Not only did the moral coward remove his vile post from his website, he even went to the extreme of removing it from Google’s cache and from the Internet Archive.
That makes this Michael Friedman screenshot of Kos’s post all the more important, and worthy of preservation. I have uploaded here so Kos can’t disappear it down the memory hole, too.
Kos has had a field day bashing this administration, making a buck in highly connected DNC circles. Now he wants to try to hide who he really is and what he really believes to protect his cash flow as a left-wing hit man. Not gonna happen. Upload the screenshot to your server. As Roger Simon stated– “You can run, but you can’t hide.”
And my offer still stands- anyone who advertises on blogads with Kos who drops him can have two free months here. Not like I am ovrwhelmed with advertisers anyway…
*** Update ***
I was wrong, the post was not deleted (just redirected) and I apologize for the false accusation. I was so pissed off at the remarks I should have checked my sources better.
That stupid Koz fuck can’t even SPELL mercenaries. It’s not “merceneries.” It’s “mercenaries.”
capt joe
Well, Michael Friedman crusade is bringing results.
So far 3 democratic candidates have pulled their blogads. At 2K per month that translates in a 6K per month hit to the wallet.
What do you think he tried to “disappear” his post? It is making a dent on the old pocket book.
As one poster said, the is the KoS Dean scream. Yeeaargh!!
As anyone remotely familiar with Kos’s site and his poison, it was only a matter of time.
He’ll post a half-hearted apology.
But it’ll happen again. And again.
As Gore once said, “A leopard can’t change his stripes.” (sic)
Eventually, one hopes soon, every Democrat will disassociate himself or herself from him.
Maybe we should get Sullivan to change his Sontag Award to the Kos Award…
I think he was stupid to take it down. He was right. This is really what war is like. If we can face this reality, then we’ll be a lot more informed when we make choices based on conspiracy theories and what auntie May said she heard on the radio.
Al Maviva
I’d ask everybody for odds on when Atrios has a similar Dean moment, but it won’t happen. For the most part, Escshiton is blissfully unaware of anything going on outside our borders, at least anything not involving plastic turkey, preznits, and what the French think we ought to think about things.
M. Scott Eiland
“I think he was stupid to take it down. He was right. This is really what war is like.”
War is like some idiot saying he’s indifferent to the deaths of four Americans in a war zone? That’s a really special insight.
Somehow I don’t remember you ever getting worked up about Charles disappearing posts at LGF.
tobacco road fogey
In all fairness, John, kos never removed the offending post from his site. He simply put in some server redirects to make it harder to find and link to.
Go to this page. It is an entry in one of his user’s diaries. Do a search for the string “kos”. You’ll find the offensive comment on the second find hit. It’s a comment he made to his user’s diary entry.
An alternative way to get to the post is to go to the URL
and search for the entry “Corpses on the Cover”
It’s great that the blogsphere has cost Kos 6k.
Now we need to keep up. Whoever advertises with him in the future should face that same pressure. And if they choose to associate with someone who spews such poison, I’m sure their opponents will be interested in the details…
Ok, lets hear Kos call that McCarthyism. Because I call it payback.
The comment has not been deleted. It is exactly where it always has been: in the middle of the comment thread for a post in one the user ‘diaries’. He put in a redirect for the URL for that specific comment. The comment is still there; all the ensuing reaction is still there.
Great. “It’s not deleted, it’s just unusually inconvenient to access…”
By the same rationale, nothing ever actually gets “deleted” in Microsoft operating systems until the sector is overwritten, right?
That it has been treated differently from adjacent posts is certain — all else is a distinction without a difference.
….depending on what “is” is….
Emperor Misha I
May he die and rot in Hell.
But then again, I’m a brownshirt, a Nazi and un-American, right?
Yes, yes, and yes.
KOS latest:
So I said something pretty stupid last week. I served up the wingnuts a big, juicy softball. They went into a tizzy, led by Instapundit.
And for a while, I was actually pretty worried.
But the final tally was — about 30 hate-filled emails, about 15,000 hate-filled visitors, and the pulling of three advertising spots that are going to be replaced in less than a week. (I had two emails today about people wanting to advertise despite the controversy.)
That was it. Oh, they’re doing their best to turn me into the devil, and they’re making racist comments about my heritage and family and threatening to kick my ass — you know, typical right-wing shit.
But if that’s the best they can throw at me, I’ll simply echo Kerry.
Bring it on.
How sad…
Charlie (Colorado)
Just got email from Jane Mitakides confirming that she’s pulling her ads too:
Glad she didn’t do it “under pressure.”
Temple Stark
just a test to see if my info stayed so I don’t have to retype it. I’m haivng trouble at my site.
Feel free to delete me.