Here are the primary poll numbers as of right now. I guess my only comment is that I find it frightening that 10% of SC Democrats would vote for Sharpton.
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by John Cole| 17 Comments
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Here are the primary poll numbers as of right now. I guess my only comment is that I find it frightening that 10% of SC Democrats would vote for Sharpton.
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Need I remind you john of the Republican New Hampshire primary in 1996? The populistfacist Buchanan won!
Nice try with the sharpton baiting.
John Cole
I find that frightening, too.
One minor difference, though.
Buchanon isn’t a Republican anymore.
Buchanan will, absent him running again, most likely vote Republican in ’04. The Republicans had their ABB in 1996 “anyone but Buchanan”, Sharpton isn’t serious enough to warrent a ABS movement. That is the major difference.
John Cole
Since youare admitting Shrpton is the fringe- show me once when any of the candidates repudiated his positions in any of the last 35 debates.
Also, I would argue that the current state of the Democratic party is far more rel;evant than the state of a fractured Republican party ten years ago.
the talking dog
We’re about to watch “S. Farber’s Law” (like Godwin’s law only less famous): whatever candidate finishes behind Sharpton in any primary or caucus is… finished. Instantly.”
Right now, only Edwards and Kerry are ahead of Sharpton.. Not good news for Dean and Clark. Not good news at all. Of course, exit polls have been wildly off this cycle, so there’s more to come.
Lookit: 40% of S.C, voters are African American; Sharpton has exactly no appeal to any other group– and he’s convinced, say a quarter of that group to vote for him ostensably as a protest. He’s a vile man– but you have to (1) appreciate the accomplishment and (2) wonder how much Karl Rove is paying to make sure that Terry McAuliffe STAYS as DNC Chair.
Lieberman went as far as to say he finds himself saying right on or amen whenever Sharpton speaks.
Ralph Gizzip
I don’t think Sharpton ever had any delusion he was a serious or viable candidate for the Democrat Party.
I DO think, however, he’s been taking campaign contributions for the express purpose of living the high life and travelling around the country on an extended vacation. He won’t exit the campaign until his “war chest” runs out of money.
I seem to remember Paul Beggla geting VERY upset with the good Reverend on Crossfire. His line to the Bow Tie was “He[Sharpton] is as representative of my party as Jerry Falwell is to your party” something to that effect.
“Since you are admitting Shrpton is the fringe – show me once when any of the candidates repudiated his positions in any of the last 35 debates. Also, I would argue that the current state of the Democratic party is far more relevant than the state of a fractured Republican party ten years ago.”
Okay, let’s go to 2004 then. Show me once when any of the Republican candidate repudiated Pat Roberson or his positions in the last year.
Oh I know, it’s only in debates that candidates are required to repudiate other people in their party. Or it’s only primary opponents that need repudiation. Of course.
Andrew says Sharpton isn’t “serious” enough a candidate. You rather smoothly turn that around to being deserving of repudiation by way of fringitude. Half a tip of the hat to your argumentative brilliance. I thought Sharpton’s unseriousness was really his history and lack of experience, rather than any positions. Damn. Do not get sucked in. Do not get sucked in. Shshshlllluuuuuppp!
John Cole
You lost the Buchanon argument so now you are dredging up Falwell and Robertson? Who is fringe-baiting now.
Do yourself a favor- check the search bar over there on the right. I personally have trounced both of them. Look around.
My point is begala, a major player in the party, denounced the reverend.
I certainly don’t think Fawell or Buchanan represents Republicans in general. Sharpton’s candidacy doesn’t really say anything about my party, either. Robertson was brought up by you not me.
Sorry but I didn’t lose the Buchanan debate since i don’t recall Bob Dole denoucing Buchanan, since that is the standard you hold the current dems to.
I’d suggest doing a search of Cal Pundit and Matt Yglesias, the two best left of center bloggers, both have denouched Sharpton.
John Cole, I’m having trouble following your parallels. I’ve no doubt you’ve dumped on Robertson. That’s fine. You were calling for examples of the Dem. candidates repudiating Sharpton positions on account of Sharpton being fringe. Correct? I don’t see how you should expect the Dem. candidates to repudiate Sharpton positions. By example, I don’t much expect Bush to repudiate Robertson positions. You didn’t like Andrew’s comparison, two elections ago being ancient history. You the one bringing up fringe. But I’m fringe-baiting. (Not you, Andrew, I mentioned Pat first here I think. I have no clue what our host is talking about, I’m afraid. Perhaps it’s time to move along).
If Pat Robertson ever stepped up on the debate stage with President Bush, I’d expect a little ballistic exchange. And certainly if Robertson had dragged some innocent into court and basically ruined his life and career based on allegations that were complete bullshit, I’d expect to see him treated a little less seriously.
The problem with Sharpton is, his constituents know these things about him and support him anyway.
Andrew J. Lazarus
I think I’d use Google before I would make a claim like this. Here’s how it really played out (Seattle P/I, 2/29/00):
A Republican did denounce Robertson, but his name wasn’t Bush.
Andrew, before claiming victory, it’s probably best to read your own cite. Then read the post you responded to. Then, think. What point did I make? Does your cite refute my point, or say something almost totally unrelated?
[Hint: almost totally unrelated.]
Andrew Lazarus
In 2000 (perhaps not now) a GW Bush and Robertson debate would have been a complimentary love fest. There is no other way to read the quote.
It’s true, no Democrats denounced Sharpton, while one Republican denounced Robertson. However, the candidacy of the Republican in question collapsed shortly thereafter. Not much of a role model. (Maybe you still don’t understand, Slart: this year, we play by your rules. We play to win.)
“There is no other way to read the quote.”
No, there’s no other way for YOU to read the quote. There is a difference, even if you’ve missed it completely.