The shameless mugging, rude intteruptions, and over-all appalling behavior of Richard Ben-Veniste during the hearings (“Just answer my question,”) he siad- “If you will shut the fuck up for 5 seconds to let me,” should have been her response.) should put to rest any idea to what level Democrats will stoop for cheap partisan gain.
Whenever the Democrats claim something is ‘nonpartisan,’ they are only doing so to make it easier to slip the knife in between your shoulder blades.
And, for the record, I think Rice was brilliant.
If covering your ass with more lies that trip over your previous lies is brilliant, I can see your point.
Is there any of the administration’s crap you don’t buy?
Aug 6, 2001 PDB memo states Bin Laden determined to attack in the US.
Aug 7 – Dubya goes on a month long vacation.
You set the bar real high, Cole.
Justin Hart
Condi rocks!
“If you will shut the fuck up for 5 seconds to let me,”
I think I said that for her a couple of times.
She made the Dims on that panel look silly a couple of times…especially Kerrey.
But this is just another example of why the Dems are unfit to be trusted with national security.
Of course, after Kennedy and Kerrys recent remarks on Vietna….er, Iraq, we hardly needed any more proof, but the Dems thoughtfully supply more anyway.
Aug 6, 2001 PDB memo states Bin Laden determined to attack in the US.
Holy Smokes!!! I cant believe the US didn’t do anything. This info is tantamount to bin Laden declaring war on the US. Surely a declaration of war would cause an administration to get off its ass…
Right, great picture Justin.
Partisanship is rampant, but the the fact is you guys are wrong on this, and the fact that you can’t admit it stains your hands with the blood of 3000 people.
But it’s more important for you to cover your administraton’s ass than to admit the stark truth staring into your beligerent faces.
Do you guys even care that Ashcroft and some top Pentagon officials received word not to fly commercial due to terrorist threats?
In other words, their lives are worth saving but you and your family are not. Don’t you ever get tired of being treated like a turd?
Burnplant continues to spin wildly, citing rumor after rumor with not a shred of fact to back it up. Then throws some invective in. You are the perfect liberal, BP. Like Ben-Veniste. Arrogant, brusk, wrong.
You are the perfect rube, Patrick.
Where is the rumor in my post?
Those are undisputed facts. Do tell.
Actually, bains, attacking our embassies and the Cole were also tantamount to declarations of war. What’d we do about any of those?
If you listened to the testimony, you’ll understand some things:
1) “Bin Laden determined to attack America” – WELL DUH. Too bad it wasn’t a thrat assessment rather than a historical document.
2)The attacks all seemed to be indications that they were going to be on US interests ABROAD.
As much as you lefties want to find fault with Bush, you cannot- no matter how hard you lie or try.
It’s telling that you’re more interested in putting 9/11 onto Bush than Al Qeada (and yes, I’m questioning your patriotism, too bad deal with it act like adults and we won’t have to go through this again)
“Ashcroft and some top Pentagon officials received word not to fly commercial due to terrorist threats?”
Source? Please, something more reasonable than the DU website or anything linked by Kos.
Undisputed? Only in your circle of friends.
“Those are undisputed facts. Do tell.”
Yeah, and the Joos were all warned to stay home from their jobs at the WTC, too!
several more people who can screw off, according to Kos:
‘We will burn them alive’
By Colin Freeman, Evening Standard in Baghdad
Iraqi militants are today threatening to burn three foreign hostages to death unless their country quits the US-led coalition.
Two Japanese men and one woman are being held by a previously unknown group which has vowed to kill them if Japanese soldiers do not leave Iraq. Elsewhere, seven South Koreans are being held hostage west of Baghdad by an unknown group, while a British man has been reported missing in the south.
Maybe we should lighten up a little. Hesiod, the blogosphere’s biggest fool, has a post up under yesterday’s date, about some supermarket tabloids reporting of a so-called John Kerry “SEX SCANDAL.” As likely silly as the story itself is, one should read the comments of Hesiod and those of his even nuttier posters. The hyperventilating and anger at the nasty Repugs who did “this” are fairly amusing. Be warned, the words, “anal warts” appear.
Really. In the age of technology, the Internet, sat-com hook-ups, sat television, etc., Bush couldn’t possibly do anything from Crawford Texas.
He HAD to be in the White House. Hey Burnplant, get some original material instead of copying and pasting what that hack Atrios wrote.
Sarcasm, Slarti…
bin Laden did declare war on the US – in 1998.
