Check out this story:
Bob Novak, the pugnacious conservative pundit, may have to answer an assault charge in Manchester, N.H., stemming from an altercation with an activist on primary night last month. The dust-up ensued after Brad Carr, 54, who calls himself “an independent citizen” who’s against the Bush administration, taunted Novak, 72, a host of CNN’s “Crossfire,” which was broadcasting live from a restaurant.
“I called him a traitor because of his involvement in the outing of Valerie Plame, which I think is unconscionable,” Carr told us yesterday, recounting the Jan. 27 incident, which he reported to police. “He gave me a dirty look and ignored me, so I followed him outside to a CNN bus [where] I called him a traitor, probably for the fifth or sixth time. . . . He turned around and grabbed me by the arm . . . gave me a little shove, cocked his arm back as though he was going to hit me, and then someone from behind dragged him away to the bus.”
Carr, a stocky fellow, slipped on the ice into the arms of self-described progressive activist Mike Stinson, who told us, “I have a back problem — I don’t need to be catching big men.” Details were posted on the Web site, with these headlines next to Novak’s scowling mug: “Why is This Man So Angry? Bob Novak assaults man in New Hampshire!! Contact CNN and tell them you don’t like it!”
The name Mike Stinson should sound familiar, and you should not have to google it. In case you don’t remember, here is who Mike Stinson is:
One of the finalists of the ad contest is responsible for another heinous web video that compares Bush to Hitler, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
An ad by “Take Back the Media” is one of 15 Finalists in’s Bush in 30 Seconds Commercial Contest. Produced by Michael Stinson [SYMBOLMAN], The ARMY OF ONE flash animation has been chosen out of over 1000 submission by nearly 3 million votes online.
But currently streaming on the Take Back site with ARMY OF ONE is another shocking advert produced by Michael Stinson [SYMBOLMAN] — alleging Bush/Nazi ties!
I wish you had punched them both, Novak.
This is going to be the most vicious, bitter, and bile filled election in history. These lunatics need to be locked up.
*** Update ***
I am not alone on this one…
I think that Novak simply mistook Carr as a LaRouche supporter. Given everyone’s apparent agreement that it’s perfectly understandable to assault a LaRouche supporter, I can only conclude that Novak’s reaction, if that were the case, was perfectly understandable too?
“I called him a traitor because of his involvement in the outing of Valerie Plame, which I think is unconscionable,” …
I wonder if this vagrant is on record anywhere saying much the same thing about Philip Agee.
Rather doubt he has a quarrel with a real traitor. Truth to power, doncha know?
Opps…I got Michael Stinson confused with MATTHEW Stinson when I first read that line. Apologies all around…
Chaos Overlord
Dear God. If someone did that to me I’d probably try to cap him.
bob novak don’t like to be dissed, yo!
S.W. Anderson
Novak is a jerk, only in part for outing a CIa agent/operative, but certainly for that. He carries water for the neocon extremists at Cheney’s undisclosed locations, he gets first dibs on the latest bucket of slop to hit the trough at feeding time. How cozy.
Carr is a jerk for trying to make a scene and hounding Novak. A simple “I think you’re an opportunistic, vindictive jerk” was all that was called for.
Whoever wrote “. . . another shocking advert produced by Michael Stinson [SYMBOLMAN] — alleging Bush/Nazi ties!” is a jerk for misrepresenting the symbolism involved. The point was about Fearless Leader types who whip up public fury in favor of a pre-emptive invasion/takeover the Fearless Leader plans to make. Think Poland in 1939. Most people don’t know or care now, but Hitler and his Nazis trumped up all manner of alleged reasons why Poland was a no good, law-breaking menace that had to be dealt with in the special Wehrmacht way.
I’d say Ballon Juice is a jerk for even getting into this tempest in a teapot, but that would be impolite. So, I’ll just say I’ve seen stuff here that was a lot more worthwhile.
art monkey
Bob Novak is a douche-bag