If anything is going to prove that the coronation of John Kerry in the recent (and ongoing) Democratic primaries will serve the Democrats poorly, it is the string of recent vocal gaffe’s committed by the eminently electable John Kerry. In recent weeks, we have the following:
In the past six months, we have the following gems from Sen. Kerry, who, btw, is not dumb like President Bush:
“The obligation of the United States government is to rapidly internationalize the effort in Iraq, get the target off of American troops, bring other people, particularly Muslim-speaking and Arab-speaking Muslim troops, into the region,” Kerry said.
Front-running Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry told a Free Press reporter Tuesday that Great Lakes water diversion issues require a “delicate balancing act” to provide for “national needs.”
Twenty-four hours later, his Michigan campaign spokesman, Mark Kornblau, said the Massachusetts senator’s position on shipping water out of the Great Lakes is “unequivocal.”
“He is absolutely opposed to diversion of Great Lakes water. Period.”
During a town hall meeting on the Dartmouth campus, Kerry noted that former Vice President Al Gore would be president if he’d won any number of other non-Southern states in 2000, including New Hampshire, West Virginia, and Ohio.
“Everybody always makes the mistake of looking South,” Kerry said, in response to a question about winning the region. “Al Gore proved he could have been president of the United States without winning one Southern state, including his own.”
Kerry on Sunday compared James Byrd Jr., a black man who was dragged to death in Texas, to the gay college student Matthew Shepard, who died after he was pistol-whipped and tied to a fence in Wyoming.
“Let me tell you something, when Matthew Shepard gets crucified on a fence in Wyoming only because he was gay … I think that’s a matter of rights in the United States of America,” said Kerry, stressing that the U.S. Constitution contains an equal-protection clause.
“My point is homosexuality is an idea,” White retorted, as the crowd moaned. “You have never heard a doctor say, ‘Mr. and Mrs. John Doe, you have a bouncing baby homosexual.'”
Kerry’s Thoughts on Which Dictators Must Go–
“What we need now is not just a regime change in Saddam Hussein and Iraq, but we need a regime change in the United States,” Kerry said Wednesday in a speech to New Hampshire Democrats at the Peterborough, N.H., Town Library.
Well, not blindsided. I mean, when I voted for the war, I voted for what I thought was best for the country. Did I expect Howard Dean to go off to the left and say, “I’m against everything”? Sure. Did I expect George Bush to fuck it up as badly as he did? I don’t think anybody did.
Sen. John Kerry’s official election website is riddled with obscenities, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.
The Democrat nominee-in-waiting recently said radio stations are within their right to pull Howard Stern off the air if they object to the shock jock’s racy show.
But an investigation reveals Kerry’s own website is filled expletives, setting the standard for a new wave of 21st Century campaigning!
Though he always has opposed the death penalty, Sen. John Kerry said Tuesday that the Sept. 11 attacks made him realize that he would want to “blow Osama bin Laden’s brains out.”
“We’re going to keep pounding, let me tell you. We’re just beginning to fight here,” Kerry said. “These guys are the most crooked, you know, lying group I’ve ever seen. It’s scary.”
I would hate to see what kind of things a stupid candidate might say. At any rate- Kerry has been untested in the primary, and if the press paid any attention, it would be clear that heis damaging himself more than Bush and Rove could ever hope. Maybe he will regaijn the form he had during the great Kerry/Weld Senate debates, but he is a long way off from that point.
I wouldn’t have him change a thing… I look forward each day to see what new blurb has passed from his mouth.
I know I’m not so smart, but what was the Gay Gaffe? Wasn’t Matthew Shepard crucified in Wyoming only because he was gay?
It’s so much fun watching you waiting for the media to pick up on Kerry’s big mouth. I imagine the crew of the Titanic hoped the Carpathia would get there in time also…
TM Lutas
shark – In case you haven’t figured it out, by election day, these sorts of Kerry gaffes are likely to have larger circulation numbers than the NY Times.
The Internet is a wonderful communications medium.
5 hours later, I’m going to sleep still not aware of what was wrong with the Matthew Shepard statement. Hopefully before tommorow morning someone will figure out what Kerry did wrong and can inform me.
“I would hate to see what kind of things a stupid candidate might say.”
Just watch a Bush speech. Ba da boom! That was so easy I am surprised no one wrote it before me.
At the 18 hour mark, still not a single person can explain the Gay Gaffe?
When can I expect an explanation?
It helps to actually know that a crucifixion entails. In case you don’t want to look it up, there’s a movie out that gives an illustration.
We’ll postpone the discussion of correlating the tragic death of someone beaten by hate-mongers because of their orientation to the method used in killing the Christ for another day….
I’m shocked that you need that spelled out to you.
Ahh, so it really is that you don’t think being brutally beaten and then tied to a fence and left hanging for 18 hours, still alive is at all being brutally beaten and then tied to a cross, and left hanging, still alive. Clearly, “Fence” and “cross” making what happened to Matthew Shepard a “Fensifixtion” and not a “Crucifixtion.” That was the gaffe. Thanks
I was hoping that it was something that acknoledged the inhuman brutality of Matthew Shepards torture and fensifixtion, but it really was just anti-homosexual bigotry on the part of Rethuglicans.