“Aug 6, 2001 PDB memo states Bin Laden determined to attack in the US.
Aug 7 – Dubya goes on a month long vacation.”
Bush should have been at his desks at both CIA and FBI headquarters analyzing threat reports instead of letting more qualified people do it.
“Aug 6, 2001 PDB memo states Bin Laden determined to attack in the US.”
This is based on a report of Bin Laden seen shaking his fist in the direction of the U.S. saying “I’ll get you!”
Abdul Hakim Murad
Google it and enjoy.
Far North
Nothing any of the big 5 says has any credibility. Is there anything the Bushies can say that you wouldn’t beleive? This type of blind loyalty is crap.
Robin Roberts
Hmmm, blind loyalty of the GOP or blind stupidity of the DU … such a dilemma.
Uh, not.
Notice the complete lack of substance from the trolls in the face of Condi Rice’s blunt and conclusive testimony.
Since he is the AG (look it up) of the United States, it’s well know that Ashcroft stopped using commercial flights after being warned by the FBI of “terrorist threats”…do you know how
Patrick and his little turds are too stupid to see that this is a fact – look it up, shit-head. That’s not the debate. The debate is why did they stop…or are you too stupid to follow that?
Hey look over there..Janet Jackson’s tit!!
I ask again, do you guys ever get tired of rich people fucking you in your poor ass?
Al Maviva
Hey you lefty loonies – what I hear you saying in these comments, is that Bush should have attacked Afghanistan, before the threat became imminent – because if he waited until it became imminent, it would be too late.
That is what you are saying, right?
Far North
WMD…lie. Iminent and gathering threat…lie. Saddam and Al Quida…lie. The air is clear near ground zero…lie. Wouldn’t let inspectors in…lie. No one ever thought that terrorists would fly airplanes into buildings…lie.
We’re making progress in Iraq…lie. Geez…Mission Accomplished?
Thats it, Bush lied! The Jews did it with the help of the CIA!
The same liberal asshats who on 9/12/01 were demanding their own personal army platoon to guard their house are now saying its all bull.
These are the same fools who are now saying, “You should have known and done something about it.” So Bush goes in and takes out a mass murderer and the neolibs get all teary eyed.
Sure they havent found WMD’s yet, but they did find 300,000 skeletons out in the desert. Oh sorry, we dont care about that, as long as he wasnt killing OUR people in mass slaughters its ok.
“I ask again, do you guys ever get tired of rich people fucking you in your poor ass?”
I also tire of the liberal intelligensia plugging my bumhole then telling me its for some greater good – additionally, if I were truly enlightened, I should like it.
Pick your poision, burnplant.
John Cole
Burnplant- Even Al Franken debumbed that Ashcroft no flying myth on the SECOND day of the O’Franken factor….
Bush should have apologized for his failure after 9/11, done exactly what he did to conquer Afghanistan, stayed there to finish the job, and kept Iraq contained until Al Qaeda was very very dead.
When I listen to Limbaugh or (very infrequently) Hannity, I think to myself “I don’t personally know very many people who fit the description of liberal that they describe.” You know, the foaming at the mouth, die or be killed, rabid moonbat type.
I can always look back on our correspondence with fondness and remember that I do actually know one or two.
As for rich people fucking the little guy, your side of the political world ought to know. You’ve got John Kerry and Teddy Kennedy running things now, both confirmed killers who have far more dollars than brain cells.
“Sarcasm, Slarti…”
Oh, dang. There’s so many genuinely asinine opinions floating around that it’s sometimes difficult to tell when sarcasm shows up. Pax.
What the hell phobia is it when a man is fearful of a woman?
Whatever it is… I saw it a few times yesterday, especially in the faces of Richard Ben-Veniste and Bob Kerrey.
Po’ bastards…… go Condi!
“Bush should have apologized for his failure after 9/11”
Bush should have gone to Clintons house and beat the hell out of him. “Thanks for not doing anything for eight friggin years and then passing it off to me!”, he would say.
He would also say, “But now there are some balls in the White House and we will take care of things.”
“Sure they havent found WMD’s yet, but they did find 300,000 skeletons out in the desert. Oh sorry, we dont care about that, as long as he wasnt killing OUR people in mass slaughters its ok.”
Very true – in other words – SADDAM WAS A WMD.
I’m very impressed with your memory. The THC has’nt completely corroded your brain – yet.
“…it stains your hands with the blood of 3000 people.”
The only stained hands here are bin laden and his jihadis.
“But it’s more important for you to cover your administraton’s ass than to admit the stark truth staring into your beligerent faces.”
