Maybe Jim Cappozalalphabet is joking:
Who, exactly, is “Wonkette,” the scheming parvenu wannabe blogger who is saying such awful things about the indispensable Media Whores Online?
The despicable cretin that goes by the name “Wonkette,” in writing about MWO says this, while referring to the latest disgraceful behavior of right-wing mouthpiece and self-styled media critic Howard Kurtz as a scare-quoted “scandal“:
There have been reader inquiries as to the reliability of Media Whores Online as a news source for the Kurtz item below. Here’s our take: They are not reliable at all. Repeat: Not reliable at all. Somewhere below Drudge and above a Ouija board. More politically motivated than either.
Gosh, just when “Wonkette” was raising her profile by, among other things, absurdly offering others to, of all selfish and greedy things, “buy a link” from her disreputably Andy-Grove-esque gossip column, it’s time for her to go away. To slither into the slime from which she arose, to die, at least in her public “persona,” an ignored and ignominious death.
I’ve only done this once before, but I’m going to do it again. If you link to “Wonkette” through your blogroll you cannot and will not enjoy, for what that might be worth, a link from The Rittenhouse Review.
You can’t spell obnoxious, self-important liberal without the letters ‘Rittenhouse.’ Well- you can, but I was too busy looking up ‘parvenu’ to think of something witty and true. At any rate, get over yourself. I used to read Rittenhouse- I thought he was clever, and I like sarcasm and good writing. I even donated the last time he needed help financially.
At any rate, Jim, I don’t remember signing up for ‘Net Nanny,’ but do me a favor, if you would. When you finish checking out the other billion and a half websites out there, please let me know which ones I may feel free to link to and which ones are just so horrifying to you that they will just burn my eyes on contact.
I regret not having the Rittenhouse Review in my permalinks- it makes it impossible for me to enjoy de-linking it.
Gary Farber has some fun with Mr. Overly Self-Important.
Who? :)
Gary Utter
If I were in your position, I would add Rittenhouse to the blogroll and THEN deliink the twit.
Oh, good – I was hoping I wasn’t the only one who thought he was being absurd. Sheesh.
And to think a month ago he was whining because no one was hitting his PayPal button and he was bitching about havinbg to leave Philly.
Maybe he’s joking? No, it’s not like this is the first time he’s done this. You’d think he would have learned.
Pretty pompous, that Jim.
But,as far as Wonkette’s opinion, I don’t think anything is below Druge.
BTW, I can attest to MWO being completely dishonest. We had a tussle a while back last summer and I was floored by how deceitful he/she/they were. Politics aside, the site is run by liars (and I don’t throw that phrase around lightly) and would trust Michael Jackson with my 4 year old son before believing anything on that site.
Just my two cents, of course, but from an informed perspective as I’ve been the target of some of their entries that were filled with falsehoods. Cappazolla can certainly find more credible sources to defend.
Very bizarre take-back today… apparently he overreacted but it was overreaction to call him on it. I also think he got a time machine if that date is right.
I went ahead and put Wonkette on my link-list, so as to (hopefully) preempt Rittenhouse from ever (accidentally, it’d almost have to be) linking to me.
Gary Farber
I said my piece here.
What a pompous git.
Good piece, Gary.
You know, I think Mr. Rittenhouse is one more delinking away from having his name enter the online lexicon in the great tradition of Fisk and Dowd.
That Capozzola has got to be one of the biggest and most fatuous gasbags with a blog. As has been noted by others, he writes as if he were channelling Paul Lynde.
Didn’t that idiot over at the counterspin blogsite delink Instapundit because of some link he had?
“You know, I think Mr. Rittenhouse is one more delinking away from having his name enter the online lexicon in the great tradition of Fisk and Dowd.”
If Fisking is critiquing absurd articles…
And Dowdification is the use of ellipses to alter meaning…
Then what is Rittenhouse?
…verb, noun, adjective?
…a state of being?
-snotty and petty
– “xblog has gone all rittenhouse on us”
…the act of making petty threats?
-don’t make me stop this blog and delink you!
hmmmm… I’m not sure how to best formulate a definition. The term should be specific enough to be descriptive, yet be sufficiently amenable to common application to avoid falling into disuse.
I think the cardinal virtues of a “rittenhouse” must include, but not necessarily be limited to,
1) a towering confidence in the moral and factual rectitude of one’s positions
2) matched only by a supreme conviction of the importance and influence of one’s opinions.
3) accompanied by absolute belief that someone, somewhere actually cares.
Gary Farber
4) phrased in an orotund, bloviating fashion.
Robin Roberts
I’m reminded of the scene in “Blazing Saddles” where Cleavon Little puts a gun to his own head and says …
Andrew | BYTE BACK
Um .. did anybody try to finds it on Rittenhouse?
It’s not there.