So today is the debut of the new lefty network, and try as I might, I can’t find a streaming link anywhere. Anyone know what I have to do to listen in to this stuff?
*** Update ***
I am an idiot- the debut is tomorrow. Regardless, where do I go to find a streaming link. There was nothing on the ‘Air America’ website.
BTW- If you wanted to sell the liberal ideology, would you name your flagship network with a name that is going to do nothing but remind people of a bad Mel Gibson flick every time they tune in to listen?
Smarter than You
The debut is tomorrow, brainiac.
So it’s ratings will likely go up a little.
Ironically, the name comes from a CIA front organization. The irony is the left hates the CIA. Soon we, the tax payer, will be underwriting this tripe.
Smarter than You, too
Yes, the left hates the CIA so much that it’s blaming the agency and Tenet for everything that has gone wrong with the War in Iraq.
Oh, wait a sec … nevermind.
The biggest enemies of streaming radio are unions… so don’t hold your breath.
The Lonewacko Blog
KBLA (L.A.) used to broadcast Korean news and info 24/7.
Their NY station used to be Caribbean.
Where is the outrage over this displacement of Minority Voices?
Earlier today the site said they’d have a streaming link available tomorrow – Wednesday…
M. Scott Eiland
“BTW- If you wanted to sell the liberal ideology, would you name your flagship network with a name that is going to do nothing but remind people of a bad Mel Gibson flick every time they tune in to listen?”
They had a more apt nickname in mind, but “The Hindenburg” didn’t test well with focus groups.
“Where is the outrage over this displacement of Minority Voices?”
displacement of minority voices? the stations were bought out, fair and square.
where is the worship of the free market system?