From your caustic words, you seem to be the most beligerant face here.
If bush had bombed Afghanistan in August 2001, how many “no blood for oil” signs would you and A.N.S.W.E.R. have been holding? Your hindsight is excellent, to bad it’s useless.
“Aug 6, 2001 PDB memo states Bin Laden determined to attack in the US.
Aug 7 – Dubya goes on a month long vacation.”
Yes, he should have used his psychic power to determine the when where and how of the attack, then flown through the air on 9/11 and caught the planes in mid-air with his super-strength. Damn him!
During clintons 8 years there were numerous terrorist attacks carried out against the interests of America. There is also the little matter of 800,000 people massacred in Rwanda while he and the state department played the little “what is genocide?” game.
9/11 was horrible. That soldiers dying in Afghanistan and Iraq is horrible.
Look to those who you would defend before you start bashing the current administration.
Far North
Just love how Bush and his supporters always fall back to, “wasn’t our fault. Clinton did blah blah blah……….”
Conservatives, until they can understand taking responsibilty and admitting mistakes, are not fit to govern.
We’d understand if Bush just said that there were some things he missed leading up to 9/11, and that he wasn’t right on Iraq, and that he wasn’t truthfull on the medicare bill…..oh shit, screw it, he ain’t fit to lead.
And liberals will never allow 2 presidencies to be compared as long as it may not appear favorable to the one they supported.
read these numbers, you arrogant little jerk.
now go ahead and open that pie hole again.
Far North
Here’s a quote for all you dumbasses from David Kay:
“[You] were all WRONG”.
Nothing is more stunning is politics than the hypocrisy of the new century conservative.
Hey DG, when you get a briefing titled, “Bin Laden determined to strike within U.S., what the hell do you think that means?
I’m sure your answer will be some variation of “it’s Clinton’s fault”. You !@#$% idiot.
Far North –
The title of the document is actually irrelevant. A title such as “Bin Laden Determined to Attack America” means only what it says. The title however, doesn’t provide nearly enough information – such as attack by who, when, where, and by what means. The fact that Bin Laden was determined to attack the US, by itself, is not very revealing without any knowledge of the capabilities of the organization. The questions that should have been asked by the 9/11 Commission, but weren’t, are revealing, i.e., what is the content of the document? What was the intelligence assessment of Al Quaeda capabilities? Why was an attack on US soil of such a magnitude discounted so? What needs to be changed so that such a possibility is reduced, and most importantly, how can we ensure that the correct questions will be asked and heeded in the future?
S.W. Anderson
Right, and that number John Lehman did on Richard Clarke was just a little shuck-and-jive routine intended to lighten up the proceedings.
Ben-Veniste is one of the most experienced and respected lawyers in Washington. He’s tough, sharp and fair. Seems he hit a nerve quetioning Rice, though.
BTW, real classy, including profanity that way. Sure to make a hit with lowest-common-denominator types.
Stop feeding the trolls guys. The leftist arguing here are not interested in debate. They had their brainwashed little minds made up for them a long time ago. How else can they rationalize blaming a guy who was in office less than a year for an attack, while saying someone there 8 years before is blameless? Only truebelievers on their side will agree with them. Most thinking people will be able to see through the bullshit. Ignore them and move on.
Kudos to Mike for reeling this thing back in to the main point. Incidentally, if I’m not mistaken, I believe the commission is asking that the document in question be declassified so the content can be properly analyzed.
From what I’ve heard and read of Dr. Rice’s testimony during the hearings, the only thing that’s impressed me so far is her ability to maintain her composure and professionalism throughout the questioning. It seems like the Republicans are tossing her meatball questions that allow her to elaborate on the points she wants. Meanwhile the Democrats are all over her, barely letting her get a word in edgewise. Bob Kerrey was so fired up during his inquisition-style questioning he called her Dr. Clarke a few times!
Both styles of questioning aren’t good or bad per se. Those testifying need to be hounded and they need to be able to elaborate in order get at the truth. Only it seems that nobody here is interested in the truth, just in finding somebody to serve as a scapegoat.
“You’ve got John Kerry and Teddy Kennedy running things now, both confirmed killers who have far more dollars than brain cells.”
Patrick, when the leader your party is George W. Bush, such aspersions of the honesty and intellect of the others would appear to be a very precarious debate tactic.
