Kevin Drum, always working hard to advance memes that villify the right wing with guilt by association, posts this picture:

Kevin then notes:
Earlier today I said that although we liberals should be more accomodating toward religion, it was still perfectly OK to blast away at folks who use religion as a thin cover for “their own little liberal-hate cults.” Well, this is the guy I was talking about. Feel free to spare no invective against cretins like this. Better yet, demand that if conservatives don’t loudly denounce him then they obviously support what he’s saying.
Sure. He is a scumbag, and I bet the overwhelming majority of Republicans have no time or patience for him or his ilk. Now here is one for you:
The difference, of course, is that this represents the mainstream thought processes of the Democratic party. Bush is Hitler, Ahscroft should have been aborted.
You would think that a member of the party that routinely embracing the rhetoric and behavior of the ANSWER crowd would know better than to engage in these childish polemics, but, I guess not. Oh, and btw – here is what one of the elected representatives of the Democratic Party had to say:
At a pre-march rally on Saturday night at the D.C. Armory by RFK Stadium, California congresswoman Maxine Waters told George W. Bush to “go to hell.” Going to hell with him, said Waters, should be John Ashcroft, Don Rumsfeld, and Condi Rice. In a brief, non-impromptu speech, that’s what a member of the United States Congress chose to say. (You’ll be amused
Oh, and John, welcome back. It got a little unruly while you were gone, in fact, a little along the lines of these two images.
I would add that contrasting an image of a fire-breathing religious nut with one of a dilettantish Hollywood fruitcake (albeit quite tasty even at this shelf-life), & ascribing dark marxist or nihilistic views and associations to the latter, is just a bit of a stretch, don’t you think?
Look, I’m not for denouncing anyone. It seems an artificial way towards consensus, and plus I’m just not very sensitive. The way I look at it: everyone should freely speak their minds; it really helps in sorting out the idiots.
That’s ok. Kevin Drun wasn’t so quick to distance himself from what the MoveOn/ANSWER crowd was saying……so I’ll play his game. He’ll lose big everytime
Ralph Gizzip
M. Scott Eiland
*recognizes the liberal in the picture*
Cybill’s so cute when she’s pissed off.
*looks again*
Actually, not so much these days.
Ashley Judd (standing to Cybill’s right and behind her in the photo), on the other hand, looked rather hot in her “This is what a feminist looks like” T-Shirt.
So. Lemmee get this straight. The party that purposely distances itself from the hatemongering, lunatic fringe, is the party of “hate and greed and racism”.
And the party that embraces (well, in the run-up to the election, anyway)the lunatic “I wish they all were DEAD!” folks is the party of ‘inclusion’.
Ummm…what am I missing? What is it I don’t get? The Repugs, as I’ve heard them called, have some African-Americans in the highest office ever attained by the – uh, African-Americans.
The “presumptive nominee” of the Democratic party has, like, all white people in his presumptive cabinet, or camp, or whatever it’s called.
Who, again, is the party of sanity? Of inclusion? Of equality?
Not Nader, for sure. Not the Democrats, at least this year. So – who’s left?
Eric Sivula
Isn’t it odd how somebody from Hollyweird – a group that disapproves of the death penalty – is calling for John Ashcroft to be terminated – BEFORE HE EVER GETS THE CHANCE to commit a ‘crime’.
So preventive violence is ok, if the target is a Republican?
So THAT’s what Cybill Shepherd’s been up to since the Martha Stewart flick.
Jeff G
I love Last Picture Show.
Indeed I do.
Ken Hahn
Which of the two combatants in the top picture am I supposed to dislike?
“They are not- but they are not accepted into the mainstream of the Republican party,…”
Not accepted…so that’s why Ann Coulter gets on TV every 5 minutes.
Not accepted…so that’s why Rush got to introduce the freshman Republican legislators.
Not accepted…so that’s why Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell are the toast of the town?
Not accepted…so that’s why Scarborough went from dead intern to TV star?
Not accepted…so that’s why uber-hypocrites Newt Gingrich, Bill Bennet and Dick Morris are now elite punditocracy?
Not accepted…so that’s why war criminals like E. Abrahms and Negroponte get administration jobs?
Not accepted…so that’s why asbestos toady Racicot became RNC chair?
Not accepted…anything resembling reality in John Cole’s mind.
“They are not- but they are not accepted into the mainstream of the Republican party,…”
Not accepted…so that’s why Ann Coulter gets on TV every 5 minutes.
Not accepted…so that’s why Rush got to introduce the freshman Republican legislators.
Not accepted…so that’s why Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell are the toast of the town?
Not accepted…so that’s why Scarborough went from dead intern to TV star?
Not accepted…so that’s why uber-hypocrites Newt Gingrich, Bill Bennet and Dick Morris are now elite punditocracy?
Not accepted…so that’s why war criminals like E. Abrahms and Negroponte get administration jobs?
