Some highlights from this latest speech from a member of the ‘Republican Attack Machine’:
Senator Kerry speaks often about the need for international cooperation, and has vowed to usher in a “golden age of American diplomacy.” He is fond of mentioning that some countries did not support America’s actions in Iraq. Yet of the many nations that have joined our coalition – allies and friends of the United States – Senator Kerry speaks with open contempt. Great Britain, Australia, Italy, Spain, Poland, and more than 20 other nations have contributed and sacrificed for the freedom of the Iraqi people. Senator Kerry calls these countries, quote, “window dressing.” They are, in his words, “a coalition of the coerced and the bribed.”
Many questions come to mind, but the first is this: How would Senator Kerry describe Great Britain – coerced, or bribed? Or Italy – which recently lost 19 citizens, killed by terrorists in Najaf – was Italy’s contribution just window dressing? If such dismissive terms are the vernacular of the golden age of diplomacy Senator Kerry promises, we are left to wonder which nations would care to join any future coalition. He speaks as if only those who openly oppose America’s objectives have a chance of earning his respect. Senator Kerry’s characterization of our good allies is ungrateful to nations that have withstood danger, hardship, and insult for standing with America in the cause of freedom.
Senator Kerry has also had a few things to say about support for our troops now on the ground in Iraq. Among other criticisms, he has asserted that those troops are not receiving the materiel support they need. Just this morning, he again gave the example of body armor, which he said our administration failed to supply. May I remind the Senator that last November, at the President’s request, Congress passed an $87 billion supplemental appropriation. This legislation was essential to our ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan – providing funding for body armor and other vital equipment; hazard pay; health benefits; ammunition; fuel, and spare parts for our military. The legislation passed overwhelmingly, with a vote in the Senate of 87 to 12. Senator Kerry voted no. I note that yesterday, attempting to clarify the matter, Senator Kerry said, quote, “I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.”
Read the whole thing.
I actually did vote for the Kerry before I voted against him
Not the DNC, not Josh Marshall, not Atrios, not James Carville, not Paul Begala, but CBS News radio raised the specter of “questioning patriotism…” which once again is a silly charge when you see the quotes in context.
“Yet of the many nations that have joined our coalition – allies and friends of the United States – Senator Kerry speaks with open contempt……Senator Kerry calls these countries, quote, “window dressing.” They are, in his words, “a coalition of the coerced and the bribed.”
….He speaks as if only those who openly oppose America’s objectives have a chance of earning his respect. Senator Kerry’s characterization of our good allies is ungrateful to nations that have withstood danger, hardship, and insult for standing with America in the cause of freedom.”
Cheney reminds us of the tremendous diplomacy that endears Kerry to so many “foreign leaders” and Ezra Klein.
Driving home from the barbershop I had the opportunity to hear Cheney’s entire speech… it was very heart warming.
Now, after that clear assertion of facts, I presume John Francais Kerry will respond that he was “attacked.”
If only the GA primary hadn’t happened… I actually COULD vote for Kerry before voting against him. Great bumper sticker idea…