This is so transparent it is laughable:
A number of readers have written in to ask whether the “Joshua Marshall” who is the registered owner or registrant or whatever of ‘’ is this Josh Marshall.
Well, yes. It is.
About a month ago I registered the domain.
In large part, my immediate motivation was to make sure someone else didn’t get it who, shall we say, didn’t have a true and sincere interest in exposing the president’s long list of broken promises, changed positions, and highly disparate interpretations of the same facts.
My plan was either to set the site up myself or hand it off to some other organization or individual who was interested in setting up a site dedicated to the president’s distinguished record of flipfloppery.
I’m already so pressed for time that I’m really not going to have time to do anything with it myself. So if you’re that organization or individual, drop me a line. I’ll pass it on for the $35 registration fee or, just as likely, for nothing at all.
A novel way to get your hatchet jobs implemented while maintaining your ‘journalistic integrity,’ Josh.
That sound you just heard was the last myth of journalistic impartiality imploding.
I hear he’s busy on the Chris Dodd comments pertaining to KKK-Byrd.
why do you bother with that douche? this right here explains his penchant for bush hatred more than anything:
Possibly a more innocent explanation.
Yesterday we noted a testy exchange between President Bush and AP reporter Pete Yost in which the president appeared to upbraid the reporter for addressing him as ‘Sir’ as opposed to ‘Mr. President.’
Today, there’s this from Dan Froomkin’s online column in the Washington Post. After reprinting the same transcript, Froomkin adds …
Not entirely clear was whether Bush was ticked off because Yost didn’t call him “Mr. President” — or if Bush thought Yost was talking to someone else on his mobile phone. [Update: I am now told that Yost had a phone to his ear. That would tick me off, too.]
The president’s swipe still strikes me as uncalled-for. But this certainly puts the matter in a different light. If anybody else was there and has more to add, please drop me a line.
and this ass clown has the nerve to say “still strikes me as uncalled for”. of course it would marshall, you’re a partisan douche who wouldn’t piss on the president if he was on fire.