Be the first to find someone blaming the US for the death of Abu Abbas.
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by John Cole| 12 Comments
This post is in: General Stupidity
Be the first to find someone blaming the US for the death of Abu Abbas.
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That wasn’t hard. Just had to go to DU. First post even.
Would have been my first look, too.
Emperor Misha I
I bloody well HOPE that we’re to “blame”. It would be the first worthwhile thing we did since we capped the asses of Sod’em’s sons Poobah and Whozit.
I’m still praying that he got to see their shredded mugs on TV and wishing that our people are playing continuous loops of their autopsies for him in his cell.
S.W. Anderson
You’re invited to check out today’s item on Abbas’ demise at the OhIpinion weblog (URL provided).
C’mon, John Cole. He was in US custody, denied access to the outside, yet was a Palestinia terrorist explicitly pardoned in the Oslo Accords. A ‘hot potato’ all the way around. His sudden death should rate at least page A-19, as atrios would say.
Emperor Misha, I’m really disturbed that someone like yourself who wants to kill people with such enthusiasim is allowed to work in a hospital. I hope you don’t go around shutting off the O2 tanks at night.
Guess what John, the Oslo Accords are freaken over. The attempt at “peace” with terrorist resulted in the terrorists killing even more people. As far as I am concered this human trash and all his friends ripped up the “Oslo Accords” the day they started the second infdelia. So, if I may be the first, let me wipe my ass with it, and lets start killing these evil mfing effers off.
M. Scott Eiland
“C’mon, John Cole. He was in US custody, denied access to the outside, yet was a Palestinia terrorist explicitly pardoned in the Oslo Accords.”
Let him him hire Johnny Cochran.
(apologies to Marie Antoinette)
“C’mon, John Cole. He was in US custody, denied access to the outside, yet was a Palestinia terrorist explicitly pardoned in the Oslo Accords.”
Cite, please. I’ve looked at as much of the text of both Oslo Accords as I can find online, and can’t find any mention of any particular person. And, as far as I can tell, the Oslo accords are an agreement between Israel and the PLO, and don’t constrain the United States from pursuing and prosecuting those who have committed crimes against its citizens. Not being a lawyer, though, I have to leave it to the pros to determine. But I’d want to see why before I let this meme take on the flavor of truth.
Oh, here it is in Oslo II:
That’s pretty clear. The trouble with that is, the agreement is (as I mentioned) between Israel and the PLO. The United States only signed it as a witness, and therefore isn’t bound by the agreement. I’m thinking that such agreements wouldn’t (even if they applied to us) supercede U.S. law unless they’d been ratified as a treaty.
A good counterpart example would be a pardon. If the governor of CA, frex, issued a pardon to Charles Manson, that would NOT mean that any crimes Manson committed outside the boundaries of CA would therefore ALSO be forgiven.
If the POTUS issues a pardon, it generally covers all crimes committed under US law, but it STILL would not extend to any crimes committed by the person outside the US. (Conversely, said person may have committed acts that were criminal in another country that were not criminal here in the US.)
As you note, of course, if we were not signatories but only witnesses to Oslo II, none of its provisions apply to us in any case.
Abu Abbas?
Wasn’t he the lead vocalist in that popular Swedish singing group?
Otherwise, WGAF? Good riddance.
Ron Johnson
I can only hope that the “natural causes” was from repeated beatings or from repeated Barium enemas.
Please, please, please let John “against the death penalty for terrorists until I realized that terrorists, you know, want to kill lots of people” Kerry use this as a campaign issue… pretty please.