SO- you are a well paid coach (overpaid) of a prominent Division I-A football team, and one of your former players claims she was raped. This is not a wise response:
Former Colorado kicker Katie Hnida said this week she was sexually assaulted by a teammate in 2000, after her final season at Colorado. Hnida, now a student at the University of New Mexico, said she does not plan to file charges at this time.
Hoffman said she was shocked by the allegation and urged Hnida, 22, to tell police. Barnett told reporters Tuesday he knew of no evidence to back up Hnida’s claim and said she had never told him about a sexual assault.
He also criticized Hnida’s ability as a player: “It was obvious Katie was not very good. She was awful … Katie was not only a girl, she was terrible. OK? There’s no other way to say it.”
Gary Barnett is lucky Osama is still roaming the planet, otherwise he would easily be the most despicable human being on the planet. I was half asleep last night when I heard his remarks, and I almost fell out of bed.
*** Update ***
And Atrios and I continue our string of agreeing on one issue a month.
Gregory Litchfield
I was sitting in a restuarant across from my workplace, having a beer after work, when that clip was played on CNN. I spent a couple of minutes trying to cough up the brew I had inhaled.
I’m not that conservative, but I’m well to the right of the populace as a whole, and I was stunned that troglodytes like that are still walking the face of the Earth. The comment was completely inappropriate, and if I understand the poor woman’s kicking ability, wrong to boot. The story indicated that she went on to athletic success at another university, if I recall correctly.
And on a unrelated note, if you are ever down in the area of 2nd and Constituition NW, I suggest checking out The Flying Scotsman. The menu is fairly limited, but what they have is excellent, and with a nice selection of beer and scotch, if that’s your thing. The clientele is better than most Capitol Hill bars, as well. It happens to be the place where I saw the clip.
She was a terrible kicker. It may have been tasteless to say it on TV at that particular time, but it is true. She did not go on to success at another university. Go read Gregg Easterbrook’s blog on TNR. She went to New Mexico and was 2 of 3 on extra points in meaningless games.
Horrible remarks.
Were they much different than some of the barbs thrown towards someone who claimed a previous president raped them (to hardly any press attention)?
Tongue Boy
Gary Barnett graduated from my alma mater and almost came back to coach there until the late, unlamented Larry Smith was hired instead. Until Gary Pinkel showed up, much crying was down in watery beers about “what if”.
Now we know “what if”.
I believe rape should be a capital crime… but…
The woman created a media event to declare her victimhood based on a 4 year old allegation… why did she wait? She says she didn’t want to create a media ‘mess’…
So perhaps the token decided to take another shot at 15 minutes?
Colorado has had a series of rapes… this is serious stuff… if this woman is an opportunist then it is she that deserves the criticism… though granted the coach should have put a sock in it.
Jon H
So do they molest the middling male players?
If a receiver drops the ball, does he get buggered?
Oh, I guess this form of disrespect is only practiced with women.
Jon H
Brandon writes: “Go read Gregg Easterbrook’s blog on TNR.”
Easterbrook is showing his tin ear again.
Hnida’s skill at football is completely irrelevant. As in, shouldn’t even have come up.
tom scott
Jon H-Brandon probably wouldn’t have brought it up if Gregory hadn’t said “The story indicated that she went on to athletic success at another university, if I recall correctly.”
Her skill on the football field came up because that was what the direct question asked, and what the coach was responding to. The media has left that part out though. It also happened to be an honest answer.
This is all a big witch hunt at CU. There has been no charges filed in any case! None! They did not have evedence to try anything in court, so now they are trying it in the media and winning. It’s BS. Barnett, has done nothing wrong, except state that Hnida sucked as a kicker (which she did). Should have have said ‘no comment’? Maybe. However, there is NO consequence to Hnida just flinging a drive by rape allegation w/o naming names or pressing charges, then saying she will no longer comment on it….
How on Earth is Gary Barnett supposed to control or know about that? There is nothing to investigate? Plus, she ‘goes public’ in Sports Illustrated? HMmmmmmmmm.
Until someone gets charged, or they prove Barnett ‘planned sex parties’ then everyone needs to step down from the witch hunt.
Good Lord.
Steelers in 04′