Look, guys, you may believe that Condi acquitted herself well, that she was (cough) “brilliant.” But what did anyone expect, her to break down in tears? She’s smart, poised, tough & if you disregard the helmet hair, sexy. (I might be a little concerned about all those big teeth perhaps, but I would imagine she’s quite accustomed to we the endowed. Imagine a night of hot lovin’ with her, interspersed with NFL pillow talk, a dream evening indeed. Oh, if she only were up to speed on NASCAR…I quiver at the thought.)
Anyway, two important things came out of yesterday’s hearing, and neither cuts to the advantage of the administration and perhaps bodes ill. One, Ben Veniste got Condi to state the title of the August 6 PDB, and now a document that the administration has been desperately trying to bury will see the light of day. Two, Kerrey got to admonish her about that stupid “swatting at flies” metaphor, that it is in fact an attempt to instill inaction (and extended vacationing) with some sort broad strategic vision.
If you add to these the increasing currency that the 9/11 widows are receiving and that priceless smile on Jamie Gorelnick’s face during her questioning of Condi, it seems that the testimony might well lead to disaster, however competently rendered.
Finally, keep in mind that this is opening a potentially fatal wound in the Bush’s body politic, which is in addition to the certainly fatal wound represented by a lingering uprising in the face of a forced transition. All in all, not good, and nothing a sexy Condi can contravene, especially since she’s part of the problem in both instances. (Man, the 9/11 wives seem to really have a Jones for her.)
So, spin all you wish, boys. It seems to be making you much more dizzy than us standing here watching with amusement.
I agree with Kong; these lefty trolls aren’t worth even a minutes worth of argument. Their limited thinking capabilities preclude serious discussion/debate…they only know today’s “talking points” as articulated by such clowns as the substitute high school gym teacher from Philadelphia who works under the pseudonym, “atrios,” in order to protect his livelihood (and family from embarrassment).
Bloggerhead and Far North:
It’s amazing, isn’t it, how if you squint hard enough through the brown haze of your bong water, you can make something like the PDB look like a BIG DEAL.
Clinton sat on his ass, getting blow jobs from interns, and lobbing cruise missles at aspirin factories and empty tents, for EIGHT FRIGGIN’ YEARS, and Bush got a half-assed, non-substantive, historical analysis of “the al-Qaeda threat” that was NOT a threat evaluation, was NOT an action plan, and contained NO specifics as to the nature or timing of this threat. Now, if you are HONEST and reasonably fair, BOTH administrations can be faulted for not paying enough attention to terrorism, not developing a coherent strategy and plan to attack it, etc. (See, I can admit it – the Bush administration did NOT pay enough attention to terrorism between January 20 and September 10 of 2001. Why is it so hard for you to make a comparable admission re: the Great Philanderer?)
Now, having said that, while it is clear that NEITHER administration paid enough attention to terrorism, which is the worse negligence: Eight years of blow jobs and wagging the dog, or eight months of trying to get your shizzle together after taking office following the SHORTEST transition period in modern history???? Hmmmmm?????
I hear the crickets chirping.
I suppose its too much to expect non partisanship in an election year… Republicans were definitely lobbing softballs while Democrats were frequently making points rather than asking questions (if you check the transcript you’ll notice that the reason Ben-Veniste was trying to cut Rice off is most likely a result of his not realizing he really had asked two questions not just one). In any event one can still hope that the final report will be of some use in understanding what happened and what we can do to prevent it from happening again.
Here are some quotes from today’s edition of Best of the Web that shed considerable light on the August 6, 2001 memo that was the focus of a lot of attention in the 9/11 hearings yesterday:
“Sen. Bob Graham (D.-Fla.), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told HUMAN EVENTS May 21, 2002, that his committee had received all the same terrorism intelligence prior to September 11 as the Bush administration.
“Yes, we had seen all the information,” said Graham. “But we didn’t see it on a single piece of paper, the way the President did.”
“Graham added that threats of hijacking in an August 6 memo to President Bush were based on very old intelligence that the committee had seen earlier. ‘The particular report that was in the President’s Daily Briefing that day was about three years old,’ Graham said. ‘It was not a contemporary piece of information’
“Graham is far from a supporter of the Bush administration, as his loopy campaign made clear last year.”
Far North,
Ben Veniste
Jeff G
Bloggerhead — no stranger to being completely wrong eloquently — wrote “Anyway, two important things came out of yesterday’s hearing, and neither cuts to the advantage of the administration and perhaps bodes ill. One, Ben Veniste got Condi to state the title of the August 6 PDB, and now a document that the administration has been desperately trying to bury will see the light of day. Two, Kerrey got to admonish her about that stupid “swatting at flies” metaphor, that it is in fact an attempt to instill inaction (and extended vacationing) with some sort broad strategic vision.
