Burnplant joins Jadegold as banned. The stink was getting to me, but the kicker was when I accused him of knowing nothing, and he proceeded to state (in an idiotic defense of Gore vidal, of all people):
Unlike you, Gore Vidal was a soldier in our American Army.
It is then clear how little he knows about anything- to include this site. Heya Burnplant- see that Milblogs icon? Think deep for a second.
Look Folks- If all you are going to do is come here, insult me and other people, while having no idea who you are even talking to, what you are talking about, and taking not one minute to even investigate the opinions and ideas of other people, well, don’t let the door hit you in the ass.
Amen on “forgotten”
I kinda think you should let JadeGold back in so he can admit he was wrong about his utterly inexplicable conviction that Bush was going to pull all the troops out of Iraq in April. Cuz, you know, I’m sure he will if given a chance. :-)
M. Scott Eiland
Good riddance.
Congrats for an action long overdue. You should also consider doing the same to dave, the “brown shirt idiot.”
April’s still young. I’d wait until May to let him back in. Cuz, yanno, he’s just going to point out that he’s not wrong…yet.
And good luck getting an admission of incorrectness out of our friend JadeGuyCabot. I’ve whacked him repeatedly with a cluebyfour over at Bill Hobbs’ place, and he just moves on to another thread.
Adios, burnplant. I can’t say I’ll miss you.
Thanks John,
I haven’t been visiting the site as much lately because of the vitriolic comments from both sides of the political spectrum. It was getting to be a real drag. I’m glad to see you’re taking steps to keep the discussion as civil as possible.
Attention fellow posters: at the risk of sounding sanctimonious, please keep your comments to the discussion at hand. Profanity-laced insults aimed at others do not help your argument nor contribute one iota of worth to the dialog. Nobody seriously interested in getting at the truth of an issue wants to see a dozen posts back and forth between two bloggers bantering on like immature schoolchildren.
If you feel strongly about an issue…fine. But try not to take it personally when somebody disagrees with you. Rarely is anything in this world strictly black and white. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, just do us all a favor and make sure your opinion is at least somewhat educated and can be backed up by something other than the soundbites you heard on the major news networks.
I apologize for my outburst the other day in a comment. It was unnessisary, and is what seperates us from them. It wont happen again.
This is what keeps some sites from delving into the abyss known as eschaton/kos.
Good move, John.