He just gets dumber:
So I said something pretty stupid last week. I served up the wingnuts a big, juicy softball. They went into a tizzy, led by Instapundit.
And for a while, I was actually pretty worried.
But the final tally was — about 30 hate-filled emails, about 15,000 hate-filled visitors, and the pulling of three advertising spots that are going to be replaced in less than a week. (I had two emails today about people wanting to advertise despite the controversy.)
That was it. Oh, they’re doing their best to turn me into the devil, and they’re making racist comments about my heritage and family and threatening to kick my ass — you know, typical right-wing shit.
But if that’s the best they can throw at me, I’ll simply echo Kerry.
Bring it on.
Fight the Power, Che.
Anyone who is making racial slurs about Kos or the like is just an idiot- but don;t you just love that the only people who could have found something distasteful with his remarks are ‘wingnuts.’ Kos- just another ‘mainstream moderate Democrat’ being brought down by the man.
And however offensive someone’s comments might have been about his family, I doubt anyone shit on the memory of his loved ones after they were murdered while overseas, and then ripped limb from limb, burned, and hung from posts. Only a real shitheel would do something like that, you know.
*** Update ***
I didn’t need to write this post because the Instapundit beat me to it.
*** Update ***
Poste edited- the men were
Well, Kevin Drum and Oliver Willis have condemned the asshat. I guess that makes them right-wing wingnuts too.
Please, do not ever, ever try to convince me Kos is anything but an extension of DU. Ever.
Not only is he an extension of DU, he’s quite an immature little shit, isn’t he? His comments that his lost advertising spots “…are going to be replaced in less than a week…”and he’s had “two emails today about people wanting to advertise despite the controversy…” all sound like something a twelve year old might say when caught in a bit of trouble.
I hope folks take note of any new advertisers that may materialize. It seems only fair that such parties should be made aware of some of his recent record before they attach themselves and their reputations to his site.
Kos is taking the beating he deserves. As for Drum and O-dub, even a clock that is stopped is right twice a day.
Not according to ABC News:
“Each of the security guards was armed with an assault rifle and an automatic pistol.”
I know you’re just a propogandist, but damn, at least have a little self respect and try to be a good one.
Let me guess…next you’re going to say it was baby milk in the convoy?
I’m still wondering how Kos knew that he had 15,000 hate-filled visitors to his site. He must have some sophisticated server software to look into the hearts of his viewers.
Cool your “Gotcha!” jets, Jhk. Maybe you could explain to me how a mob of animals ambushing and then brutally desecrating 4 innocent people with assault rifles changes the moral calculus of the situation?
The fact that you imply this somehow alters the event to the point that outrage is unwarranted reveals a lot about your character. None of it good.
Back to your hole, now.
Russel, it’s more than just a gotcha, it goes to show that John Cole is
1) Willfully incompetent in not learning anything about what he is bloviating about, and
2) Has NO common sense. How he could even entertain the notion that 3 ex-Seals and one Bronze Star winner would go to the most dangerous country for Americans in the world, and arguably the most dangerous city in that country, and then he would swallow that they would travel unarmed shows he is a dimwit.
And you, Russell, dare to use the word “innocent”? (and don’t try to paint me as one who wants Americans to die. I’m not and even suggesting it would be a rhetorical trick even a child could see through.)
They were mercs, who went looking for trouble and found it. When Big Boys play with the Big Toys that make the Big Noise sometimes they get the Big Suproise.
“Maybe you could explain to me how a mob of animals ambushing and then brutally desecrating 4 innocent people with assault rifles changes the moral calculus of the situation?”
I would answer, but I’m still trying to wrap myself around how you could utter the phrase “innocent people with assault rifles”. Is that something like “virgins with syphilis” or “herbivore tigers”?
Emperor Misha I
It shows that John made one mistaken assumption about the victims, a mistake that he is likely to correct upon having it pointed out to him if I know him as well as I think I do.
You bringing it up, on the other hand, shows that you’re positively desperate to divert attention away from the actual event because you know that you’ll have your ass handed to you if you try to discuss it. This, coincidentally, is a quite common trait for the America-hating left.
No, you wouldn’t answer, because you can’t.
Instead you choose to postulate that anybody who is armed, no matter what the reason, is actually guilty of something (as opposed to being innocent) and, implicit in this, you argue that they therefore deserve to die.
Go ahead and deny it.
Little did I know when I signed “WhatATwistedBunchYouAre” how true it was.