If you add to these the increasing currency that the 9/11 widows are receiving and that priceless smile on Jamie Gorelnick’s face during her questioning of Condi, it seems that the testimony might well lead to disaster, however competently rendered.”
Unfortunatlely for him, the numbers are in.
Aug 6, 2001 PDB memo states Bin Laden determined to attack in the US.
Aug 7 – Dubya goes on a month long vacation.
You are kidding, right? Bush didn’t go on vacation on August 7th, at least not in the sense that you or I would be on vacation. He just wasn’t in Washington, D.C. If you check the historical record, he was working pretty much every day he was there.
Why wasn’t he in Washington? Because Congress had adjourned for the month of August, you nitwit. There was no legislation being passed, so why would Bush have to hang around DC? He had communication with everyone he needed.
Why aren’t you condemning Congress for taking a vacation on August 7th?
“And, for the record, I think Rice was brilliant.”
Okay, hang on. I saw the testimony. That wasn’t brilliance. It may or may not have been a combination of mendacity and a series of staggering admissions of incompetence, but it never really got past “vague competence” at best.
Far North
I’m not too concerned with the Clinton administration’s “soul-searching” on what they could have done differently. He’s been out office 3 years. But it should be noted that Clinton doesn’t need Al Gore to hold his hand when testifying in front of the commission and Clinton was very forthcoming in revealing all he knew. But Clinton can’t do anything in the way of preventing future attacks. While I agree that Clinton could have done more while in office, blaming an out of power past administration is counter productive and a diversionary tactic to change the subject.
What gets to many of us about the Bushies is that they continue to insist that they were on top of things from the beginning. It’s understandable to have missed the specifics of 9/11 in advance. But what we want is for Bush to give us the idea that he knows some things were missed and he is doing all he can to correct it. Instead, all we seem to get are delays, deceptions, stonewalling and outright fabrications of past events. How long did it take Bush to agree to form the commission? How long before he argreed that Rice would testify?
Mr Bush instills no confidence in many of us that he learns from past mistakes. He never seems to take responsibility for anything.
The way Bush responds to his critics is to attack their character when he should be presenting a civilized rebuttal to their claims.
Nice try, Far North, but no cigar (and that’s NOT a Clinton reference). You can’t, on the one hand, bemoan and berate the “unilateral, cowboy, preemptive” nature of Bush’s actions, and at the same time claim “all we seem to get are delays, deceptions, stonewalling and outright fabrications of past events.”
Let’s see, since Sept. 11, we’ve gotten (i) Afghanistan freed from the Taliban, (ii) al Qaeda deprived of a “safe” state base (and a good deal – by some estimates over 60% – of its leadership), (iii) a government in Pakistan that is lurching slowly away from its prior Islamic fundamentalist leanings, (iv) a free Iraq, with an interim governing council and a constitution, (v) a VOLUNTARILY disarming Iraq, (vi) increasing internal pressure on the mullahs in Iran, (vii) increasing internal pressure on that little asshelmet Bashar Assad, (viii) clear signs that North Korea is feeling the heat (eight way talks, anyone?), and, oh, yeah, just by the way, NO NEW ATTACKS IN THE UNITED STATES.
You assholes would bitch if Ashcroft hung you with a brand new rope. Go hit the crack-pipe, your not sellin’ any of your snake oil here.
Oh, yeah, and I almost forgot –
“How long did it take Bush to agree to form the commission? How long before he argreed that Rice would testify?” Are you laboring under the pathetic delusion that this bullshit, political grandstanding, “let’s point the finger at the other guy and pay gotcha” commission is going to accomplish ONE EFFIN’ THING of any substance? ‘Cause if you are, I got some great beachfront property in central Nevada I’d like to sell you.
That crack-pipe apparently does alter your consciousness.
“How long did it take Bush to agree to form the commission?”
-I have a better one. How long did it take the Dems to decide they could use the commission to their political advantage? (hint: think leaked Dem. memos back in 2003)
How long before he argreed that Rice would testify?”
-What, Rice didn’t give any closed door info to the commission? Look again. And he STILL had a legal and compelling reason not to yield on the issue- but he did. He deserves some credit for that.
“Are you laboring under the pathetic delusion that this bullshit, political grandstanding, “let’s point the finger at the other guy and pay gotcha” commission is going to accomplish ONE EFFIN’ THING of any substance? ‘Cause if you are, I got some great beachfront property in central Nevada I’d like to sell you.”
