This should be a lead story on every news broadcast tonight. But of course it won’t be:
Russia today brought back weapons-grade uranium that the Soviet Union supplied to Libya for a nuclear research centre at least 20 years ago, Russian officials and the United Nations nuclear watchdog said.
In a United States-funded operation, 88 nuclear fuel assemblies
Got a link to the original? Thanks!
Thank goodness.
andrew r
Out of curiosity again…
How many countries did Carter and Clinton disarm? How many have Reagan, Bush, and the current Bush disarmed?
Well, Bush one didn’t disarm Iraq and sometime between 1992 and now something happened to Iraq’s WMD….remind us who was president between 1992 and 2001?
Clinton “got rid of Iraq’s WMD?” Is that your point, andrew r? You must be a fucking idiot, if that’s what you are saying. The only “disarming” Clinton accomplished was getting rid of that aspirin factory in Africa.
Well, the Dems are trying their hardest to disarm this country…
The latest report, if you buy it, says there were no WMDs after 1994, which means “CLINTON LIED!”
Emperor Misha I
Aww, be fair, Andrew. Klinton DID do a lot to incapacitate African militants with that mission.
Ever tried fighting with a blistering headache? ;)
Better question – How many previously unarmed countries did Carter and Clinton allowed to be armed by their “if they sign a piece of paper and we give them lots of stuff then they might not do bad things” diplomacy?
Ooooh, ooooh, can I answer?
How many countries did Clinton and Carter disarm?
The US.
In both intelligence capability and cuts in our military. Of course, it wasn’t a full disarmament, but it was an attempt at neutering.
What do I win?
Clinton DID get rid of the WMDs, Andrew. Read Scott Ritter’s book. YOU’RE the idiot.
How soon all forget but the largest reduction of US military strength RIF by any President aside from the end of WWII, (that means the weakening of military ability and intelligence) was under Reagan starting in 1982. The second largest RIF was under BushI just before Sandbox I in 1990. Under Reagan there was the largest sabotage of Human Intelligence operations in support of the USA by cutting funds and moving it to Star Wars.