Here are Kerry’s real thoughts about the National Guard:
“I’ve never made any judgments about any choice somebody made about avoiding the draft, about going to Canada, going to jail, being a conscientious objector, going into the National Guard,” Mr. Kerry said. “Those are choices people make.”
Talk amongst yourselves.
So we now know that Clinton and Bush’s actions are similar to Kerry… and he made statements that the past was the past with Clinton. So why doesn’t he call on McAuliffe to quit it?
I didn’t know it was Bush’s service in the reserves that was the issue.
I thought it was his apparent lack of service there in…and then possible cover up.
Apples and oranges here.
What caleb said
Read this:
1) Learn how to insert a link.
2) Calling people you disagree with “liberal pusbags” does not tend to be all that persuasive.
3) In the ’60’s, a lot of politically connected kids did join the Guard to avoid active duty. If your point was that joining the Guard was a more noble way of trying to avoid combat, I won’t argue.
Prior to reading this site, I thought Kerry was mildly hypocritical; now I really really dislike him.
He goes on to say, if not there then on other occasions, that people do have to live with the consequences of the choices they make.
And a President who did what this one did should not try to make political advantage out of his time in the National Guard. But that is something the President has done, not only in his campaign statements, but again after the war when he flew onto the carrier.
That was wrong.
Tom McClintock
How could Bush have known when he enlisted in the National Guard, that he would not be called up?