So what happens if (when, I predict), the Supreme Court rules that Cheney was right to assert executive privilege in the energy commission case?
Will the loudmouths using this as a bludgeon admit they were wrong, or will they simply resort to attacking the court and trying to make it seem like this was all about a golfing trip in which Cheney and Scalia never even saw each other?
If they rule against Cheney, I can tell you right now what my reaction will be. I will state I think they were wrong and move on with my life. If they rule for cheney, does anyone think that the reaction from the other side will be as measured?
“Will the loudmouths using this as a bludgeon admit they were wrong,”
Hahahahahaha. You’re a very funny man.
Can you hear the cries now? “This is the same court that PUT BUSH IN POWER!!!11!!”
You’re right. If the Court didn’t want every single decision that it hands down with this Administration tarred with the same brush, it shouldn’t have made the least sensible ruling since the Dred Scott case.
M. Scott Eiland
Ah, another round of the “Sore Loser Chorus.” I suppose it’s a good idea to get practice in before November.
Yeah, M. Scott, but remember… we’re all supposed to be trembling in fear that come November, John F. Kerry will unleash the full power of the legal profession on us: the generous trial lawyers will “uncover” and “fight” against voting improprieties (against only the Republicans I’d presume).
“Ah, another round of the “Sore Loser Chorus.””
Yes, yes, any concern with the fundamental workings of democratic bodies is being a “sore loser.” We are aware of the conservative contempt for the very concept of representative democracy. Next.
kimmit: don’t you have some kind of protest to attend? or social injustice to fight for? or a tax to find that hasn’t been raised enough?
Lee, don’t you have some kind of gay person to hit? Or racist employer to benefit from? Or a level of government to find that isn’t bankrupting itself?