting bigot tap dance before, this is your chance:
JENNINGS: Reverend Sharpton, I’d like to ask you a question about domestic policy, if you don’t mind.
If during your term as president, if you become the nominee, and you have the opportunity to nominate someone to be chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, what kind of person would you consider for the job? You can name someone in particular, if you have someone in mind.
And maybe just take a minute or so to give us a little bit about your views on monetary policy.
You just know Jennings was enjoying every word of this question as he asked it. Alright Rev. Al- break out the top hat and cane:
SHARPTON: I think, first of all, we must have a person at the Monetary Fund that is concerned about growth of all, not setting standards that would, in my judgment, protect some and not elevate those that cannot, in my view, expand and come to the levels of development and the levels of where we need to be.
I think part of my problem with how we’re operating at this point is that the IMF and the policies that are emanating there do not lead to the expansion that is necessary for our country and our global village to rise to levels that underdeveloped countries and those businesses in this country can have the development policies necessary.
JENNINGS: Forgive me, Reverend Sharpton, but the question was actually about the Federal Reserve Board.
SHARPTON: I thought you said IMF, I’m sorry.
JENNINGS: No, I’m sorry, sir. And what you’d be looking for in a chairman of the Federal Reserve Board.
SHARPTON: Oh, in the Federal Reserve Board, I would be looking for someone that would set standards in this country, in terms of our banking, our — in how government regulates the Federal Reserve as we see it under Greenspan, that we would not be protecting the big businesses; we would not be protecting banking interests in a way that would not, in my judgment, lead toward mass employment, mass development and mass production.
I think that — would I replace Greenspan, probably. Do I have a name? No.
HUME: Thank you, Reverend Sharpton. Thanks very much.
Indeed, Al. Thank you soooooo much.
Dimmy Karras
So that’s where Dean got the idea to call for removing Greenspan.
Random Numbers
Just saw Sharpie squirm again on 20/20 when Stossel pointed out that the top 1% pay 34% of the taxes. Twice as much as he said they should.
He tried to change the subject.
Thank you, Peter Jennings.
Now, THAT is the kind of debate this country needs. Let’s see how smart these people are. They can talk a good game, but have they actually considered just what a president has to think about all the time?
Random Numbers:
Stossel should have said INCOME taxes: not the same as total tax burden. Some of you guys seem to keep forgetting that.
Not that Sharpton isn’t a buffoon. But, still…
Tawana Brawley must be sooooooo Proud
M. Scott Eiland
Kudos to Peter Jennings–now, if one of the *candidates* would cut the King of The Race Hucksters off at the ankles in one of the debates, the world would be a much better place.
Big whoop. Monetary policy. At what point does Peter Jennings or ANYONE ask him about his role in the Brawley hoax, a hoax which almost tore NYC apart and defamed an innocent man? Or how about they ask about his incitement of the Freddys Fashion Mart fire that killed? Would someone ask him to defend his “white interlopers” comments for once??
What a load. The fact that this piece of shit is a “serious” candidate for President is a disgrace to the Democrat party, and America. I could never vote for any of these Dems because they deign to stand with Sharpton. What a disgusting display.
Just saw Sharpie squirm again on 20/20 when Stossel pointed out that the top 1% pay 34% of the taxes.
And the bottom 40% have less than one percent of the wealth. A person who has all the money should pay all the taxes.
Maggie Houlihan
And the bottom 40% have less than one percent of the wealth. A person who has all the money should pay all the taxes.
What a hate-filled comment. To those who think that having wealth automatically means that you ‘owe’ something to those who do not have it: in which countries where the rich are paying ‘their fair share’ is there more (or even the same) prosperity and freedom for the most people as in the United States?