Not accepted…so that’s why asbestos toady Racicot became RNC chair?
Not accepted…anything resembling reality in John Cole’s mind.
“They are not- but they are not accepted into the mainstream of the Republican party,…”
Not accepted…so that’s why Ann Coulter gets on TV every 5 minutes.
Not accepted…so that’s why Rush got to introduce the freshman Republican legislators.
Not accepted…so that’s why Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell are the toast of the town?
Not accepted…so that’s why Scarborough went from dead intern to TV star?
Not accepted…so that’s why uber-hypocrites Newt Gingrich, Bill Bennet and Dick Morris are now elite punditocracy?
Not accepted…so that’s why war criminals like E. Abrahms and Negroponte get administration jobs?
Not accepted…so that’s why asbestos toady Racicot became RNC chair?
Not accepted…anything resembling reality in John Cole’s mind.
“They are not- but they are not accepted into the mainstream of the Republican party,…”
Not accepted…so that’s why Ann Coulter gets on TV every 5 minutes.
Not accepted…so that’s why Rush got to introduce the freshman Republican legislators.
Not accepted…so that’s why Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell are the toast of the town?
Not accepted…so that’s why Scarborough went from dead intern to TV star?
Not accepted…so that’s why uber-hypocrites Newt Gingrich, Bill Bennet and Dick Morris are now elite punditocracy?
Not accepted…so that’s why war criminals like E. Abrahms and Negroponte get administration jobs?
Not accepted…so that’s why asbestos toady Racicot became RNC chair?
Not accepted…anything resembling reality in John Cole’s mind.
“They are not- but they are not accepted into the mainstream of the Republican party,…”
Not accepted…so that’s why Ann Coulter gets on TV every 5 minutes.
Not accepted…so that’s why Rush got to introduce the freshman Republican legislators.
Not accepted…so that’s why Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell are the toast of the town?
Not accepted…so that’s why Scarborough went from dead intern to TV star?
Not accepted…so that’s why uber-hypocrites Newt Gingrich, Bill Bennet and Dick Morris are now elite punditocracy?
Not accepted…so that’s why war criminals like E. Abrahms and Negroponte get administration jobs?
Not accepted…so that’s why asbestos toady Racicot became RNC chair?
Not accepted…anything resembling reality in John Cole’s mind.
“They are not- but they are not accepted into the mainstream of the Republican party,…”
Not accepted…so that’s why Ann Coulter gets on TV every 5 minutes.
Not accepted…so that’s why Rush got to introduce the freshman Republican legislators.
Not accepted…so that’s why Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell are the toast of the town?
Not accepted…so that’s why Scarborough went from dead intern to TV star?
Not accepted…so that’s why uber-hypocrites Newt Gingrich, Bill Bennet and Dick Morris are now elite punditocracy?
Not accepted…so that’s why war criminals like E. Abrahms and Negroponte get administration jobs?
Not accepted…so that’s why asbestos toady Racicot became RNC chair?
Not accepted…anything resembling reality in John Cole’s mind.
M. Scott Eiland
I wonder if PT Barnum could have managed to make a whiny comment on a blog without repeating it five times?
Barnum hit the “post” button four times too many, but it doesn’t invalidate his point. Both parties have more than their fair share of loons, freaks, and goobers.
I find the sign wishing Ashcroft’s mother had aborted him as offensive as I do the behavior of the “gentleman” in the first photograph, and anyone who’s read my comments knows there are few, if any people in public life I dislike more than the Attorney General.
John- welcome back. Hope your blood pressure is down. I’m afraid, though, that this post is another example of fringebaiting.
BTW, as a Christian, I can tell you that the goober in the first photograph completely missed the point of the Gospels. Sad, but not surprising.
but the woman was JOKING,
and the religious nut was totally serious.
Chris P
Sadly, these pictures perfectly illustrate the downward spiral of political debate these days. Once upon a time (cue wistful dreamy music here) people on both sides of the political fence were able to debate an issue and fight tooth and nail for their point of view. Then later they’d be able to go out for drinks together. No hard feelings. So I’m told anyway.
Now, on the right we have intolerant religious zealots who view anyone who disagrees with their beliefs as the spawn of Satan, destined for eternal damnation. (Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t escape from religious persecution one of the reasons colonists left England for America? Wasn’t it Jesus who said “Let he among who is without sin cast the first stone?”) People like the guy in the picture with the “God Hates You” sign and his kind are extremist and certainly do not represent the majority opinion among conservatives. (At least none of the conservatives I know.) But many liberal Democrats would like us to believe they do.
Conversely, on the left we have people who claim to be tolerant and inclusive…until they come across someone who thinks differently than they do. Who argue up and down for freedom of expression…unless the viewpoint expressed directly conflicts with theirs. Who preach openmindedness…then refuse to even consider that an opposing argument may have some merit. Again, people like Cybil Shephard, Michael Moore, Sean Penn, and a host of other limousine liberals and their ilk (i.e Maxine Waters) are extremist and do not represent the majority opinion among liberals. (At least none of the liberals I know.) But many conservative Republicans would like us to believe they do.