Well we finally agree on something. This won’t accomplish anything towards preventing another attack, but it sure will accomplish a strong sense of disgust for the whole sorry thing among normal americans…
Sorry, but the tired old “Bush is a dunce” doesn’t hold water. MBA, okay? Don’t confuse being educated and intelligent with being articulate. And as long as he isn’t compelled to be the smartest kid in the room like the previous President, he can comfortably surround himself with very smart people like Cheney and Ashcroft and Rice and take advice when he feels the need.
Neolibs make me laugh
Guess Im kind of wondering where the special commission was for the Cole bombing? And the Khobar towers? And the african embassies? And the first WTC attacks? And the Somalia debacle?
By the time the Cole event occurred I would think that the country, and the administration, had enough evidence to conclude that things were not going well.
When a U.S. warship can get attacked by two dimwits in a rubber raft and damn near sink, wouldnt ya think the message was loud and clear? When our people were getting murdered all over the globe, wasnt that proof enough that this was a different type of conflict?
Eight years of doing NOTHING but blasting tents and shaking our fists and running. No wonder they came after us on 9/11. Now they are reduced to hitting their own kind, murdering muslims just because they support US intentions. The new al-queda article in al-jazeera saying that “all people and institutions that help the US must be attacked” even if they are muslim. Sounds to me like things arent going so hot for these guys lately.
You can chalk that up to getting their asses handed to them all over the world. Thanks to the policy that has always served this country best in times of dire need…Walk softly but carry a big stick, these aholes are getting blasted. The big stick is out. Finally.
Those Dems—-how they rival Wile E. Coyote when it comes to falling for the rope-a-dope.
Bush isn’t stupid, but he’s comfortable letting the Dems–in their preening vanity–think so. Holding Condi back until the hounds are baying for a public appearance, then letting her testify publicly, only to show what pricks Ben-Veniste and Kerrey arebrilliant and Reaganesque.
Those Dems—-how they rival Wile E. Coyote when it comes to falling for the rope-a-dope.
Bush isn’t stupid, but he’s comfortable letting the Dems–in their preening vanity–think so. Holding Condi back until the hounds are baying for a public appearance, then letting her testify publicly, only to show what pricks Ben-Veniste and Kerrey arebrilliant and Reaganesque.
Bush is stupid? Hey, if the Dems want to think so, they do it at their peril. The list of things this administration has wanted and has not gotten is very short. And Bush has left a trail of broken politicians by the wayside on his way to the White House, and I suspect Kerry will be next.
“MBA, okay?”
Er, I know people with MBA’s. There is no correlation with intelligence — I mean that specifically. There are smart people with MBA’s and dumb people with MBA’s. It’s just not evidence for either direction.
“The more important question is what do we need to do to prevent a repeat.”
LORD yes.
Robin Roberts
FarNorth wrote this: “The way Bush responds to his critics is to attack their character when he should be presenting a civilized rebuttal to their claims. ” immediately after Kimmitt got done calling Rice a liar without anything to back him up.
The irony is thick around here.
Please accept this link to documented half-truth, spins, and outright falsehoods.
Some are, of course, due to Dr. Rice’s incompetence, rather than any mendacity.
John Cole
And then accept this link to a refutation of Kimmitt’s link from the highly partisan CAP website.
Interesting; I hadn’t had any background on the refits for the Predator drones and the discussions regarding them. It would have been pretty sweet to hear about bin Laden getting spanked by a drone launched from Uzbekistan. Those things really are scary.
I don’t know why the CAP bothered to change Commissioner Gorelick’s quote; it’s just as damning in its originality. Rice said that there was a plan in place for us to invade Afghanistan before 9/11. That is, she spoke falsely. All Gorelick was doing was confirming that fact.
I note that the statements regarding money laundering, decreases in counterterrorism funding, and the lack of specificity of the claim were unrefuted.
All you idiots waiting for specifics.
I have received word that the next attack on US soil by al qaeda will be preceded by a complete itenerary, including names and addresses, date and time of the planned attack, the location and the method so the moron in Texas can get off his ass and do something. The idiot should go back to buying and selling baseball players instead of sending our men into the desert to live or die
The gov seems to know more then they let on. I see so many issues that our gov seems to think are other folks mistakes. Easy to point a finger harder to right a wrong. Can the Bush Admin do any wrong? Worst admin ever! They have created the most divided country in decades!