by John Cole| 15 Comments
This post is in: Outrage
by John Cole| 15 Comments
This post is in: Outrage
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Well, ain’t this lovely? (Via John Cole.)
Offensive propaganda
Is this sign real or fake? It seems quite convenient how CAIR and others are using it for propaganda purposes. How do we know this is from Iraq? That appears
Exhibit #1,234,567,890 for the proposition that putting on your country’s uniform creates neither the illusion nor the reality of sainthood. I have a hunch this guy’s Sgt is finding creative ways to “re-channel” the energy being devoted to humor.
SDN, you hit the nail on the head. While I have tremendous respect and admiration for the armed forces, they’re human and some are more flawed then others. If that’s his real name, then he ain’t all that bright to begin with.
I can’t prove it, but as an avid photoshopper myself, I strongly suspect that picture was altered. If nothing else, ask yourself why the writing starts so far to the right, conveniently just out of the way of the hand shadows on the left. If I were writing a cardboard sign, I’d have my text a little closer to the left margin, as is traditional in writing documents in English. Wouldn’t you?
That alone isn’t conclusive, but it’s certainly something to consider.
just saying
Saw this relpy to the photo at…..
“The vest is NOT current military issue, there’s NO nametag on the side and no visible unit patches. The uniform’s camo pattern is also at least 2 years behind current Marine issue. Also, the desert pattern seems to be sun-faded. Lots of things in this photo point at it being – not a Photoshopping, but rather a Moslem propaganda photo taken with some Moslem-sympathetic Caucasian willing to aid in the manufacture of propaganda. Hope that eases you a little.
Posted by: Sean at April 5, 2004 02:32 PM
Post a comment”
A possibility for sure.
I agree with just saying. The cammo’s wrong, and the writing has distinct photoshop marks: digital distortion near the lettering. (It’s especially noticable near the round letters.) And the lack unit or rank insignia is another red flag.
That distortion is more likely a result of jpeg compression. Photoshop doesn’t produce distortion like that for added text.
It’s likely that it’s either photoshopped, or a staged picure, but not both.
Sheesh. Some people will go to really absurd lengths to believe that no American would ever do something insensitive or crude. The artifacts around the letter are compression artifacts caused by precise detail of one color against a background of another color. There is no credible sign of photoshopping and several things that indicate it’s not photoshopped: the texture of the cardboard (ribs visible, and the oil spot above the ‘x’); the kid’s hand is covering the end of ‘then’; the ink on the sign shows some variations in shade rather than being a solid color; and the handwriting looks like handwriting rather than mousework (or a font). So it’s not impossible that it’s faked, but there isn’t really any reason to believe it is.
The Lonewacko Blog
Is there a graphologist blogger? Because that handwriting doesn’t look like something a native Roman script writer would use. The “S” in “Sister” looks almost Arabic. See the Greek alpha-looking ‘d’s. How many Americans don’t include the tail in ‘u’? How many Americans make vertically assymetrical ‘K’s?
Just Passing Through
The distortions are common in all the photo detail when expanded. The angle of the hand shadows coming from the left don’t look quiteright, but that could be the sign angle. I see no immediately overt evidence of photoshopping.
The soldier has no unit markings, or ANY other identifying insignia. The camos are wrong. The vest is wrong. He is not visibly armed. If the strap over his shoulder is meant to be for a weapon, the vest is bare of any related gear whatsoever.
Nothing about the soldier supports the conclusion that he is a bonafide Marine Lcpl in a war zone.
There’s a face, a rank, and a name. I’m sure shadows, cardboard ribs, and smudged ink will be about the last things the military looks at.
Good point on the compression… I missed that.
But, yes, I am skeptical that a Marine would a) do something like that and b) advertise it so blatantly. If I’m proven wrong, I’ll take my slice of humble pie. But in the meantime, things are very fishy with the Marine’s uniform. So, considering the inconsistencies, I will err on the side of assuming the best of our servicemen. But, again, if I’m wrong, I’ll have to remember to come back here and take my lumps.
Rick W.
Sorry to burst anyones bubble about how wearing a uniform confers sainthood, but I’ve served with scores of guys who would think this was utterly hilarious, and be pissed they didn’t think of it themselves. I have no doubt whatsoever this is a genuine photo. 18 and 19 year old juveniles often do juvenile things. I’d bet my retirement checks that guy would die trying to defend those kids, however.
There’s as much reason to believe it’s faked as not. Photoshop is capable of more than most people realize. I’ve seen “photos” of “marines” raping Iraqi women, which were not only obviously enacted but also proven false.
Good point about immature behavior and bad judgement on the part of an otherwise honorable soldier who’d die for those kids though. However, knowing the internet I’d believe innocent until proven guilty.
This can also be said: Some people will go to really absurd lengths to believe that no anti-Iraq war person would ever do something insensitive or crude.