Find a dictionary & then look up crucify. It helps to have a grasp of the fundamentals prior to
Of course, I don’t think it’ll matter, because “Rrethugnicans” (now THERE’S a sign of intellectual discourse) are bigots to folks like you, no matter what.
Take it to eschaton, this site usually revels in actual debate, not mind-numbed blather that can be found on DU.
“…prior to making ignorant ad-hominem attacks” (above).
I went and looked up crucify for you. The relevent definition:
“To kill by nailing or tying to a cross”
I guess I’m still a bit confused – how is what happened to Matthew Shepard due to his being gay different than what happend in Roman times to people who were convicted of robbery and sedition?
Is it the nails? Not everyone got nailed to the cross, you know – getting the nails was an act of pity in the Romans eyes, as it made you die in less time.
But, let’s get it out in the open – you think that somehow, Matthew Shepard deserved it, right? You can’t bring yourself to admit that he actually was crucified, because then you’d have to have pity for him, and you don’t think them damn queers deserve pity, right?
***”But, let’s get it out in the open – you think that somehow, Matthew Shepard deserved it, right?”***
Other than you despising me so much that you project hateful thoughts into my cranium, why would you think that I feel that way, Hipocrite? Are you so filled with rage that when someone points out the difference between Christ and Matthew Sheppard, they’re automatically a “queer” hater? Is the best thing you can do is to create a strawman & argue against it?
**”You can’t bring yourself to admit that he actually was crucified”***
From what I read, he was basically beaten to death and strapped to a fence & left to die. Crucifixion is when someone dies by the crucifixion, Hipocrite. The person basically chokes due to the placement of their arms (the way they’re stretched out hampers the person from exhaling properly, hence the breaking of the legs of people being crucified, so they can’t support themselves). I thought I read that Sheppard died due to the massive head wounds incurred (although, I’ll happily admit error if my memory is wrong).
Since I’ve stated nothing whatsoever, anywhere, that would cause any rational person to think that I have any negative thoughts in any way towards gays, I’m left with the assumption that you simply attack people who don’t jump on board with your mindless hyperbole. Look up “bigot”, Hipocrite. Don’t be selective, as you were with “crucify” (goodness, did you think that would sneak past me?).
And cut out the 9th grade attacks…if that’s all you’ve got, you’re not intelligent enough for me to waste my time with.
Of course, I could be stupid and say that you really hate Christians, since I’m a Christian & you obviously hate me (for no reason), but, like I said…..that would be stupid.
Play nice.
I’m sorry, I just can’t keep doing this to you, John and Ricky. Here we are, almost a day later, and still no correction on the front page. I’ve got to assume, now that your error has been up as long as Matthew Shepard was tied to his fence, that I can correct you and say I told you so.
Ricky – defending the indefensible. Caught ya, partisan hack. Cole’s front page posting is eggregious.
Cole – The Gaffe was the next sentance: “when Mr. King gets dragged behind a truck down in Texas by chains and his body is mutilated only because he’s gay — I think that’s a matter of rights in the United States of America.”
James Byrd Jr. was a heterosexual. He was killed only because he was black. He was also not named King.
PS – The historical Jesus probably got killed because someone stabbed him with a spear – dead people don’t spurt blood. I guess he wasn’t crucified, either. He also might have died due to the severe head trauma from his brutal beating before his crucifixion, or from the posison they gave him when he was thirsty.
FYI, LAMDA notes that Sheppard was beaten to death:
Thus, the gaffe.
You just got busted.
The dead giveaway was when you resorted to hateful ad hominem attacks (for no reason). The lack of a logical foundation is usually illustrative of little more than emotion – as is the case in your situation.
**”PS – The historical Jesus probably got killed because someone stabbed him with a spear – dead people don’t spurt blood.”**
Since you probably are unaware, gravity existed back then, as well.
BTW, the glaring gaffe was Kerry giving a speech noting how gays should be treated with equal protection under the law, just like blacks.
Then, he declared that gays shouldn’t have the right to marry, but rather have civil unions available.
So much for the equal protection argument.
I think I’m finished, here.
Ricky, Ricky, Ricky, everyone knows the Gaffe was in the next sentence. What’s the first way to get out of a hole?
My, my. Hehe. Haven’t conservatives changed their tune. You guys are hysterical! Conservatives have said that gaffes are “charming”, “a sign of honesty” and “a sign of conviction”.
Oh, I guess I forgot. It’s only the above when Bush makes the statements!
PS. You really should go to Comedy Central and watch the debate between “Candidate Bush” and “President Bush” It’s a scream.
Hipocrite, you’re missing the point. I don’t think it was a gaffe- kerry deliberately used the word crucify in order to draw some linkage between those who are religious (mostly repubs) and those idiots who killed Shepard. So it’s not a gaffe…he’s just exploiting the brutal death of someone for political gain.