This type of irrational behavior and irrelevant rhetoric is par for the course these days and actually passes for rational debate. Both are ugly, disrepectful, illogical personal attacks and have no place in any reasonable forum. I’m not advocating suppressing these views; these people have the right to spew their hatred. (As far as I’m concerned, the louder the lunatics shout, the easier it is to spot them.) But to consider either of these blustering, bullying comments as reasonable, logical arguments with any merit whatsoever is utter nonsense. I highly doubt that either side advocates their purported representative’s view.
Sadly, the extremists on both sides get the publicity and are mistaken for main stream by the unwashed… life’s such a bitch and some of us attempt to sort it out. Futile, IMO.
Chris P said it far more eloquently than I could.
I’d like to think that if I travelled to West Virginia, John and I could knock back a few beers, disagree about politics, and then have fun talking about life in general. (We’d have a field day with Idiocy in Broadcasting.)
Yeah just the other day Limbaugh was saying “God hates fags.”
And if everyone who had a dead person found in their office wasn’t allowed on TV, we’d have a lot more unemployed in Hollywood.
Once upon a time (cue wistful dreamy music here) people on both sides of the political fence were able to debate an issue and fight tooth and nail for their point of view. Then later they’d be able to go out for drinks together. No hard feelings. So I’m told anyway.
A little Golden Age wistful thinking? IIRC, the Jefferson / Adams campaign in 1800 saw some truly nasty rhetoric on both sides that would be considered libelous today.
Henry, I don’t get the reference about the dead person.
Chris P
Good point. Your comments are well taken. I was referring to people like you and I debating political/cultural issues of the day. Presidential campaign debates are a completely different animal.
Personally, I think Rush Limbaugh is a pompous windbag. Anybody who presumes to know what or whom God hates is justifiably defined as such in my opinion.
“You would think that a member of the party that routinely embracing the rhetoric and behavior of the ANSWER crowd would know better than to engage in these childish polemics, but, I guess not.”
Ahhh the old ANSWER fallacy..pots and kettles, John. Neither is valid.
John Cole
How is this a fallacy, Jane?
THe Democrats have clearly embraced the rhetoric and the behavior of the ANSWER crew when it suits their needs.
IN fact, the specious argument put forward by you and the Democrats has always been- “We are just marching with them on xxx issue- we really aren’t the same as the jew-bashing, america-hating, retrograde trotskyites.” Which, of course, means that you admit to adopting to their rhetoric, behavior, and support.
Um, it’s pretty obvious that Cybill’s sign is a jokey one, while the bigot’s sign, well, isn’t.
Not that Cybill isn’t guilty of poor taste, just that, well, that’s all she’s guilty of.
The loonatics are on the left and they are also on the right. I think the internet has just encouraged the loonatics to be a little more vocal.
Some loonatics actually know better and engage in the loonacy to make a buck and some like the moron with the sign need to be institutionalized. I feel sorry for the moron with the sign and disgust for the ones who know better.
David R. Block
I don’t see humor in either sign.
I didn’t find it funny, but the sign’s intent to be funny is quite clear.
John- where are the Democratic “excuse-makers” you referred to in your update?
Just wondering…
John Cole
1.)I would add that contrasting an image of a fire-breathing religious nut with one of a dilettantish Hollywood fruitcake (albeit quite tasty even at this shelf-life), & ascribing dark marxist or nihilistic views and associations to the latter, is just a bit of a stretch, don’t you think?
2.) PT Barnum’s multiple posts
3.) but the woman was JOKING,
and the religious nut was totally serious.
I figure you can find the rest.
Chris P
Clear or not, saying Cybil was only joking is a cheap cop out. Haven’t you heard the phrase: “There is much truth told in jest”? This is not to excuse the other person. They’re both repulsive.
ANSWER is only important in the eyes of the war protestor-obsessed….protests of all sorts attract all sorts who don’t agree on one single other thing. For example, since the GOP marches with wingnuts who want to “kill liberals for Christ” and the like, I should tar all GOPers with the wingnut fringe? Hardly.
John Cole
Your analogy is bass-ackwards Jane.
Democrats and the anti-war left marched willingly at ANSWER SPONSORED events.
This wing-nut and those like him may show up at GOP events, but you don;t see me and other mainstream Republicans showing up at their events.
Try again, Jane.
Democrats and the anti-war left marched willingly at ANSWER SPONSORED events.
Yes, that’s how it works. The extremists tend to organize things in order to get a chance to proselytize to the normal folks. There’s an implication here — that the normal folks show up for the rally because of the antiwar views but do not share the extremists’ views, as such.