I looked at your site and it was “kill their families”, and kill and kill and a vile cesspool of hate. And what’s up with that eagle that looks like the Nazi eagle? I haven’t seen the inside of a mind so twisted since I saw “The Cell”.
I know why you’re defending Michael Teague – he’s one of yours. Google michael teague aryan nations if you don’t believe me.
As for my alleged postulate, refresh yourself on the rules of engagement for war zones. Carrying a weapon makes you a combatant.
I’m not debating you any more than I’d debate Charles Manson. I wouldn’t want him to know I exist just in case he escapes. You are a sick, sick, sick, psychopath.
You win. I won’t be back.
Emperor Misha I
Try a mirror sometime, little one.
Oh, and I’m sure that the Alliance against the Instapundit (try looking up satire one day) will be thrilled to know that they’re all Nazis. Should give us something to laugh about.
So the “mercenary” angle didn’t quite work out for you so you have to dig up something else, is that it?
The one problem with you cerebrally challenged lefties is that you’re so gottdamn predictable. It takes the sport out of it, you know? You could at least TRY to make it difficult.
Here’s a pointer for you: If, and I do mean IF, Michael Teague was a damn Nazi felcher, I would love nothing more than to terminate him personally, but that hardly has anything to do with the subject we’re talking about, does it?
Of course it doesn’t, because you really don’t WANT to talk about the real subject here, just like I pointed out in my first reply to you.
Too easy. Way too easy.
I know the workings of your “minds” because I used to BE one of you.
…and makes you deserving of death and mutilation. Thank you for clarifying your position on that issue. Not that I didn’t already know, but it sure helps when your opponent is mindcrushingly daft enough to come out and admit it.
Oddly enough, this seems to put you at odds with your hero Zuniga, who claimed to be outraged because of the death of five U.S. soldiers that same day.
They were armed too, you know.
Please do yourself a favor and quit while you’re behind, little boy.
Flattery will get you nowhere, you know.
But thanks for the gift of your fear.
Oh, but you will, and you know it.
You just can’t help yourself, and I’ll be waiting for you.
Anytime, weakling, anytime.
Anyone carrying an assault rifle is not innocent? Anyone carrying an assault rifle does not deserve outrage to greet their cowardly death at the hand of vicious mob?
I see. That’s all I wanted to know.
What a twisted viewpoint.
Imp Misha,
why is it again that you are so pro-war, yet sit in your trailer in Texas and type rather than go fight?
Not taking weak shit volunteers, are they?
Doesn’t this site still link to Little Green Footballs (a typhoon!) — who harvested gratification from the death of a 23-year-old kid by making her “idiotarian of the year” 3 months ago, because they were too chicken to take on Michael Moore? (or anyone alive and under 70, for that matter)
Why don’t you delink Little Green Footballs — for being shitheels — or would upholding your own principals be too inconvenient for you?
Christ, I thought the Left was all about nuance and seeing the fine distinctions…
Not that the distinctions here are particularly fine, seeing as how a not-too-bright spider monkey would be able to see the difference between them:
On the one hand, you have someone who chose to die by standing in the path of a slow-moving bulldozer, and did so in order to protect tunnels transporting weapons that would go towards blowing up women and children on buses and pizza parlors in the furtherance of a sick, inhuman genocidal crusade. On the other you have 4 people who were ambushed and murdered, while volunteering to go to a war zone in order to help a nation rebuild their society after being ground for thirty years under the heel of the same kind of incomptetent, corrupt, evil gang of subhuman thugs that Saint Rachel was supporting.
Think about that for a moment, though I know it’ll be difficult for you to grasp since, well, you’re an idiot.
Carrying a weapon takes most of the agony out of being dismembered and burned, apparently.
So, it’s perfectly ok for them to do something similar to our soldiers? Those guys are carrying, too.
For a condescending asshat, Mr Twister has precious little to be condescending about.
Little Green Footballs harvested gratification from the death of a 23-year-old kid by making her “idiotarian of the year” — because they were too cowardly to take on Michael Moore — or anyone alive and under 70 for that matter.
No she wasn’t. She was a kid who patted some barefoot palestinian kids on their heads and stupidly got killed out of an overblown sense of compassion. She was no more evil than the “mercenaries” killed last week.
Why don’t y’all drop the pretense you’re outraged out of principle, and just admit you selectively criticize the left because it’s self-serving? —
oh, wait, supporting a president wrecking Iraq and the US economy doesn’t make any sense either. That’s more like a prostitute knifing some guy for trying to stop her pimp from beating her.