You happy now?
You don’t want to discuss people changing their minds, Caroline, lest we ask the mind-numbed morons why they’re supporting a waffler (other than their zeal to raise the taxes of the people who have out-performed them in the market economy, that is).
Waffler. Oh boy. You didn’t watch the debate on comedy central did you? Anybody who has ever changed their mind can be called a waffler and Bush has changed his plenty.
If changing your mind is a waffler in your opinion what do you call someone who backs down when Kerry calls them on their mistakes and idiocy.
PS. Name calling just makes you look like an heir apparent to Ann Coulter.
Wow, another idiotic post from John Cole. “Kerry was untested in the primaries”. He was behind before the Iowa caucuses! It was a comeback victory! How can one be so insane to say he wasn’t tested. Please!
It’s known as political pandering, Caroline. He’s voting for something & then running against it when it realizes that the “Hate Bush” base wouldn’t like the way he voted.
I understand why you guys don’t want to run on – or mention – his record, though…
I call them Howard Dean.
Howard Dean didn’t try to appoint a guy as to the position of “Drugs Czar” who had closed down his plant in NE to build a three million dollar one in China. Kerry called him on it and Bush backed down.
Bush had lots oftime to go to a Rodeo but only one hour to talk to the 9/11 commission. Kerry called him on it and he backed down once again.
But hey, don’t let the facts get in the way. What record is Bush running on? The ads that I saw acted like it was 2000 and he was still running against Bill Clinton.
He’s not running on the economy, that’s for sure. He doesn’t even mention Iraq.
Kerry has a record and he has been running with it.
That was manufacturing czar, Caroline, and the guy pulled out of the nomination, Bush didn’t drop him.
Don’t let facts intercede, indeed.
Yeah, who wants to run on a market that gained 20% last year with 5.6% unemployment? Is this the part where you tell us we’re going to hell in a handbasket?
Yeah, running against his vote for the war, running against his vote against funding the soldiers, running against his vote on DOMA…..shall I go on?
I can, you khow.
Re: Manufacturing czar
Ok he technically withdrew his name. I’m sure he was encouraged to do that by the Administration. However, if you do buy the story that he withdrew his name voluntarily then I guess you have to agree with the rest of the GOP that it was an incompetent decision by the Bush Adminstration.
Good luck talking about the stock market. It is now regaining everything that it lost for several years under Bush. Of course, even though he was in the White House during those years, it will be blamed on someone else. Another weasel statement.
The employment number on its face looks good but you have to remember that this administration promised 2.5 million jobs will be created this year. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, they weaseled out of that one too. They are job geniuses that’s for sure. They created 21,000 jobs last month and they were all government jobs. Well, since Bush thinks that government jobs aren’t really jobs then I guess by his own standards he created no jobs. I’m sure he’ll find a way to blame someone else for creating only 21,000 jobs or find a way to weasel out of it.
87 billion? Bush got the 87 billion and still didn’t get the military body armor. Do you trust Bush with your money? Well, all I can say if you do is a fool and his money are soon parted.
And if pointing out Bush’s incompetent handling of the peace in Iraq is running against the war then I have some oceanfront property in AZ for you!
I’ve enjoyed sparring with you. I haven’t come to my opinions lightly. I was a Republican until 6 mos ago and realized that Bush had repeatedly lied to our country. It wasn’t an easy decision to come to but having a nephew in Iraq made a change of heart come a little easier. Also having the administration claim that every soldier attacked and killed by a terrorist as being a good thing made it easier still.
Almost forgot-the biggest gaffe ever-one that will be coming to you in a tv ad-
George Bush’s response when asked about Osama “I don’t know where he is. I have no idea and I really don’t care.”
Hey, you know the saying there is nothing like a reformed smoker, drinker etc. Well I guess you can say that there is nothing like a reformed Republican!
Not incompetent, but a useless gesture that serves no purpose other than PR. There’s no need for a ‘czar’.
So it’s weasley to state the obvious – that the fake bubble existed and that 9/11 did a number on our economy?
If you’re going to blame Bush for 9/11’s impact on the economy, then by definition you must give him praise for the glorious gains since. Me, I don’t give President’s that much power, but I do enjoy watching the folks who blame them for everything wrong try to twist & turn when things start going right.
I generally don’t trust any politician when they “promise” something, Caroline. The economy creates jobs, not the executive branch of the government.
Caroline, you knew that Kerry voted against the body armor, didn’t you?
Nope. I trust ME with my money.
I would ask you likewise, but somehow I think you DO trust John Kerry with MY money.
Back at ya.
Interesting that you went from a Republican to someone who spouts the left-wing party line word for word within a six month span.
Limbaugh gets folks like you all the time, so you’re not alone….lots of folks say that they used to be Republicans who swung waaaaaaaaaaaaay to the left.
I wonder if they equal the numbers of the likes of Zell Miller, Ed Koch, Griffin Bell, Dick Morris….