This may be the best piece of fan e-mail I have ever recieved:
what gives you the ability to pontificate about current events in such a
droll and uninteresting fashion? i bet you are from california. you are
very self impressed, are you not? your writing is like literary manure
i.e. it stinks.just thought i would let you know
James Rippner
I almost pissed myself laughing. Then I took his email address and signed him up for some viagra newsletters and some impotence self-help groups.
The Commissar
You and Allah get all the good trolls.
I am jealous!!!
“Droll” means “having an amusing or whimsical quality” – which is, to put it diplomatically, somewhat incompatible with “uninteresting.”
Ah, “literary” criticism.
Now, Dodd, Mr. Rippener had to get his money’s worth out of those vocabulary builder tapes, because “people judge you by the words you use.” Or misuse. Besides, droll rhymes with troll… and is the antithesis of one (see, I can use my $5 word too!).
burn rate
You’d think a metaphor as pungent (ha!) as “literary manure” wouldn’t need explaining.
Robin Roberts
Sheesh, how about some Nigerian 419 scams too?
I’m jealous. The only hate mail I get is from my mom.
Not true! BlameBush writes his own hate mail to himself… LMAO!
“Pontification is like literary manure: it is no good until spread around, helping small minds grow”.
Dolly Levi